Written September 2014

Review September 2016

The guiding principles for this Code of Conduct are:

All staff to be role models for the young people at our school.

To be a highly professional and successful team.

To ensure our behaviour contributes to high standards of health and safety.

To present a professional and positive image of the School.

The best outcome for all students at the heart of all that we do.


Effective communication is extremely important to ensure the school runs efficiently and effectively as an organisation. While it is accepted that ensuring communication is always clear and timely, can be challenging in any large organisation, the quality of that communication should always be within our control. As such:

All communication whether with stakeholders, partner organisations, associated businesses, students, parents/carers, governors or colleagues should be courteous.

All communication should be sensitive to the situation and the person who is receiving the information.

By the very nature of the organisation there should be recognition by all that much of our communication/information is bound by confidentiality. All staff should always consider any communication or information with this in mind. For example:

Where it is made quite clear that a topic under discussion is confidential that information should not be discussed with or passed on to anyone who was not party to the initial discussion.

Any medical information referring to students and/or staff should be classed as highly confidential.

Students and aspects of their life should not generally be a subject of casual conversation.

When sensitive issues are being discussed great care should be taken to ensure that the conversation is taking place in an appropriate area. For example, the School reception area is not normally a suitable place to discuss student issues or hold sensitive telephone conversations as visitors, students and parents/carers are often there.

Some communication can be unhelpful/damaging for the organisation and can be concerning/upsetting for individuals. This would include malicious gossip, the propagation of rumours and unfounded speculation about either the organisation or the individuals within it. This is particularly true when the gossip, rumour and speculation refers to the private lives of the individuals.

If a member of staff is concerned about something within the organisation or believes they are in receipt of information regarding wrong doing then this should be passed on to the appropriate line manager or the Headteacher.

Policies, Procedures and Guidance

The Schools Policies, Procedures and Guidance are usually based in good practice and/or have been designed to meet a statutory obligation. As such, all staff have a duty to be familiar with relevant procedure and to ensure that when a procedure has been highlighted for them that this is followed and regarded as an expectation. Copies of all documents are in the Staff folder electronically and hard copies are available in the staff work room.


It is extremely important that every colleague feels that they are part of the organisation regardless of their role. As such, we should always be supportive of each other and celebrate the success of others as we would celebrate our own success.

Professional Courtesy

Everyone accepts that Schools present a complex, sophisticated and sometimes demanding and challenging working environment. However, within that environment all colleagues should maintain a high level of professional courtesy. ..

Timekeeping – We should always assume that where a deadline has been agreed and set it should be honoured as a matter of professional pride and courtesy. If, for any reason, you are unable to make a deadline then this should be discussed at the earliest possible moment with the relevant colleague. This is what we expect from our students and we should expect no less of each other.

Documentation – Where documentation has been asked for then this should be presented in a professional format and in a timely fashion.

Meetings – Calendared meetings clearly serve a very important purpose in moving the School forward and developing policies and practice around the School. Except in exceptional circumstances all colleagues should ensure they attend such meetings and where this is not possible should seek to discuss this with the holder of the meeting.

In addition to the above teaching staff should familiarise themselves with the Teachers' Standards, in particular Part Two: Page 9: Personal and Professional Conducts.

Social Networking Advice

Electronic Communication/Social Networking – Staff should generally not be in electronic contact with students except via their school email account or through the school's text parents system for contacting cohorts of students. Social networking sites present particular pitfalls and staff should not accept requests to be 'friends' from students. Great care should be exercised with regards to former students as contact with them might inadvertently provide current students with access to your 'Facebook' pages or similar. There is also the possibility that any such contact could be misrepresented by a student or misconstrued by a parent/carer. Any inappropriate contact from students should be reported immediately to your Line Manager.

Staff Dress Code

All staff employed by or volunteering within the School are models for the young people in our community. There is a clear responsibility for staff to model appropriate dress and appearance. Moreover if we wish to be perceived as a professional and outstanding organisation we have to ensure that the way we present ourselves reflects this. Professional dress, which is appropriate to role helps to reinforce our professional status. Furthermore our community's attitude towards the School and their perception of it relies very much on the professional face we choose to present. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between appropriate dress and how others perceive the individual as well as the organisation.

In addition, as we are now asking more from our young people in terms of their appearance and their presentation, it is only right to ensure that the same request is made of all colleagues.

With the above in mind:

General Points

1. All clothing should fit appropriately and be suitable for each person's working environment and role. It should not restrict movement, nor should it prevent a task from being undertaken with dignity/modesty.

2. No items of clothing, footwear or jewellery should present a health and safety concern.

3. If the cut or style of an item of clothing would cause concern if worn by a student then such clothing should be judged inappropriate for staff to wear in school.

4. Tartan accessories to be worn when required.


Male Colleagues – Teaching, Teaching Assistants, Administration/Technicians.

Formal style shirt with collar. Ties are desirable. Smart, formal trousers should be worn. The wearing of a jacket or suit is optional but desirable.

Female Colleagues –Teaching, Teaching Assistants, Administration/Technicians.

The general image created should be formal and professional –

- Tops should not be inappropriately low cut or unbuttoned. Cleavage should never be visible when performing work day routines.

- Transparent items of clothing should not be worn unless layered appropriately with other garments.

- Vests/strappy/strapless tops should not be worn.

- Clothes should not reveal midriff.

- Skirts should mirror the appropriate length for students and no more than 9cm above the knee. Skirts with splits are not acceptable.


- Shoes should be formal and suitable for the School environment eg no crocs, flipflops, pumps, toe posts, canvass trainers, platforms, stilettos/inappropriately high heels.

In addition no denim, printed T shirts, polo shirts, clothing with inappropriate logos, leggings, casual trousers, items of sportswear or fleeces (except as outer wear) are judged to be acceptable.

PE Staff

PE Staff should wear kit which conforms to health and safety standards, the above modesty rules and trainers for everyday wear. When teaching in the classroom PE staff should wear tracksuit bottoms/conform to the above dress code.

For evening events including Parents Evenings, PE staff are expected to conform to the dress code outlined above.

Catering Staff / Service Team / Cleaning Staff

Should wear the appropriate uniform as provided by the School.

Trips and Visits

Colleagues should bear in mind that on any trip or visit they and the students they take are representing all of us. As such, the above code should still apply unless it is impracticable eg taking students on an adventure holiday.


Jewellery should be conservative. There should be no visible body piercings or studs. Jewellery should not present a risk to the wearer eg strong chains or drop earring that could be grabbed/pulled by students. Care should be taken to ensure that rings and broaches do not present a health and safety hazard for either the wearer or others.


Tattoos should not be visible on any member of staff.