October 14, 2015
TO:DEED Members in Region 4
FROM:Jeff Feldt, DEED Board chair
RE:Call for Nominations:Region 4DEED Board Seat Opening
The DEED (Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments) program is currently seeking nominations for a candidateto serve a three-year term on its Board of Directors to begin at the spring 2016 board meeting. The director will represent Region 4(Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas).Eligible candidates are utility, joint action agency, or association personnel with DEED member companies who hold senior positions in either executive management or utility operations. Nominees should be familiar with local, regional and national industry issues, especially as they relate to energy research and development, and engineering technologies.
Membership on the DEED Board is an honor and a serious responsibility, as directors make all funding decisions and interpret policy for the program. Nine of the DEED directors are chosen regionally from the program’s membership. The tenth represents DEED members at-large. These ten directors serve staggered and repeatable three-year terms under the leadership of a chair. Both the Engineering & Operations section chair and vice chair also serve on the board during their tenure.
Directors are required to attend two DEED Board meetings each year. One meeting is held in the spring in conjunction with the Engineering & Operations Technical Conference at different locations across the U.S. The other meeting is held in the fall (generallySeptember) and occurs at APPA offices in Arlington, VAor in conjunction with the E&O midyear planning meeting. (Airfare and travel expenses are paid by the director’s employer.) Board members review DEED grant, scholarship and joint project proposals, make funding awards and discuss program policy. DEED directors also may be called on periodically during the year to represent their region in other aspects of the program. Nominees must have permission from utility management to serve on the DEED Board.
The new Region 4 board representative will be selected by January 1, 2016. Nominees will be notified in early January of the board’s decision and the new board representative’s term will be effective immediately. A list of the current DEED board of directors is enclosed. Board policy does not allow candidates to nominate themselves. If you would like to nominate a candidate, please fill out the nomination form in full and return it byFriday, December 4, 2015, via e-mail or mail to Michele Suddleson, DEED Program Director, APPA, 2451 Crystal Dr., Suite 1000, Arlington, VA 22202 or . Nomination forms are available from the board tab located on the DEED website at We encourage you to submit the form by email to with “Region 4 Board Nomination” as the email subject. If you have questions contact DEED at 202-467-2900.