JULY 2008

Complaints concerningan employee of Ramsey Town Council (i.e. Town Clerk) will be dealt with as an employment matter and the procedure as outlined in Annex A to Contract of Employment will be followed.

Complaints concerning a Councillor of Ramsey Town Council are to be referred to the Standards Board for England, 1st Floor, Cottons Centre, Cottons Lane, London, SE1 2QG.

This policy covers those situations where a complaint has been made about the administration of Ramsey Town Council or about its procedures.

Before the meeting:

  1. The complainant should be asked to put the complaint about the Town Council’s procedures or administration in writing to the Town Clerk.
  1. If the complainant does not wish to put the complaint to the Town Clerk, they may be advised to put it to the Town Mayor.
  1. The Town Clerk shall acknowledge the receipt of the complaint and advise the complainant when the matter will be considered by the Finance Working Party.
  1. The complainant shall be invited to attend the relevant meeting and bring with them such representative as they wish.
  1. Seven clear working days prior to the meeting, the complainant shall provide the Town Council with copies of any documentation or other evidence, which they wish to refer to at the meeting. The Town Council shall similarly provide the complainant with copies of any documentation upon which they wish to rely at the meeting.

At the meeting:

  1. As the complaint is being considered by the Finance Working Party, the public and the press are excluded from such meetings. Any decision on a complaint shall be announced at the next full Town Council meeting in public.
  1. The Chairman of the Finance Working Party is to introduce everyone.
  1. The Chairman is to explain the procedure.
  1. The complainant (or representative) is to outline grounds for complaint.
  1. Members of the Finance Working Party are to ask any question of the complainant.
  1. If relevant, the Town Clerk is to explain the Council’s position.
  1. Members of the Finance Working Party are to ask any question of the Town Clerk.
  1. The Town Clerk and the complainant to be offered the opportunity of a last word (in this order).
  1. The Town Clerk and the complainant are to be asked to leave the room while members of the Finance Working Party decide whether or not the grounds for the complaint have been made. (If a point of clarification is necessary, both parties are to be invited back).
  1. The Town Clerk and the complainant both return to hear the decision, or to be advised when a decision will be made.

After the meeting:

  1. The decision is confirmed in writing within seven working days together with details of any action to be taken.