4th July 2014

Dear Candidate

RE: Application for the post WCP Charity Co-ordinator

Thank you for the interest you have shown in this position, please find enclosed an information pack telling you a little bit about the Charity, which includes:

·  Job Description & Person Specification

·  WCP Summary Document

·  Strategy & Vision Document

·  Financial Statements June 2013 – supplied if requested

·  Active Age Publication - supplied if requested

Please reply by midday on the 25th July 2014 with a copy of an up to date CV and a covering statement stating why you are interested in applying for this position by either emailing or writing to The Worthing Community Partnership c/o Howard & Co, 73 Rowlands Road, Worthing BN11 3JN

Interviews are scheduled to take place on the 4th& 5th August in Worthing, please advise whether there is any reason why you would be unable to attend.

Yours sincerely

Jane Claxton

Jane Claxton
Chair Worthing Community Partnership




The Worthing Community Partnership (WCP), now trading as the Worthing Community Chest is a Charity and Company limited by guarantee which was first set up over 10 years ago as part of the delivery ofa programme of regeneration monies into Worthing.
Due to some forward thinking by the WCP, we purchased a building in Rowland’s Road (Renaissance House) with some of the regeneration money and now let this out at below market rates to community and voluntary groups in Worthing as well as working partnership with the NHS to provide a surgery on the ground floor.

Profits from the building are fed back into the Worthing Community via our unique Community Chest grants programme, which is run by us, with the Worthing Community, for the Worthing Community.

Over the last 10 years we have delivered, in excess of £250k in small scale grants, of up to £1500, to all sorts of community groups. Worthing Borough Council are a key partner in this work as they match fund the grants we give and WBC Councillors playing an active role on our Board.

Operational Delivery
The WCP is managed by a voluntary Board of 10 Members/Trustees with expertise in a variety of fields, who meet once every six weeks to agree key issues and ensure the effective running of the Charity.
The Grants programme is run by our Grant Administrator with the help of a voluntary panel of members who are recruited from grant recipients in the previous year and is chaired by a member of the WCP Board. There are a minimum of 4 rounds of applications which the panel consider and these are spread throughout the year.

The Charity has an office in the Worthing Town Hall, which forms part of a Community HUB which includes Worthing Voluntary Action and the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. In line with its strategic objectives, the Charity is anxious to develop the services provided by the HUB in liaison with key stake holders.

In order to achieve this, the WCP has recently undergone a staff re-structure and is now looking to employ a Charity Coordinator who will have overall responsibility for developing and running the Charity, supported by the Community Chest Grants Administrator, who will report to the new role.

Other Areas

Active Age: Is a service which works with local focus groups to identify items of interest to over 50s and produces a quarterly information newsletter which is widely distributed in certain target post codes and locations in the Worthing area. This is an interactive publications which we are looking to develop.

Renaissance House: Is our community building in Rowland’s Road, which is currently fully let, but which requires the coordination of on-going maintenance, service charges, lease and tenant issues and the servicing of regular tenant liaison meetings. Work in this area is supported by one of the WCP Board members who has expertise in property management.

Website & Promotion: The Charity has recently under gone a complete rebranding exercise and is in the process of updating the website to reflect this and provide links to other stakeholders. The Board are also keen to develop the profile of the Charity in Worthing and the Community Chest in particular.

Office Finances: The Charity employ the services of a bookkeeper who with the assistance of another Board member with financial expertise ensure that the accounts are properly maintained. The Charity Coordinator would need to make sure that invoices and grants are paid in a timely fashion, records maintained and appropriate authorisation obtained.

Increasing Donations & working with Local Business Partners: The Board are looking to develop this area of the Charity’s would like to build on links with local business partners to increase the amount of funding available for distribution through our Community Chest programme.


To be reviewed annually at the September Board meeting.

Who we are:-

The Worthing Community Partnership (WCP) is a broadly based, independent organisation enabling and supporting local community regeneration. We operate as a partnership drawn from all parts of the Worthing community – voluntary organisations, businesses, statutory bodies and individuals. Any references to WCP also include Worthing Community Chest.

Our Purpose:-

To act as a catalyst for community regeneration by –

1. Bringing people and organisations together to find solutions to identified local issues and opportunities.

2. Acting as a conduit for funding for both specific projects and programmes.

3. Working together with other organisations to assist and lead in the delivery of projects and initiatives.

4. Supporting small local groups with financial assistance through the Worthing Community Chest Grants.

Our Strategy

1. Build the capacity of the WCP and maintain a sound financial base to enable delivery of our objectives and respond positively to related financial and business opportunities.

2. Address the needs of those who are deprived and vulnerable within the community.

3. Support and enable sustainable regeneration within Worthing.

4. Upgrade and maintain the facility at Renaissance House to provide suitable office and other space for voluntary and community organisations and other organisations which could provide increased revenue for the Charity.

5. Continue to contribute effectively to Partnerships operating in the Worthing area and develop other related, equivalent partnerships.

6. Improve the visibility of WCP among its stakeholders and across the Community.

7. Engage the community in the pursuit of our aims.

8. Deliver the specified projects on which we lead; work effectively with our partners to ensure successful delivery on other projects, which involve the WCP.

9. Review our purpose and processes to ensure that emerging relevant opportunities or options are evaluated and adopted to meet our Purpose and aims in support of the local community.

Charity Co-ordinator Job Description

Provide support for Chair and other Board Members as required including:

·  Induction and appropriate training to trustees

·  Ensuring correct governance

·  Developing a comprehensive set of governance and employment policies and procedures (with reference to Local Authority policies and procedures where applicable)

·  Liaison with Local Authority officers and members

·  Legislative returns to Charity Commission and Companies House including notification of personnel changes on Board of Trustees

·  Arrange and manage all aspects of Board meetings including following up of actions as required.

·  Maintain accounts, including monthly reconciliation with Treasurer for reports to Board meetings and accountants for AGM report.

·  Line manager and support for all other WCC employees.

Office Administration:

·  Managing and maintaining WCC membership Database

·  Preparation of papers, agendas and minutes for Board, Tenants and other meetings

·  General administration including filing, telephone answering, dealing with post, office visitors

·  Staffing at WCC office at Worthing Town Hall

Progressing Charity Strategy and Vision:

·  Building the capacity of WCC including promotion, marketing and canvassing local companies.

·  Focus on areas of greatest need in the community including distributing as well as receiving funds.

·  Research what sustainable regeneration projects are taking place in Worthing and who could benefit from the work of the WCC

·  Research opportunities to develop similar projects to Renaissance House

·  Develop links with partner organisations such as Citizens Advice, Voluntary Action Service and other community groups

·  Improve the visibility of WCC among its stakeholders, i.e. the wider Worthing Community

·  Identify key individuals and organisations in Worthing to engage in them in the pursuit of these objectives

·  Research further opportunities for WCC to work with partners in the delivery of other projects.


All aspects of development and maintenance including

·  Liaison with Local Authority IT Department

·  Promotion of WCC through constant development of web site Regular monitoring

Capital Premises:

Administration of all matters relating to capital leased or owned by the Charity and tenants including:

·  Lease management including monitoring of expiry date and liaise with solicitors as required on renewals and terminations.

·  Rental and service charge invoicing

·  All aspects of repairs management

·  Compliance with all landlord legal obligations

·  Liaison with tenant representatives including arranging and administering of regular tenant meetings.

·  Submit report as standing item on all Board meeting agendas.

Active Age:

Production of Active Age newsletter at regular intervals throughout the year including:

·  Research for articles

·  Promotion

·  Obtaining advertising

·  Editing

·  Production

·  Distribution



(25 hours/week)

Reporting to the WCC Board

Essential / Desirable
Education / ·  Good general education to A level standard
·  English and Maths to GCSE (A-C) or equivalent
·  Good IT skills / ·  To Degree level or equivalent
·  Financial/accounting or administrative qualification or experience equivalent
Experience / ·  At least 3 years experience of working in the charity or voluntary sector
·  At least 3 years of public sector management and administration at appropriate level
·  Good knowledge of the charitable sector and the basis of funding constraints.
·  Understanding of the legal framework of Charitable Governance and an appreciation of the need to work within that framework
·  Budget monitoring
·  Managing staff
·  Delivering projects / ·  Previous marketing experience
·  Previous performance management experience
·  Experience of managing property
·  Familiarity with committee work & procedures
·  Experience of IT development
·  Experience of working with key partners in Worthing.
Abilities / ·  Able to work independently and on your own initiative
·  Good organisational ability
·  Able to work under consistently and deliver to key objectives
·  Be an excellent communicator.
·  Ability to lead, manage and motivate a small team
·  Ability to build partnerships with external bodies
·  Able to compile written reports and take minutes
·  Ability to write accurately & fluently
·  Able to identify issues and ways of developing the organisation and suggest ways of resolving them / ·  Develop a marketing strategy
·  To be innovative and creative
·  An appreciation of the ethical issues relating to those in public life
Motivation / ·  Flexible and adaptable
·  Prepared to work occasional evenings as required
·  Willing to learn and take on new work within the role
·  Prepared to take the lead in developing the WCC within the Worthing Community and raising its profile / ·  Dedicated to the third sector
·  Maximising benefit for the people of Worthing.
Personality / ·  Confident
·  Self motivated and disciplined
·  Enthusiastic and able to transmit that enthusiasm to others
·  Good interpersonal skills
·  Ethically aware
·  Empathetic / ·  Good sense of humour!
Health & Safety / ·  Does the post involve working with VDUs - Yes
·  Any manual handling involved - Not usually
·  Any other H&S issues to be considered - No
Other / ·  Ability to drive
·  Clean UK Driving licence

Company No: 04243893

Charity No: 1098284