Appendix A
Ramzi Yousef’s Passport
Government Exhibit 614
United States v. Mohammed Salameh et al.
Cover of the passport that Ramzi Yousef used to enter the United States on September 1, 1992.
Pages 1 and 2 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport. The right side states that the passport was issued in Baghdad on September 12, 1991
Pages 3 and 4 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport
Pages 5 and 6 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport
Pages 7 and 8 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport
Pages 8 and 9 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport
Left side: Iraqi exit visa, issued at Trebeel (border crossing with Jordan) on May 20, 1992
Pages 10 and 11 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport
Right side: Pakistan visa dated April 12, 1992, issued in Baghdad
Left side: Top: Iraqi exit stamp from Trebeel, May 20, 1992; Middle: Jordanian entry stamp at Ruwaishid, May 20, 1992; Below: departure stamp from Amman’s international airport, May 29, 1992
Pages 12 and 13 of Ramzi Yousef’s passport
Right side: Entry stamp at Karachi airport, May 30, 1992
This author has tried to follow the formal English transliteration system from Arabic, as much as possible, as provided for in the International Journal of Middle East Studies. For transliteration from languages other than Arabic, the author has followed what seemed to be the dominant usage. In quoting from other texts, which may well use different transliterations, the original is preserved, creating a situation in which several variant spellings may exist.
In the preface to Savage War of Peace, Alistair Horne writes: “There remains the insidious problem of Arabic transliteration. When chided by his publishers for spelling inconsistencies in The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, in that ‘Jedha the she-camel was Jedhah on slip 40’, T.E. Lawrence riposted dismissively: ‘She was a splendid beast.’ Later on there was this exchange: ‘Slip 78. Sherif Ali Abd el Mayin of slip 68 becomes el Main, el Mayein, el Muein, el Mayom and el Muyein.’ T.E.L.: ‘Good egg. I call this really ingenious.’ If such a distinguished Arabist as Lawrence should admit defeat over the endless variation in the spelling of proper names in Arabic, I hope I may be allowed some indulgence.”
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