Rapid Process Redesign (RPR) Project
Top Identified Processes/Ideas
Team Charge Information
/ Team Charge / Team Leader / Team RosterEffort Reporting (PAR forms) / Document functionality of PAR system
Identify payroll information that results in miscalculations within PAR system & devise a means to alert users of the PAR document of these miscalculations
Develop an interface between the PAR and PPS systems to correct input, and when possible, to improve accuracy of output and improve efficiencies
Review and confirm regulatory and PAR system issues related to streamlining reporting requirements, i.e. less frequency of reporting
Further clarify ancillary issues surrounding the PAR process, such as who is authorized to attest to PAR information on behalf of a P.I. or researcher / Dan Gilbreath, BFS-OPAFS / Rick Espinosa, ACT
Howard Goldman, BFS-OPAFS
Maureen O’Connor, Medicine
Erika Wilson, Medicine
Entertainment / Enhance current web-based applications for entertainment activities
Review current policy and modify according to streamlined process improvements
Review policy and action requiring exceptions to policy approval
Assess and evaluate delegated authority levels and streamline approval processes, while assuring accountability / Faye McCullough, BFS-Disbursements / Kathy Farrelly, VCAA
Tina Ivany, ACT
Dawn McDevitt, BFS-Travel
Robin Posner, BFS-Disb
Ronni Russell, Bio Science
Dana White, Inst Molecular Bio
Financial Link Development / Consult with campus users (and non-users) to identify barriers to FinancialLink use
Identify most useful and efficient features and best practices of Financial Link
Determine mechanisms to best communicate information about Financial Link to campus
Enhance current tools to increase effectiveness and reduce the need for shadow systems
Determine training needs: in particular, if current training available is working and identify better training methods and opportunities where appropriate / Carole Ring, Political Science / Joni Ciarletta, ECE
Christina Colmenar, Med Grp
Lin Majors, SOM-Dean’s Off
Andrina Marshall, Pharm Barbara Mendeas, Math
Donna Mulcahy, Staff Ed
Minerva Nelson, SIO
Laura Osante, BFS-Controller
Bill Wood, ACT
Financial Reconciliation (PWRuP) / Determine if PWRuP concepts can be deployed for full campus implementation by July 1, 2003
Develop the framework for full campus implementation
Develop and communicate training opportunities
Recommend policy changes to accommodate increased risk taking where appropriate
RecommendRe / Deborah Rico, BFS-Controller’s Office / Michael Bloom, SOM
Wayne Farquharson, SIO
Kathy Farrelly, VCAA
Elazar Harel, ACT
Mary Hart, Super Computer
Pat Jordan, SIO
Lyle Kafader, ACT
David Meier, AMAS
Minerva Nelson, SIO
Helen Olow, IGCC
Invoice Approvals / Evaluate the potential for a web-based electronic routing and approval invoice process with the delivery mode via Financial Link (PDF) provided by IDOCS. This will facilitate a common look and feel approach to transaction approvals, which is the long-term vision. This will also facilitate the creation of a universal transaction approval log within FinancialLink, and support audit trail requirements by allowing comments to be added to the document or be associated with the document
Explore and determine privacy issues
Consider efficiencies in the current manual process
Assess authorization/signature policy issues as needed / Katrina Albrandt, BFS-Systems / Alicia Cole, BFS-Disb
Rick Espinosa, ACT
Ellen Henry, BFS-Disb
Tim Morse, ACT
Jayne Reynolds, BFS-Systems
Rich Uriarte, Chem & BioChem
Job Descriptions / Conduct usability study on UCR’s job builder tool
Create a streamlined master job descriptions library for campus utilization
Enhance on-line Job Description application with standardized list of tasks and skills, categorized by function, to help the user build their job descriptions
Revise associated reclassification policies and approval processes / Judy Johnson, Human Resources / Anne Cressey, Geo Science
KC Davis, Human Resources
Maureen Harden, Library
Lydia Ikeda, Repro Med
Stephanie Wong, Medicine
Leave Activity Summary Reports (LASRs) / Determine if current distribution of LASR’s can be eliminated and modified
Explore the possibility of providing one-time and historical data to employees and managers using existing systems and identify where timekeeping data is housed
Determine what is necessary to print vacation and sick leave data on employee pay stubs / Cynthia Harrison, Housing and Dining Services / Ron Block, ACT
Scott Drummond, BFS-Payroll
Loretta Smith, Bio Eng
Paper Use and Disposition / Develop a listing/inventory of current paper documents. Recommend paper document elimination where appropriate. Identify available electronic resources relative to proposed eliminated hard copies.
Identify current UCSD business practices where paper based communications can be reduced or eliminated / Carole Ring, Political Science / Don Peters-Coville, Chemistry
Steve Ross, JacobSchool of Engineering
Payroll Expense Transfers (PETs) / Identify transactional requirements and applicability of existing ENPET processes to be utilized for PETs
Review/streamline approval requirements in order to reduce or eliminate unnecessary approvals
Develop an on-line process that streamlines the existing PET process and permits direct entry by departmental personnel of selected PET transactions / Steve Lopez, Cellular Molec Med / Nini Cruz, BFS-Payroll
Howard Goldman, BFS-OPAFS
Lyle Kafader, ACT
Julie Mann, Pediatrics
Ericka Moore, Medicine
Anne Pratarelli, BFS-Payroll
Recruitment / Review options for reducing cycle time of hiring process while maintaining the integrity of the hiring pool
Identify both sides of screening users: those that require no screening of hiring pool to those that require substantial screening
Integrate and automate job description and employment requisition processes to reduce redundant entries and improve efficiencies
Evaluate if web-based screening templates would streamline hiring process turnaround / Pat Wong, Human Resources / Marty Backer, ACT
Jennifer Davis, SIO
Nancy Hartley, Math
Valerie Markham, SOM
Joan Turner, Bio Sciences
Travel / Examine and recommend changes to current policies and practices to incorporate streamlining Travel process
Review and streamline approval, transaction, and paper-flow processes
Determine appropriate levels of accountability / Faye McCullough, BFS-Disbursements / Bob Barile, Computer Science
Elazar Harel, ACT
Dawn McDevitt, BFS-Travel
Barbara Stewart, Sociology
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