Clinical Study

Re-defining Hyperkalemia in Chronic Kidney Disease – A Cohort Study

Ming-Fang Hsieh MD1,2, I-Wen Wu MD1,2,Chin-Chan Lee MD1,2, Shun-Yin Wang2, Mai-Szu Wu MD1,2

1School of Medicine, ChangGungUniversity,

2Department of Nephrology, ChangGungMemorialHospital, Keelung, Taiwan

Address for all correspondence: Dr. Mai-Szu Wu

Division of Nephrology, Chang Gung Memorial hospital, 222, Mai-Chin Road, Keelung, 204, Taiwan.

Tel: 886-2-24313131, ext 2501.

Fax: 886-2-24335342.


Running Title: Re-defining hyperkalemia in chronic kidney disease

Key word: Chronic kidney disease, Hyperkalemia, ACEI/ARB


Background:The serum potassium(K+) levelincreased with progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD),which is considered a physiological process. The appropriate serum K+ level in different stage of renaldysfunction remains unclear. We hypothesized serum K+ level increases in parallel with drop of renal function and the conventional normal range for serum K+ is not suitable with CKD patients.

Materials and Methods:We conducted a cohort study to define the serum K+level in patients without clinical manifestations of hyperkalemia in different stages of CKD. 548CKD patients were included and followed up for at least 1 year, since March 2006 to May 2007. The patients were sub-grouped by MDRD estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Serum creatinine, eGFR and K+ level were recorded at least twice during the study. We analyzed the averageK+ level in different CKD stages.

Results:Average K+ level increases along renal function deterioration. The increase became statistically significant after stage 4 comparing to stage 3(stage 3: 4.36±0.49, stage 4: 4.50±0.55, stage 5: 4.69±0.73). Male, diabetes mellitus, low eGFR and low hemoglobin were the probable risk factors for hyperkalemia in our CKD patients.We also noticed there was linear increase of standard deviation of serum K+ levels alongrenal function deterioration.The use of ACEI/ARB was not associated with hyperkalemia in our patients.

Conclusion:We suggested that serum K+ level increased along the decline of eGFR and became significant since stage 3. Interpretation of serum K+should be adjusted in late stage CKD patients.


Potassium (K+) is the most abundant cation within intracellular fluid. The serum K+ level is the major factor in determining cellular resting potential, which is important for excitable cells, such as neuron and myocardial cells1,2. The elevated serum K+ level is a medical emergency in daily practice because of rigorous alteration in cardiac electrophysiology. The elevated serum K+ level is associated with reduced myocardial conduction velocity and accelerated repolarization. Extreme value of hyperkalemia can even lead to fatal cardiac arrhythmia3.

Serum K+ level is maintained within a very narrow range in human body. The re-distribution of K+ between the intracellular and extracellular space can equilibrate the serum K+ level from the daily intake of K+. However, the most important part of the long-term K+ regulation depends on the renal K+ excretion1. Secretion of K+ occurs mainly in cortical collecting duct (CCD), in which apical membrane K+ (ROMK, renal outer medullary K+ channel) channels in the principal cells efficiently excrete surplus K+4-6. The impeccable ability of kidney to excrete K+ keeps our internal milieu out of the danger for complications associated with high K+ levels. Also, serum K+ level is one of the major regulators in renal K+ excretion. High serum K+ level leads to enhanced ROMK activity and increased renal K+ excretion.

The mechanism of renal excreting K+ is compromised in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. The serum K+ level might increase along the deteriorating renal function. Subsequently, the elevated K+level might by itself stimulate K+ excretion. A new steady state develops without medical complications7. It is reasonable to speculate that the elevated serum K+ level might be a physiological adaptation of failing kidney. However, the line between physiological adaptation and medical complication is unclear. It is interesting to ask what are the appropriate ranges of serum K+ in the patients with different degrees of kidney dysfunction. We hypothesized that K+ level increased along deterioration of renal function within a range different from that of patient with normal renal function. To answer the question, we conducted a cohort study to evaluate the relationship of serum K+ levels and the stages of CKD. We also try to define appropriate ranges of K+ in patients with different CKD stages.

