Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School SUBJECT Action Plan
Date: / November 2017Development Plan / Physical Education
Current position /
- Konnie and Faye are the PE co-ordinators with Konnie being in role for a year
- Faye has been involved with Active Schools since 2013-2014 and Konnie has attended the training session too
- Val Sabin schemes of work (Dance, Gymnastics, Games) have been retained in the Long Term Plans
- Teacher’s and HLTA’s attended a full days training on Real PE and it was introduced to the children during 2015-2016. More training is required for the Key Stage 2 teachers
- Each class has 2 hours allocated for PE. They have an indoor session and an outdoor session.
- There are 5 interhouse tournaments each year and every child competes. Medals are awarded to the winning team and the appropriate trophy has the team’s colours attached for the year.
- Our grant allocation has not doubled due to our low pupil premium numbers! Our total is:- £9750
Actions / Competed by / Who
KR to attend Active Schools Training. / Ongoing / KR
Advertise for and appoint someone to manage the administration side of extra curricular activities. / Dec ‘17 / KR FB
Distribute up to date long term plans and direct teacher towards appropriate resources / Nov ‘17 / KR FB
Set up a new sports council / Dec ‘17 / KR FB
Become confident with delivering elements of the iMoves Active Schools package and disseminate to staff. / Ongoing / KR FB
Introduce the 30:30 requirement to lunchtime staff and children / Jan ‘18 / KR FB
Order resources to be used at lunchtimes / Dec ‘17 / KR FB
Contact coaches about extra-curricular clubs / Dec ‘17 / KR FB
Achieve at least a silver School Games Mark / July ‘18 / KR FB
Order resources so lessons can be delivered effectively / Dec ‘17 / KR FB
Plan and deliver a training day for PGCE students / March ‘18 / KR FB
Success Criteria / milestones
- Coverage is evidenced
- There is a clear progression of skills through school
- All staff in school have a clear understanding of the expectations in the subject
- There is evidence from work scrutiny or photos which show coverage / a portfolio
- Pupils can give examples of what they have learnt and enjoyed
- The % in each cohort working towards, at and above ARE is known
- Trends in the data ( attainment of groups etc) and areas for development are known
Key people: / Resources / Specific costs:
Governor monitoring dates / Stakeholder views: / Dates:
Pupil voice
Evaluation ( July 2018)