Razor Haircutting
Course Information
Title:Razor Haircutting
Course number:502-301
Developer:Patricia Steiner
Prerequisites:Meet State of Wisconsin requirements for licensure (454.06)
Goals:Understand and perform basic razor haircut and razor techniques using razor and required combs.
Description:Provide directions so learner may develop skills to perform haircutting techniques using a razor and required combs. This course meets the State of Wisconsin requirement.
Core Abilities:
- Working Productively, Assuring Quality
- Learning effectively
- Communicating Clearly
- Creating a positive self image
- Working Cooperatively
- Acting Responsible/Acting with Integrity
- Thinking Critically and Creatively
- Applying Technology
- Demonstrating Global Awareness
Units and Competencies:
- Analyze hair and scalp for haircut
- Consult with client
- Demonstrate knowledge of tools, implements, equipment and products and their uses for a haircut
- Utilize methods and techniques for haircutting
- Perform razor haircut
- Perform texturing using a razor
Resources:Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology ISBN 1-56253-880-2
Pages 295-298, 327-329, 333-335,
Workbook Pages 43-45- Questions 112-116, 124, 128-129
Milady Standard Professional Barber-Styling ISBN 1-4018-28857-7
Pages 86-100, 289-300
Learning Activities:Read pages 295-298, 327-329, 333-335 Milady Standard Text of Cosmetology
Complete Milady Standard Text Workbook pages 43-45
Questions 112-116, 124, 128-129
Read Barber Book pages 86-100, 289-300
Complete Worksheet
Assessment:Practical Exam –perform razor haircut of choice 1 ½ hours
Core Abilities
Classroom Policies
Technical Performance Daily
Supplies:Student Kit and Dispensary
Section Information
Section Title:Syllabus
Beginning Date:November 2, 07
Number of Weeks:8
Meeting times:Friday 8-12
Instructor name:Patricia Steiner
Address:500 32nd Street North
City:Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Office Phone:715-422-5487
Office hours:Tuesdays 8-12 1-4
Thursdays, 9-11
Grading Policy
Grading Rationale:
Competencies must be met. When competencies are met the learner’s grade is 76% to 100%.
There are no extensions to due dates. There are no retakes on exams.
Grading Scale:
Grade Written and Practical Requirement
A 95-100
A- 93-94
B+ 91-92
B 87-90
B- 85-86
C+ 83-84
C 80-82
C- 79
D+ 78
D 77
D- 76
F Below 76
Grade is determined by:
Daily Technical Performance
Classroom Policies
Core Abilities
Final Written Exam
Final Practical Exam
Final exams may not be taken unless Daily Technical Performances are complete.
MSTC Students with Disabilities Procedures
If you know you have a recognized disability, or suspect that you might have one, it is
your responsibility to identify yourself as soon as possible to the Disability Services staff
in Student Affairs. Course standards will not be lowered but various kinds of
accommodations are available to you. Adequate and reasonable time will be required to
develop and provide appropriate accommodations, so contact Disability Services as soon
as possible. It is MSTC’s goal to assist you in your individual educational plan.
MSTC District Academic Honesty Standards
The Mid-State Technical College Board, administration, faculty, and staff believe that
academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education. All
students are expected to maintain and promote the highest standards of personal honesty
and professional integrity. These standards apply to all examinations, assigned work, and
projects. Therefore, a student who is found to have been dishonest, fraudulent, or
deceptive in the completion of work or willing to help others to be so or who is found to
have plagiarized (presented the work of others as his or her own) is subject to disciplinary
action up to and including suspension.