Materials and Methods

Study population

In this cohort study, we included 583 predialysis CKD patients, who visited the nephrology outpatient clinics of the Department of Nephrology at a university-afflicted teaching hospital, ChangGungMemorialHospital at Keelung from May 2006 to May 2007. Patients aged 18–80 years who participated in a multidisciplinary predialysis education program were included after obtaining informed consent. Thirty five patients with documented cardiac arrhythmia or those patients under treatment of cation exchange resin, diuretics, β-blockers, digoxin, mineralocorticoids, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were excluded from the study8,9. 548 patients received standardized predialysis education and dietitian counseling according to NKF/DOQI guideline.

Definition of CKD

CKD was defined as a structural or functional kidney abnormality persisting for at least 3 months and manifested by either kidney damage (persistent proteinuria) or a decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (< 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2), as estimated by abbreviated Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation in which estimated GFR = 186.3 x (serum creatinine level)-1.154 x age-0.203 x (0.742 if female)10. For descriptive purposes, CKD stage 1 was defined as eGFR >90 ml/min per 1.73 m2 with structural abnormalities or proteinuria; stage 2, as 60 to 89 ml/min per 1.73 m2; CKD stage 3, as 30 to 59 ml/min per 1.73 m2; stage 4, as 15-29 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and stage 5, as eGFR <15 ml/min per 1.73 m2 or patients who had commenced dialysis therapy.

Laboratory and Clinical data

The serial measurement of K+ was performed in the core laboratory of Chang Gung Memorial hospital, using SYNCHRON LX System (SYNCHRON LX ISE, Buffer and Reference) with a normal range value of 3.0 to 4.8 meq/L. The following information was obtained from each patient: age, gender, body mass index (BMI), comorbidity, and the usage of Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). Serum K+ concentration, serum creatinine and hemoglobin were checked at least twice in the follow-up period.Hyperkalemia was defined by a serum K value > 4.8 meq/L in two occasions.

Statistic methods

Descriptive statistics were expressed as means and standard deviation. Discrete variables were presented as frequencies and group percentage. All variables were tested for normal distribution by Kolmogorov-Simirnov test. The Student’s t-test was applied to compare means of continues variables and normal distribution data. Categorical data were tested using the Chi-square test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test using LSD post hoc test was used for numerical values. Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficients were used as appropriate to test correlations between K+ level and eGFR. Risk factors for hyperkalemia with statistical significance in the univariate analysis were included in multivariate analysis by applying a multiple logistic regression based on backward elimination of data. All statistical tests were two-tailed, and a p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data were analyzed using SPSS 13.0 for Windows XP (SPSS, Chicago, IL).


Baseline characteristic

A total of 583 patients were enrolled into study. Five-hundred fifty two patients completed laboratory analysis and only 548 patients completed 12-month follow-up. Four patients were excluded due to documented hyperkalemia change in resting electrocardiography. Patients’ characteristics were summarized in Table 1. The mean age of CKD patients in stage 3 to 5 was higher than that in stage 1 patients. There was also a trend of increase in serum K+ levels. The K+ levels were significantly higher in stage 4and 5 patients, comparing to that of the stage 3 patients (stage 1: 4.04±0.21, stage 2: 4.13±0.36, stage 3: 4.36±0.49, stage 4: 4.50±0.55, stage 5: 4.69±0.73, meq/L, p<0.05. Fig 1). It is also very interesting to find that there is a wider range of serum K+ level along the progression of CKD stages. The anemia developed along the progression of CKD. The hemoglobin levels were lower in stage 3 to 5 patients comparing to that of stage 1 patients (stage 1: 13.31±1.74, stage 3: 12.31±2.07, stage 4: 10.69±1.95, stage 5: 9.60±1.56, g/dL, p<0.001). We also found that there were more male gender, hypertension, and diabetes in patients with late stage of CKD;however, the difference did not reach statistical significance (Table 1).

Risk factors for hyperkalemia in CKD patients

We performed a multiple logistic regression analysis to evaluate the independent risk factor associated with the hyperkalemia (Table 2).Male gender [Odds ratio (OR), 1.756; 95% confidential interval (CI), 1.164-2.649; p-value= 0.008], diabetes mellitus (OR: 1.511; 95% CI, 1.043-2.191; p-value= 0.029), eGFR (OR: 0.967; 95% CI,0.953-0.981;p-value <0.001), and hemoglobin (OR: 0.775; 95% CI, 0.692-0.867; p-value <0.001) remained significantly associated with the development of hyperkalemia.

