Ravenswood Surgery PPG Meeting2 December 2016

Attendees –

Andrea Brown

Mary Whyte

Susan McDonald

Laura Ramsay

Irene Mudie

Dr Nico Grunenberg

Lorna Batchelor

Karen Rankine

Apologies –

Margaret Mitchell (on holiday)

Barbara Mackie (stepped down)

Frances Wiseman (stepped down)


Lorna joined the Group in her role as Reception Manager. She explained that some staff changes were about to happen; Andrea was moving to another Practice and Lorna would be Practice Manager from mid December. A new Reception Manager would be starting in the new year.

Karen attended as Scottish Health Council representative.


The Group first discussed ways of recruiting more PPG members, and in particular diversifying the membership. Karen had brought posters used by other local PPG groups, together with a list of these PPGs. Nico commented that posters had been used in the past with limited response. It was agreed that, while posters could be useful, they should not be the only way to attract members. Nico commented that engaging with young folk was a challenge and it would be great to get their views on the Practice. Approaching the local High School was agreed, to ask whether one or two pupils might attend. Nico would make contact with the Head Teacher. Susan would contact Gary Malone of Voluntary Action Angus (VAA) to ask about their links with schools.(Actions – Nico, Susan)

Nico commented that he was in discussions with VAA with a view to site a worker within the Practice twice a week as a resource to patients.

To identify more PPG members, it was suggested that existing members could try a personal approach. They might stand in the hallway and speak to patients as they were passing, offering them information on the PPG and asking their views. They would need some form of handouts to help them in this task, and the Practice would need to identify suitable days/times when a wide range of patients might be there.

It was thought that a small stall at the Farmers Market would be a good way of informing patients. Karen said that the Scottish Health Council (SHC) would be able to help with this. Other local PPGs could be invited too.

No specific plan was put in place for these last suggestions; for further planning at a future meeting. (Action – Lorna)

Office Bearers

Susan’s name was proposed and seconded as Chairperson. She agreed to take on this role for one year, but asked that someone else minute the meetings. Lorna offered to take this on to start with until other members felt happy to take on the role.

Aims and Priorities

Irene commented that she wasn’t clear what the PPG would actually be doing. Karen distributed some papers showing what might be involved. It was agreed that the first priority was improving communications about the Practice. Other priorities would probably arise with time, but it was agreed that it was important to put plans in place to ensure things happened.

The first step to tackle communications would be a Practice newsletter. Sections might be produced by various members or Practice staff, but final editing/agreement would be by the PPG. The aim would be to produce one quarterly in the future, maximum 2 double-sided pages. Topics might include a “Spotlight on...” section, so patients could learn of the various roles within the Practice. This first one might be shorter, with a view to release by end January 2017. This to include:

PPG – what it is, how to get involved. (action Susan)

Merger – explanation for change of plan and brief overview of current and future plans.(action Lorna/Nico)

Staffing changes.(action Lorna)

Practice website(action Lorna)

Aim of newsletter – to improve communications between Practice & patients(action Susan)

Questions to pose – is this useful, what would be useful etc. (action Susan)

It was agreed that the Group would be known as Ravenswood Patient Participation Group (PPG). The idea of a “logo” for the Group was mooted – a raven might be suitable – but it was thought important to keep to the current Ravenswood style. The first draft would be discussed at the next meeting. Meetings would be held monthly.

It was reiterated that the Group had not yet set up its terms of reference and so members were unclear what might be needed. Karen would email a standard one for the Group to consider at the next meeting. (Action Karen, Lorna)

Date of next meeting: Wed 11 January 1pm (Action – Lorna and Susan to agree agenda)