Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences s158

6. / Brief resume of the intended work
6.1 Need for the Study
Adolescence represents a period of transition between childhood and adulthood. According to WHO adolescence as the period of life between 10-19 years of age.1
Nutrition has a great influence on the growth process of an individual. During late childhood and early adolescence, a person begins to develop at an accelerated rate. This phase of life is characterized by rapid growth and development.2 Total nutrient requirements increase during adolescence, failure to consume an adequate diet at this time can disrupt normal growth and pubertal development.3
Energy needs for individual adolescents vary according to sex, age, body composition, pubertal development & physical activity. For adolescents to perform every day tasks, they need to obtain a certain amount of energy from their food. The nutritional value of their daily food intake, provides adolescents with the amount of energy needed to produce or in some cases it fails to provide them with adequate amounts of energy. During adolescence an individual's total nutrient needs reach their highest point in the life cycle. Healthy eating is important at this stage of life not only because of the nutritional needs but also because habits formed early in one's life will most likely carry into adulthood.4
Eating disorders account for a large number of nutritional concerns during adolescence. Common nutritional problems during adolescence are Iron deficiency anemia for both boys and girls due to expansion in blood volume & muscle mass, anorexia nervosa and obesity. Obese adolescents are more likely to develop hypertension later in life. Over consumption of calories, especially fast food, snacks & soft drinks are contributing factors resulting is obesity.5
A cross-sectional study of 559 Bengalli adolescents of West Bengal was undertaken to study their nutritional status. The overall rate of undernutrition was 36.49 percent. The prevalence of undernutrition varied between girls (41.08%) and boys (30.61%).6
Addressing the nutrition needs of adolescents could be an important step towards breaking the vicious cycle of intergenerational malnutrition, chronic diseases and poverty.4
There is an acute scarcity of programmes targeted at adolescents, lack of policies and programmes for improving health and nutritional status of adolescents. Therefore one of the important role of community health nurse is to educate the adolescent regarding their nutrition. Hence investigator felt to assess the knowledge of adolescents regarding their nutrition.
6.2 Review of Literature
The related literature can be categorized under following headings :
A. Studies related to knowledge of adolescents regarding their nutrition.
B. Studies related to Barriers affecting healthy food habits and choices.
C. Studies related to Nutritional problems of adolescents.
A. Studies related to knowledge of adolescents regarding their nutrition.
A descriptive study was conducted regarding eating habits and behaviors, physical activity, nutritional and food safety knowledge on Italian adolescents in the year 2008. A dietary questionnaire was self administered to a total of 532 adolescent subjects, reported that only 37.0 percent of the sample have satisfactory eating habits. 8.6 percent have quite good nutritional knowledge. 2.4 percent have satisfaction of food.7
A study was conducted to assess the nutrition knowledge levels and dietary intake pattern of school children belonging to two different SES (Socio Economic Status) in Hyderabad in the year 2001. A total of 272 adolescents aged between 12-14 years were selected by using purposive sampling method. A validated food frequency questionnaire was administered. A significant difference was observed in the intake of protective foods like milk and milk products, green leafy vegetables and fruits between two income groups.8
B. Studies related to Barriers affecting healthy food habits and choices
A study was conducted to assess factors influencing food choices of adolescents in Minnesota. The study population included 141 adolescents, who participated in 21 focus groups. Factors perceived as influencing food choices included hunger and food cravings, appeal of food, Major barriers to eating fewer high fat food included a lack of sense of urgency about personal health in relation to other concerns, and taste preferences for other foods.9
C. Studies related to nutritional problems of adolescents
A study was conducted to assess Nutritional status of adolescent girls of urban slums in Hyderabad in the year 2002. IEC (Information Education and Councelling) intervention was carried out for six months for 2500 adolescent girls form urban slums in twin cities of Hyderabad. The study results revealed that iron deficiency anaemia was found to be the most common nutritional problems observed in them. After IEC intervention significant proportion of girls could correctly identify the food rich in various important nutrients.10
A study was conducted on nutritional assessment and the dietary intake among adolescents in tribal area of Bihar in the year 1997. Two stage design was adopted with probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling. 24 hours recall method was used to assess the dietary intake and anthropometric measurements included height and weight of 2321 adolescents of the age group 8-17 years reported that the caloric deficiency was 29 percent and the magnitude of protein deficiency was about 21 percent.11
6.3. Problem statement
A study to assess the knowledge of Adolescents regarding their nutrition in selected higher secondary schools of Udupi district with an overview to develop a informational booklet.
6.4. Objectives of the study
Objectives of the study are:
·  to assess the knowledge of adolescents regarding their nutrition.
·  to find association between knowledge with selected variables of the study.