Use of ACEI or ARB and hyperkalemia in CKD patients

In our study, more than 80% of stage 3 to 5CKDpatients used ACEI or ARB. It is very interesting to ask if the usage of ACEI/ARB affect the appearance of hyperkalemia. Surprisingly, we did not find the association of usage of ACEI/ARB and hyperkalemia. (Table 2).

To evaluate the effect of ACEI/ARB on the serum K+ of patients with similar CKD stage, we compared the absolute serum K+ levels of the users and non-users of ACEI/ARB by CKD stage (Table 3). The additional analysis suggested that the serum K+levels were not different between patients with or without ACEI/ARB in stage 3 to 5 CKD patients.

Diabetes mellitus and hyperkalemia in CKD patients

Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) tend to have hyporenin hypoaldosteronism, which might be associated with higher K+ levels and metabolic acidosis. Diabetes is associated with the presence of hyperkalemia, when defined as serum K+ level higher than 4.8 mEq/L. The similar question appeared if the presence of diabetes is also related to the absolute serum K+ levels. For the reason, we compared absolute serum K+ levels of DM patients and non-DM patients in CKD stage 3, 4 and 5. We found that DM patients do not have significantly higher K+ level than non-DM patients(Fig 2). The results suggested that the serum K+ levels are correlated with the progression of CKD rather than diabetes itself. The significant correlation might come from the progressive increase of diabetes population along the progression of CKD in our study cohort.

Estimated K+ (eK+) level at different stage of CKD

We had shown that high serum K+ levels were associated with worsening CKD stages. It is very interesting to know the altitude of increment of serum potassium levels along the progression of CKD. To demonstrate the increasing slope, we plot the serum K+levels according to related eGFR and a linear regression equation is obtained as eK+=-0.0117 eGFR + 4.792(Fig 3). We also observed that the standard deviation of serum K+ levels became wider with more advanced CKD stage. We further plotted the standard deviation of serum K+levels according to CKD stage. For the estimated standard deviation of serum K+levels, the equation is 0.246 CKD stage + 0.198 with R2 of 0.9819 (Fig 4). All these results suggested that the mean serum potassium levels increased with wider range of fluctuation along the progression of CKD.


In the United States, hyperkalemia cause 5 deaths/1,000 person-years in patients with chronic kidney disease11. However, it has been postulated that patients with ESRD have a tolerance for hyperkalemia, and that the usual cardiac and neuromuscular sequelae of hyperkalemia are less evident in ESRD patientsthan in those with normal renal function12,13. It is very interesting to ask whether this phenomenon appeared far beyond the development of ESRD and appeared in the late stage of CKD. We proposed that K+ level might increase along the deterioration of renal function within a range other than that of patient with normal renal function without any clinical significance. To answer the question, we conducted acohort study to evaluate the relationship of serum K+ levels and the stages of CKD. We also try to define appropriate ranges of K+ in patients with different CKD stages.

In patients with chronic renal insufficiency, hyperkalemia was thought to be an adaptive response7. In our study, we also found that the patients had higher average K+ levels when their renal function became worse (Stage 3: 4.36±0.49, Stage4: 4.50±0.55, stage 5: 4.69±0.73, meq/L, p<0.05) (table 1). Our patients did not have emergent electrocardiographic change or muscle weakness even when hyperkalemia was found. Recognizing that mild to moderate hyperkalemia might be an adaptive response is a clinically important issue, which guides clinician in determining the timing of the treatment of hyperkalemia. Insulin, β-agonist, sodium bicarbonate, and exchanging resin might be given unnecessarily if the K+ level increased in proportionally with the progression of renal failure. The above therapies are not without complications. It is very important to define the proper K+ level to avoid overtreatment of hyperkalemia.

