6th Grade Mathematics Syllabus

Course Content:

Content for this course is determined by the objectives stated in the Alabama Course of Study for Mathematics.

1. Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

2. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide by fractions.

3. Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.

4. Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

5. Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.

6. Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.

7. Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.

8. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.

9. Develop understanding of statistical variability.

10. Summarize and describe distributions.

Classroom Expectations

3 Simple Expectations...

Keep your work area clean and neat.
Return classroom items to the appropriate locations.
Use polite language.
Listenwhenothers arespeaking.
Raise your hand if you want to speak.
Respect the personal space of others.
Keep your hands and negative comments to yourself! / 2. Be RESPONSIBLE
Dress appropriately.
Arrive on time - be in your seat ready to go when the tardy bell rings.
Bring all necessary materials to class daily; pencil, paper, and a positive attitude. / 3. Be RESOURCEFUL
Do your own work.
Study and be prepared.

Classroom Procedures and Grading

  • As the students enter the classroom, there will be a Problem of the Day(10- 50 points) on the board. These will be taken up about two times each week.
  • Homework (10-50 points) will be assigned about three times per week. These assignments will be checked during class and points may be given based on accuracy or completion according to the individual assignment.
  • A participation grade(10-25 points) will be given on days we do activities in class or we go to the computer lab.
  • Quizzes(10-50 points) will be given throughout each unit, and tests or projects (100-200 points) will be given at the end of each unit.

The amount of points recorded will be determined by the number of problems on the assignment.

The student’s grade will be determined by adding the total points they receive and dividing by the number of total points possible.

Teacher Information:


Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments by email or by calling the school phone (256-492-1963).

I have read the syllabus and agree to abide by all class policies.

Student (print): ______Signature: ______

I have read the syllabus for my student and agree to encourage them to abide by all class policies.

Parent/Guardian (print): ______Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______