·  to develop an informational booklet on adolescent nutrition.
6.5. Operational Definitions
Ø Assess: Assess refers to the statistical analysis of the information gathered through multiple choice questionnaire related to knowledge of adolescents regarding their nutrition.
Ø  Knowledge: In this study knowledge refers correct response to the knowledge questions on adolescent nutrition, which is measured by the structured knowledge questionnaire information.
Ø Adolescents: In this study adolescents refers to who are in the age group of 12 to 18 years and studying in higher secondary schools.
Ø Informational Booklet: In this study, the booklet refers to the printed material prepared by the researcher to provide information on selected areas of adolescent nutrition.
Ø Selected Variables: In this study selected variables refers to gender, age, education and socioeconomic status.
6.6. Assumptions
The study assumes that:
Ø  adolescents have some knowledge regarding their nutrition.
Ø  knowledge of adolescents regarding their nutrition may vary from one individual to another.
Ø  adolescents will be interested to know about their nutrition.
6.7. Delimitations
The study is delimited to adolescents who:
§ are in the age group of 12-18 years
§ are studying in selected schools of Udupi district.
7. / Materials and Methods
7.1 Source of data
Data will be collected from adolescents of selected higher secondary schools in Udupi district.
7.1.1 Research Design
A descriptive research design with cross sectional survey approach will be used for this study.
7.1.2 Research setting
The study will be conducted in selected higher secondary schools of Udupi District Karnataka.
7.1.3 Population
The population for the study is the adolescents of Udupi District.
7.2 Method of Data Collection
7.2.1 Sampling technique
Multistage cluster sampling technique will be used in this study.
7.2.2 Sample Size
The sample size of the present study will be 300 adolescents.
7.2.3 Inclusion Criteria for sampling
The study will be conducted on adolescents who are:
• of both the gender.
• able to read and write Kannada.
7.2.4 Exclusion Criteria for sampling
The study exclude adolescents who are:
• above 18 years of age.
• not willing to participate in the study.
7.2.5 Data Collection Instrument.
The tools used for the present study are:
Tool 1: Demographic proforma.
Tool 2: Socio-economic status scale.
Tool 3: Knowledge questionnaire on adolescent nutrition.
7.2.6 Data collection method
Data will be collected by cross – sectional survey of adolescents of selected educational institutions by administering the tools of the study.
7.2.7 Data analysis plan
Data will be analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Measures of Central tendency and Measures of dispersion will be used to represent the obtained data.
Tests of association and correlation will be used to find association and correlation between selected variables of the study.
7.3. Does the study require any investigation to be conducted on patients or other humans or animals:
7.4. Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3.
Permission to conduct the present study will be obtained from:
• the Principal, Canara college of nursing.
• concerned school administrators.
• informed written consent will be obtained from the adolescents who are participating in the study.
8. / List of References
1. WHO approach to adolescence. [serial online] [cited on 2008 Nov 15]. Available from URL: http://www.un.org in/jinit/Who.pdf
2. Bogart LJ, Briggs GM and Calloway DH. Nutrition and physical fitness. 8th ed. Philadelphia:WB Saundus Company 1966. p.614.
3. Mohan LK, Rees JM. Nutrition in adolescence. St. Louis. Times Mirror / Mosby Publication 1980. p.257-275.
4. Croll JK. Neumar SD. Story M. Healthy Eating what does it mean to adolescents. J.Nut.Educ 2000;(33):193-198.
5. Peggy LP. Nutrition in Infancy and childhood, 3rd ed. St. Louis. Times Mirror / Mosby Publication 1986. p.239-245.
6. Mukho Padhay A. Bhadra M and Bose K. Assessment of nutritional status of adolescents of Kolkatta J. Hum. Ecol. 2005:18(3):213-216.
7. Turconi G. Guarcello M., Maccorni L. et al. Eating habits and behaviors. Jam. Coll. Nutr. 2008 Feb; 27(1):738-47.
8. Vijayapushpam T, Krishna KM, Raghunatha DR. Assessment of nutrition knowledge levels and dietary intake of school children in Hyerbad. Public health nutria.2003 Apr ;6(7): 683-88
9. Neumark-sztainer D, Story M, Perry C. Factors influencing food choices of adolescents .J. Am Diet Assoc 1999 Aug;9(8): 929-37.
10. Saibaba A, Mohan RM, Ramana Rao GV.Nutritional status of adolescent girls of urban slums. Indian Journal of Community medicie 2002 Oct-Dec:27(4):151-156.
11. Yadav RJ, padams. Nutritional Assessment and the dietary intake among adolescents in tribal area of Bihar. Indian journal of community medicine 1998 Oct-Dec:23(4):142-148.