Diabetic nephropathy is the single most common cause of ESRD in Taiwan, Europe, Japan, and United States, with diabetic patients accounting for 25% to 45% of all patients enrolled in ESRD programs14. Previous studies found that hyperkalemia appeared to occur more frequently in patients with tubulointerstitial disease of diabetes mellitus15. We did not find that diabetic patients had higher K+ level in all CKD patients. Non-DM and DM patients had the similar K+ levels along the progression of renal failure. The results suggested that the serum K+ levels were correlated with the progression of CKD rather than diabetes itself. The results also reflected the progressive increase of diabetes population along the progression of CKD in our study cohort.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), which have antihypertensive effect, are thought to have cardiorenal-protective benefits in CKD patients16. ACEIs/ARBs are highly effective in reducing proteinuria and slowing progression to ESRD in nondiabetic nephropathy. Their effect on slowing loss of GFR is tightly linked to the antiproteinuric effect17. ACEIs/ARBs have been suggested to confer additional nephroprotection in diabetes, beyond their effects on blood pressure18. Therefore, the use of ACEIs/ARBs is often recommended as a first line of treatment in chronic kidney diseases and diabetic nephropathy19. Most of our CKD patients were taking ACEIs/ARBs as supported by current literatures. There was no significant difference in the frequency of using ACEIs/ARBs between each CKD stage, especially in stage 3 to 5 (Table 1). Hyperkalemia was thought to be one of the major complications in patients using ACEIs/ARBs. There was no significant difference between the serum K+levels in patients using and not using ACEIs/ARBs (Table 3). Hyperkalemia seemed to have stronger relation with lower eGFR, rather than with using ACEIs/ARBs (Table 2). ACEIs/ARBs seem to have no significant correlation with hyperkalemia in cohorted CKD patients.

To further confirm the eGFR is the most significant determinant of the K+ level in CKD patients, we made a linear regression analysis on serum K+ level against eGFR (Fig 3). We got a linear regression equation (y=-0.0117x + 4.792 in which x meaned eGFR and y meaned estimated K+ level of the eGFR). This meaned that in every increase of 1 ml/min eGFR there was a decrease of 0.0117 meq/L serum K+ level from base of 4.792 mEq/L. The distribution of serum K+ level, which is represented by the standard deviation of average K+ level, became wider as the progression of CKD stages. The results reflected the fact that the kidney was less capable to keep the serum K+ level within a narrow range as the progress of CKD. This phenomenon might be more clinical important when facing the hyperkalemia in CKD patients.

In our study, K+ level indeed increased when renal function deteriorated, but there were some limitations to influence our results. The size of the study cohort was only 548 patients. We used Stata 10 for Windows XP to estimate sample size using the difference of K+ level of 0.0-0.2 meq/L with standard deviation of 0.5 meq/L, and estimated sample size should be more than 130 patients in each stage to make power of test 0.9. Our study cohort constituted enough patients in stage 3 to 5 (146, 170, and 215 patients in respective stages). The expansion of the study cohort sizemight further enhance our findings, especially in early stage CKD. However, the potassium level did not increase significant in early stage CKD in our cohort and from previous literatures. The information regarding the assessment in K+ intake and K+ excretion was limited in our study. Because all patients were enrolled in the predialysis education program and had same dietitian counseling, we presume the difference in dietary K+ intake was minimal in our patients. Furthermore, the exclusion criteria of our study had excluded use of certain drugs, which could affect K+ renal handling, such as diuretics, β-blockers, digoxin, mineralocorticoids, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The renal K+ excretion may merely dependent on its renal function. On the other hand, we did not take into consideration of the acid-base status, which might influence the K+ level in the study. For this reason, we made comparison within the same CKD stage, when acid-base status might be homogenous enough to affect the serum K+ level in the same stage of CKD progression.

We found that serum K+level increased along the decrease of eGFR. ACEIs/ ARBs usage was not significantly associated with serum K+ level. The results suggested that serum K+ level should be re-defined in progression of CKD and ACEIs/ARBs usages might not precipitated the CKD-associated high K+ level.

Conflicts of interest

All coauthors have no financial conflicts or other conflicts of interest in this area.


The authors wish to express their deepest gratitude to all the patients who participatedin this study.


