(Revised July 2007 - Under Review)

1. Policy Title / Knowledge and Skills Framework and Development Review Process (KSF) Gateway Review Policy (Draft)
2 Please give a brief description of the policy, function, procedure, plan or proposal / The NHS Highland Gateway Review Policy has been developed to ensure all employees understand the knowledge and skills they need to demonstrate they can apply in their role to enable them to progress through the Foundation and Second Gateway within their Pay Band. It details the processes and procedures that need to be applied to ensure that Gateway Reviews are applied in a consistent manner within NHS Highland.
3 What outcomes are intended from this policy/function?Is the policy intended to increase equality of opportunity by permitting positive action, action to make reasonable adjustments and/or action to redress disadvantage? Please give details / The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that ensures Gateway Reviews are applied in a consistent manner within NHS Highland.
4 Who is intended to benefit from this policy/function and in what way / This policy applies to all employees on Agenda for Change pay bands, subject to the Knowledge and Skills Framework.
5 Why is this policy, function, procedure, plan or proposal being impact assessed now?
a new development
being annually reviewed
being reviewed for another reason (please describe) / New Policy
6 How have those groups and individuals who will be impacted on by the policy, function, procedure, plan or proposal influenced or been involved in its development up to this current stage? / Through the APF Subgroup and the process of consultation through Managers


If the policy could have an adverse impact on any group or a specific group, how could you modify the initiative to reduce or eliminate any identified negative impacts, or to create or accentuate positive parts of the development?
Modifications / Various Text Changes ;
  1. Refer to “capability policy” as “Employee Capability PIN” – illustrate joint responsibilities between manager and employee and to clarify purpose of guidance.
  2. Refer to “challenges” rather than “problems in terms of employee capability – again illustrate that PDP process is about sharing responsibilities towards supporting development of employee.
  3. Redefining equal opportunities in terms of equality and diversity and supporting diversity rather than treating equally irrespective of diversity as we recognise that different groups of staff may have different experiences and that promoting equality of opportunity means recognising this difference.
  4. Ensure that the policy is clear about promoting equality of opportunity by clarifying the purpose of the KSF process.
  5. Ensure that the processes for setting up, carrying out and reviewing gateways are standardised, including non attendance procedures.
  6. Ensure that any anonymised data from the gateway review process is used effectively for the future monitoring and reviewing of the policy to ensure equality of opportunity.

How would these modifications impact? Please complete relevant sections below.
How would it further or hinder equality of opportunity? / Changes will further equality of opportunity by highlighting the importance of giving due consideration, recognising reasonable adjustments required and recognising the responsibility of employees and managers together to deliver the process effectively. Most effective if considered in conjunction with other KSF policies.
How would it challenge or reinforce stereotypes? / Highlighting the importance of considering individual need as opposed to opportunity for all. Most effective if considered in conjunction with other KSF policies.
What are the consequences of not adopting this modification? / Policy is not inclusive
What are the social and economic costs and benefits or implementing this option? / Benefits - Recognising equality and embracing diversity
Costs – Staff time to make amendments.
Will the benefits outweigh the costs? (proportionality) / YES

12 Further Research and/or Consultation

(a) Given the analysis so far, what additional research and/or consultation is necessary or desirable to investigate the impacts of the proposal on diverse groups?
(i) new primary data? Yes No
Please describe:
The impact assessment of the following policies will inform future development of this document and has been highlighted by reviewing the processes described in this document. It should be noted that the processes of the Gateway Review Policy are not directly responsible for delivering against the following documents, but as part of the KSF there is potential for development of the Gateway policy as part of a reviewing process in the future. On this basis this is not a request for primary data to inform modifications for this policy.
Recommend Impact assessment on following in order to ensure that Gateway Review Policy can be implemented effectively.:
  • Employee Capability
  • PDP&R Policy
  • Recruitment (to be issued )
  • Employee Conduct
  • Employee Concerns
  • Work life Balance
  • Secondment
  • Redeployment
  • Dignity at Work
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Organisational Change
  • Grievance Policy

Named lead contact (please include title and contact details)
Judith McElvie and Caroline Parr NHS Highland
Named lead contact (please include title and contact details)

13 Consultation on findings and modifications

Under various pieces of Equalities Legislation you are required to consult on the impact of new policies, functions and service change. The National Health Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 requires you to involve the public in service change (please refer to Informing Engaging and Consulting Guidance (draft), SEHD, 2004). In this section you should record who and how you will consult when you have completed the assessment (incl any necessary further research as outlined in section 18) and are formulating your recommendations.
(a) What are the aims of consultation?
The APF will be informed of the EQIA process and proposed modifications
19Process Information

(f) People completing EQIA

/ Name / Title & Tel Number
Judith McKelvie /
Stephen Loch
Natalie Morel / 01463 704826
20 Summary of findings/Abstract (Please note this section will be published as per legislation)
Staff are the main group impacted on by the policy in terms of managers and employees. The policy focuses mainly on a process for carrying out gateway reviews as opposed to the content of those reviews. On this basis the EQIA highlights the need to impact assess a range of other policies within the organisation that refer to individual reviews and would therefore potentially impact on outcome for staff members with different needs.A range of changes to the document have been suggested to ensure that the document clearly highlights an inclusive approach that recognises the role of manager and employee. In this context the policy is seen as having positive impact but only as part of a bigger process that includes other polices that have not yet been assessed. This conclusion is based on guidance within the KSF handbook as well as codes of practice relating to Equality and Diversity Legislation, particularly the Disability Discrimination Act. At this time no further information is required, but it is noted that analysis of data gathered as a result of this process will need to be regularly reviewed in order to ensure any continued positive outcomes and highlight any potential negative outcomes. As previously mentioned this will have to be done in a broader context including other KSF policies and PIN guidance. On this basis the group agreed that at this stage the content of other grids is not relevant to this policy. In thefuture as other guidance is impact assessed it may be that changes of this policy are required.
Various Text Changes are proposed summarised below;
  1. Refer to “capability policy” as “Employee Capability PIN” – illustrate joint responsibilities between manager and employee and to clarify purpose of guidance.
  2. Refer to “challenges” rather than “problems in terms of employee capability – again illustrate that PDP process is about sharing responsibilities towards supporting development of employee.
  3. Redefining equal opportunities in terms of equality and diversity and supporting diversity rather than treating equally irrespective of diversity as we recognise that different groups of staff may have different experiences and that promoting equality of opportunity means recognising this difference.
  4. Ensure that the policy is clear about promoting equality of opportunity by clarifying the purpose of the KSF process.
  5. Ensure that the processes for setting up, carrying out and reviewing gateways are standardised, including non attendance procedures.
  6. Ensure that any anonymised data from the gateway review process is used effectively for the future monitoring and reviewing of the policy to ensure equality of opportunity.
Changes will further equality of opportunity by highlighting the importance of giving due consideration, recognising reasonable adjustments required and recognising the responsibility of employees and managers together to deliver the process effectively. Most effective if considered in conjunction with other KSF policies.