@ Comrie Community Centre from 7.30pm
1.0 / Attendance / Action
Community Councillors:
David Adams (Treasurer)
Andrew Finlayson (Chair)
Gordon McCartney
Sandra McRitchie (Secretary)
Judy McDowall
David Robertson
Twinning Sub Committee; George Lees
PKC Councillor:Ann Cowan
Strathearn Herald:Lynn Duke
Apologies : Community Councillors Gill Brock & Phil Gill
PKC Councillors – Rhona Brock & Ann Younger
2.0 / Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
For various reasons the minutes for our December Public Meeting have only become available in rough draft today. CCs will study these and advise the chair of any changes needed to allow us to publish the draft minutes as soon as possible. / All CCCs
It has been an extremely challenging and busy time for us councillors up to Christmas and we now have to pick up on ‘normal’ business in Matters Arising from our 8th November meeting;
Melville Monument – Judy has a letter prepared to go and will circulate for comments in due course.
Dalginross Bridge – Our apparent success in getting PKC to finally agree to resurface the pavements over Dalginross Bridge as a matter of public safety has soured as the months pass and no action indicated.
Councillor Cowan will ask PKC for an update.
Ploughing Match – It is noted that the Ploughing Match is scheduled for the 24th February at Dalginross. CC Brock has been organising this with Owen Sweeny so CC McRitchie will chase her up to help tie loose ends so we can move forward and advertise the event. Sandra will check insurance requirements.
All will enquire if any local ploughing trophies from the past are about.
Adoption of minutes – The November minutes were adopted as read. / Judy
Cllr Ann Cowan
All CCCs
3.0 / Twinning
George Lees outlined the requirements for candidates for the Student Exchange programme we hope will take place this year & it was agreed that we would get some notice out soonest in the Herald & Quair. / Andrew
Basically- Four secondary school students (resident of Comrie district) aged between 14-16 accompanied by at least one parent go over to Carlton Place, Ontario during the October holiday. They will be put up in Carlton Place and shown a wonderful time by the long standing network of our friends over there.
Four Canadian students are due to arrive here at the end of June in a reciprocal visit and it is hoped that our contingent of students may be able to host them.
Students will be expected to pay part of their airfare (depending on how much we can raise) and take some spending money. The hosts will provide the rest.
We will supplement press notices with ‘Wanted’ posters locally. / Andrew
Well done to Peter McRitchie for organising the upcoming Burns Supper and thanks for pledging a portion of the funds raised to assist with the student exchange.
4.0 / Secretary’s Report
Police thank Community – Sandra Williams of the police has sent a message thanking everybody in the community for their help and public spiritedness during the recent floods.
Ryder Cup – PC Euan Mitchell , Police Community Engagement Officer asks if we would like to have him along to outline issues likely to arise during next years Ryder Cup at Gleneagles. It was thought not presently necessary but we will seek updates on their plans during our monthly police liaisons at our meetings.
New MSP – It is confirmed that Jane Baxter has become a new MSP for Mid Scotland & Fife following the resignation of John Park and notes her recognition of the importance of CCC in recent events.
Data Protection – Sandra has been advised of our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act and her role as relevant person and will deal with any matters arising.
Royal Garden Party –Brigadier Melville Jamieson has corresponded seeking our annual nominations for the function and CCCs will consult. / All CCCs
Flood Fund –It is with great thanks we receive £247.23p into the flood fund raised by the wonderful pupils of Crieff High School in their Christmas collection.
We have only recently instigated the fund and we must now consult on how best to allocate resources. / All CCCs
Cncllr Cowan will explore any match funding that might be available through PKC. / Cllr Ann Cowan
5.0 / Treasurer’s Report
A flood account has been opened. I requested that the Carlton Place donation(£309.18) for Flood Relief be transferred from our Main Account as an opening balance but RBS did not oblige.
Bank Balances at 10th January 2013
Main Account- £5458.41
Public Toilets- £79.37
Hayride - £413.03
Legion Park - £252.37
Flood Account - £758.57 (part cheques in hand)
(*includes donations following each flood of £309.18 and £121.86 from our friends in Carlton Place, £247.53 from Crieff High School Students & Staff Christmas Collection,£50 from Ventguard and £30 of donations.)
Commitments – Cost of paint for railings at Community Centre.
Earmarked - £30 from Stirling Ramblers for kind donation towards Melville Moument.
6.0 / Roads
In Gills absence Gordon highlight some of our main areas of concern;
The Ross - PKC patching of potholes here is a disgrace. Patched by them 3rd January. Holes as bad as ever within one week.
South Crieff Road – Potholes at corner past Heather Farmblocked road drains at Cemetery.
School Gate – Blocked road drains
Drummond Street - Blocked road drains beyond Deli.
Earn Place –Blocked road drains
South Lochearn Road – Excessive potholes.
These add to the growing list of our concerns about local road conditions and it is felt that PKC are wasting money with wrong measures and ignoring important matters. The localised flooding caused by blocked drains is a great encumbrance and often a serious safety issue.
We will ask for a log of all PKC drain cleaning operations in order to better monitor the situation.