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Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of study population (n=548)
Stage 1 / Stage 2 / Stage 3 / Stage 4 / Stage 5
(n=7) / (n=10) / (n=146) / (n=170) / (n=215)
Age, y / 49.95±19.17 / 58.82±16.41 / 69.30±12.91* / 68.16±12.60* / 65.83±12.74*
Male, No. (%) / 2 (28.6%) / 4 (40.0%) / 99(67.8%) / 86 (50.6%) / 95 (44.2%)
BMI, kg/m2 / 26.78±8.38 / 23.74±4.81 / 26.11±4.06 / 25.25±3.82 / 26.24±13.39
Chronic GN, No. (%) / 2 (28.6%) / 3 (30.0%) / 18 (12.3%) / 22 (12.9%) / 51 (23.7%)
Diabetes, No. (%) / 4 (57.1%) / 4 (40.0%) / 65 (44.5%) / 98 (57.6%) / 126 (58.6%)
Gout, No. (%) / 0 (0.0%) / 1 (10.0%) / 27 (18.5%) / 10 (5.9%) / 8 (3.7%)
Obstructive uropathy, No. (%) / 0 (0.0%) / 0 (0.0%) / 3 (2.1%) / 3 (1.8%) / 7 (3.3%)
Hypertension, No. (%) / 5 (71.4%) / 3 (30.0%) / 122 (83.6%) / 141 (82.9%) / 180 (83.7%)
Heart failure, No. (%) / 0 (0.0%) / 0 (0.0%) / 15 (10.3%) / 18 (10.6%) / 19 (8.8%)
Coronary artery disease, No. (%) / 0 (0.0%) / 1 (10.0%) / 25 (17.1%) / 30 (17.6%) / 25 (11.6%)
CVA, No. (%) / 1 (14.3%) / 0 (0.0%) / 13 (8.9%) / 18 (10.6%) / 25 (11.6%)
Hyperlipidemia, No. (%) / 3 (42.9%) / 3 (30.0%) / 54 (37.0%) / 49 (28.8%) / 77 (35.8%)
eGFR, Cockcroft-Gault, ml/min * / 124.03±40.67 / 66.52 ±26.53 / 36.83±9.66 / 21.82±6.45 / 9.84±4.02
eGFR, abbrevated MDRD, ml/min* / 141.27±49.16 / 74±10.21 / 39.75±7.18 / 22.30±4.74 / 8.91±3.92
Average K, meq/L / 4.04±0.21 / 4.13±0.36 / 4.36±0.49 / 4.50±0.55# / 4.69±0.73#
Hemoglobin, mg/dl / 13.31±1.74 / 12.66±2.83 / 12.31±2.07* / 10.69±1.95* / 9.6±1.56*
Abbreviations: y, years; BMI, body mass index; †: X² for trend, p< 0.05
*: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test using LSD post hoc test (all stages compared with stage 1), p< 0.05
#: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test using LSD post hoc test (all stages compared with stage 3), p< 0.05
Table 2: Multiple logistic regression analysis showing risk factors for hyperkalemia in CKD patients.
Variable (incremental) / Odds Ratio (95% CI) / p-value
Male / 1.756 (1.164-2.649) / 0.008
Age / 1.007 (0.992-1.023) / 0.356
Diabetes (yes) / 1.511 (1.043-2.191) / 0.029
Hypertension (yes) / 1.261 (0.797-1.997) / 0.322
eGFR, MDRD, ml/min / 0.967 (0.953-0.981) / <0.001
Hemoglobin / 0.775 (0.692-0.867) / <0.001
Use of ACEI/ARB / 1.378 (0.836- 2.262) / 0.205
Abbreviations: CKD: chronic kidney disease; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Table 3 Potassium level in patients with or without ACEi/ARB
ACEi/ARB, No (%) / Average K / P-value
With / Without / With ACEi/ARB / Without ACEi/ARB
Stage 3 / 121 (82.9%) / 25(17.1%) / 4.34±0.48 / 4.42±0.55 / 0.46
Stage 4 / 144 (84.7%) / 26(15.3%) / 4.50±0.55 / 4.46±0.56 / 0.72
Stage 5 / 178 (82.8%) / 37(17.2%) / 4.70±0.74 / 4.63±0.72 / 0.60
P-value is for average K of the patient with and without ACEi/ARB

Figure legends: