RCPI Meeting Minutes 05/10/2016

Attendance: Pat Egly (Chair), Robbin Dunn (Vice Chair), Blake Mosher (Secretary/Treasurer), Jillian Angelo (Scouts), Sherrie Fisher (DPR), Dorian Byrd (Imani Dance), Neal O’Flahrety (AmeriCorps)


Blake will be resending edited financial spreadsheet with discussed updates to line items. (To add a Current and Ending Balance for Checking, Savings and Cash Drawer and, Blake will also scan and email the current approved, Quarter 1, 2016 finances.i


-New AmeriCorps Staff (Neal) will open computer lab Tuesday – Thursday until 4:30pm.

-Blake will be moving lab hours to Sunday from 2p – 5pm.

-Sherrie is now able to hire Mr. Shoeins as a second janitor.


-Boy Scouts to hold annual rummage sale on May 21st from 8am-5pm

-Free drop in programs will be held this this summer on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

-Summer camp will be held Monday through Thursdays

-Roosevelt is now a free meal sight (Breakfast and Lunch) M-F, June 13 – August 12


-No new business


-New drinking fountain has been installed in 1st floor hall

-Two Saturdays past, renters of the facility broke into the Imani Dance studio, writing on the walls and taking several items.

-Parking Ballard’s will be installed in west lot to prevent grass parking.


-No new business

Other Business:

-A dedication of the new benches and North Entry improvements will be held concurrently with June’s First Ward meeting. Robbin will check with Alderman Dunn for best date.

-All grass will be removed and mulch placed for the entrance by second week of June.

-Sherrie to coordinate with Dorian on contact information for softball league in regards to Dorian’s interest in setting up concessions as a form of fund raising

-Several people have expressed interest in WiFi in the building. Cannot currently provide the service per security reasons. Robbin will coordinate with Rob Henry in regards to establishing a signal as the city is currently attempting to provide city wide fiber optics.

Meeting adjourned @ 4:30pm