Meeting Notes

First meeting of RAC-CUTC Liaison Group

April 13, 2010

1:30 – 3:30 Eastern time

Participants: Wes Lum (chair), Allison Hardt, Chris Hedges, Leni Oman, Sandra Larson, Ned Parrish, Skip Paul, Steve Pepin, Daniel Yeh.

Decisions and action items are underscored.

1. Background – Wes Lum

The relationship between RAC and CUTC has evolved over the past several years. Legislation in 1987 created the 10 original UTC regional centers. Six more were added in 1991, and in 1998 TEA-21 increased the overall number to 33. In 2005, SAFETEA-LU increased the total number of UTCs to 60, some competitive and some explicitly named in the bill. There were some initial concerns that the UTCs were being funded at the expense of FHWA’s own research programs, and that the requirement for state matching funds was putting a burden on state DOT research budgets. There continues to be a degree of competition and controversy among the UTCs as they work out their respective roles and relationships. UTCs are receiving major funding and it is clearly in RAC’s best interest to be involved with them. Starting with the 2006 RAC national meeting in Columbus, Ohio RAC has made an effort to include CUTC participation at RAC meetings. In order to explore opportunities for increased collaboration between the two groups, Sandra Larson asked Wes to form a RAC-CUTC liaison group.

Skip Paul noted that CUTC has been around much longer than the UTC program, and that we should be clear that collaboration between the two groups may extend beyond the programs and activities of the current or future UTCs.

2. Mission of RAC-CUTCLiaison Group

After considerable discussion, the following mission statement was proposed for the RAC-CUTC liaison group:

“Our mission is to foster collaboration between the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee and the Council of University Transportation Centers on initiatives of mutual interest such as research, education, and technology transfer.”

Sandra noted that the group may wish to make recommendations for additions to the SCOR strategic plan to incorporate RAC-CUTC activities.

3. Common areas of interest between RAC and CUTC

Examples of common interest areas related to research, education and technology transfer could include training, reauthorization, workforce development, interagency or intermodal agreements, national research agendas, conduct of research (e.g. project management and research practices), and performance measures for research.

4. Representation of RAC at CUTC meetings and CUTC at RAC meetings

To date, RAC participation in CUTC meetings has been hindered by travel restrictions and funding constraints. It was agreed that future travel by RAC members to CUTC events will be difficult without funding assistance. Wes suggested that funding sources be identified and explored. It was agreed that RITA may be the most appropriate funding source.

CUTC's summer meeting will take place on June 7-9, 2010 in College Station, TX. Rick Collins has confirmed that he will be able to attend.

Time has been allotted on Monday morning in Kansas City for a RAC-CUTC meeting, but no formal agenda has been planned as yet. It was agreed that all UTCs should be invited to attend and/or provide an exhibit at the national meeting. Daniel Yeh will contact registration staff to confirm that all UTCs have been invited which to see which UTCs have registered as exhibitors.

For the Monday morning time slot, it was suggested that the RAC-CUTC liaison group meet between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.,followed by an open meeting of RAC and CUTC members from 9:00 to noon. Sandra noted that the liaison group might need more than an hour and could meet again later on Monday. Daniel Yeh will try to find a second time slot for the liaison group; a breakfast meeting if necessary. Wes Lum encouraged Daniel to offer teleconferencing capabilities at the meeting if possible.

5. RAC-CUTC Memorandum of Understanding

Development of an MOU between RAC and CUTC will be explored at future meetings of the liaison group. Many state DOTs have MOUs with universities in their state, and these could serve as examples to review.

6. Actions

Both Sandra and Wes are expecting to hold conversations with Bob Plymale (current CUTC president) and Rob Bertini (RITA Deputy Administrator) in the near future. During these conversations Sandra and Wes will discuss opportunities for enhanced cooperation between RAC and CUTC and invite Mr. Plymale to name a representative to the RAC-CUTC liaison group.

7. Next Meeting

The next conference calls will be scheduled for May 27, and June 24th (backup date June 25rd)