Dalginross South End – Judy noted two ‘near miss’ situations encountered at what we have long considered a dangerous and confusing road junction at the south end of Dalginross. The lack of suitable road markings and other observations will be noted to PKC.
Dinny’s Lane Toby Cover – Is still in a dangerous condition.
Pavement outside Chemists – needs attention
It is agreed that we will compile a comprehensive report on all these outstanding road issues and present it formally to the Council. Gordon will talk to Gill in the first instance and call in others as needed. / Gordon & Gill
7.0 / The Flood
Our minutes of the recent Public ‘Flood’ Meeting will be published in draft by w/c21st January and cover many topics.
PKC ‘Updates’ - We have had no further ‘Updates’ but have called for one to be issued at the earliest particularly as there is concern of slippage in the hoped for programme of flood works.
We understand that there have been issues in finalising matters such as Health & Safety but that contractors are expected to commence rock armour repairs on the Ruchill Bend starting next week with works to the Dalginross Flood Wall commencing a week thereafter.
It is noted that PKC have over recent weeks already removed some 1000 tonnes of gravel at the Ruchill bend and this may have had a significant effect in stopping overtopping of the Ruchill in the run up to Christmas. Andrew will ask Sepa to clarify the facts / Andrew
It is noted that there are more trees down in the river. A big issue will be how we monitor and maintain things once the Council ‘conclude’ with current repairs and move ‘off site’.
Of particular immediate concern is any apparent weaknesses in the embankments along the Earn (noted in previous reports) as these will need to be seriously considered along with the first bout of flood repair works. Andrew will write to PKC to underline concerns and seek action. / Andrew
Dr Irvine has written to CCC to outline some of his concerns regarding
- ‘massive collection of stones allowed to accumulate’ in river bed
- ‘no clear plan to correct the course of the river’ generally.
- Action by farms ‘sustainable in the long term……….blocked’ by SEPA
- ‘Uneconomic practices’ apparent in current flood works.
- ‘the views of farmers/landowners… be taken into account
Along with the letter Dr Irvine enclosed a letter from J.M Dewar Plant Contractor outlining works they considered appropriate.
There was a long discussion on the topics raised and no consensus reached on the ‘science’ of some of the proposals muted. For some it was felt that the recent removal of gravel may vindicate those who have urged this for years. To others the ‘disastrous’ previous attempts to realign the river in 1997 should be an extreme caution against what might appear ‘common sense solutions’. In agreeing to differ we yet rely on PKC and their scientists to give us clearest assurances that sustainable river management practices are to be employed.
The points raised in the letters will inform our on going discussions with the Council.
It is noted from Dr Irvine that he is getting on well with the Council and all issues of access have been amicably agreed.
Insurance – Of major concern to many residents is the matter of post flood home insurance. We will all work to getting a suitable letter from PKC as alluded to by Chic Haggart at our public meeting. This letter would, in due course, confirm that certain flood works have been successfully completed to a robust standard and would hopefully go some way to encouraging insurance companies to recalibrate the risk factors accordingly. We do however understand that this is a national issue and that it will be difficult for any individual Council to have much traction with insurance companies.
Drop Ins – It is noted that Paul Hendy will continue with Flood Drop In sessions each Thusday till the end of the month. Judy will help confirm room bookings. / Judy
8.0 / Any Other Business
David & Karen leave – Our post master and mistress are soon heading to pastures new and will be sadly missed. Their contribution to the village is greatly appreciated not least for those essential tasks of helping run the public toilets and fill the public notice boards. Judy will send thanks from us all. / Judy
Dog mess - again noted the disgraceful amounts around Comrie.
Cemetry Water Supply –Cllr Cowan hands over copies of e-mails from PKCs Paul Haslam outlining the situation where costs for a new water tap may well exceed 12k and involve a connection 150m back to the nearest main.
Noted as ‘indicative budget costs…highly likely reduced’..during design & tenderingprocess but meantime assessed as;
£9516 – Lay 150m of service pipe from SW main to cemetery.
£1000 - Completion of Application & supporting drawings
£1000 – Construction drawing & site work management
£4410 – Lay 120m additional pipe to 2nd tap if required.
It was agreed that this seemed an outrageous sum of money to reinstate a water supply we already had but which was removed some years past for reasons beyond our immediate ken.
A member of the public suggested water harvesting and this may be our only solution if we cannot come to some more rational and equitable solution in the simple reinstatement of a service felt essential for the respectful upkeep of our cemetery.
Christmas Trees – Davy will send a letter of thanks to Mosten Morgan for the Christmas Trees. Andrew will thank Ian Thomas for the Bumble Bee Square Tree. / Davy
Flambaux- Davy leads the thanks from all of us for the magnificent effort by the Flambaux Committee in again creating a very good evening on Hogmanay.
Gritting – Concern was again raised about the lack of suitable PKC gritting evident in our recent icy spell. Whilst Crieff seemed to be gritted early Comrie so no such gritting for 5 days.
Millenium Path– The PK Ranger has asked if we have any objection to the two small redundant and or dilapidated footbridges by the millennium path being removed for safety reasons. The Ranger advises us that the Millenium Footpath Committee are happy with such proposals. As such we have no objection.
9.0 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14thFebruary at 19.30.