Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Bangalore
Annexure – II
Proforma for Registration of Subjects for Dissertation
1. / Name of the candidate and Address(In block letters) / : / Dr.Veeresh Patil
Dept. Of paediatrics
Mahadevappa rampure medical college, gulbarga - 585105
Permanent Address / : / Dr.Veeresh Patil
S/o Vishwanath Patil
Anand Nagar S.B. Temple Road
Gulbarga – 585103
2. / Name of the Institution / : /
H.K.E. Society’s
Mahadevappa Rampure MedicalCollege, Gulbarga – 585105
3. / Course of study and subjects / : /
4. / Date of admission to the course / : / 30th May 20075. / Title of Topic / : / Prevalence of anaemia among school going children in Urban Slums of Gulbarga
6. / Brief Resume of the Intended work
6.1 / Need for the study:
Anaemia is widely prevalent in India and affects both sexes and all age groups. Preadolescent and adolescent children constitute a sizeable segment of the population.
According to WHO global database on anaemia reports that in developing Countries the prevalence of anaemia in school age children is 53%.
As many children come late with complications of anaemia to the hospital and as there is no data available on prevalence of anaemia in School going children in Gulbarga city this study has been taken up.
6.2 / Review of Literature
A study by A Sen and J. Kanani1 showed the prevalence of anaemia to be 67% among the 230 adolescent school girls in the age group 9-14 years.
A study by Verma M, Chhatwal J2 showed that the overall prevalence of anaemia was 51.5%, girls had significantly higher prevalence and menarcheal girls were more anaemic as compared to non menarcheal. Nearly half (47.6%) of well nourished children were anaemic.
Gomber S et al3 conducted a study on prevalence of nutritional anaemia in 406 school children (5-10.9 years old) of urban Delhi slums and found 41.8% prevalence of anaemia. Iron deficiency was the commonest cause occurring in 41.05% of the anaemic children.
In a study by Kapoor and Aneja4 from public and Govt. Schools in Delhi, the prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls was 50.8%.
Verma A. et al5 did a cross sectional study to assess the anemia in school going pre adolescent and adolescent girls from Ahmedabad city, of the 1295 randomly selected girls in the age group of 6-18 years, prevalence of anaemia was 81.8%.
6.3 /
Objectives of the study
1. To know the prevalence of anaemia in school going children in Urban slums of Gulbarga.2. To know the association between Socio Economic Status and Anaemia
7. / Materials and Methods
7.1 / Source of Data:
School going children in the age group of 6-12 years in Urban slums of Gulbarga
7.2. / Methods of collection of Data (Including sampling procedure, if any)
1. Place of study
Urban slums of Gulbarga
2. Duration of the study
Dec 2007 to May 2009
3. Sample size
725 school children of the age group 6 -12 years will be selected in urban slums of Gulbarga. Sample size is calculated using the formula n = 4pq
Where ‘p’ is the probability of occurrence, ‘q’ is the probability of non-occurrence and ‘L’ is the allowable error. These slums have been selected using simple random sampling procedure (Lottery method).
Inclusion criteria
School children in the age group of 6-12 years both boys as well as girls.
Exclusion criteria
· Children age less than 6 years and more than 12 years are excluded from the study.
· Children suffering from any illness are not taken into the study.
7.3. / Does the study require any investigation or intervention to be conducted on patients or other humans or animals? If so, please describe briefly.
Yes. The study requires investigations like Hemoglobin (Sahli’s method), Total count, Differential count, Peripheral smear for study.
7.4. / Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution incase of 7.3?
Yes. Ethical clearance has been obtained from “Ethical clearance committee” of the Institution
8. / List of references
1. A. Sen and S.J. Kanani. Deleterious functional impact of anaemia on young adolescent school girls. Indian Pediatrics March 2006;43: 219.
2. Verma M, Chhetwal J, Kaur G. Prevalence of anaemia among Urban School Children of Punjab. Indian Pediatrics 1998; Dec; 35(2): 1181-86.
3. Gomber S. et al. Prevalence and etiology of nutritional anemia among school children of urban slums. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2003; 118:167-71.
4. Kapoor G, Aneja S. Nutritional disorders in adolescent girls. Indian pediatrics 1992; 29: 969-973.
5. Verma A et al. Factors influencing anemia among girls of school going age (6-18 years) from slums of Ahmedabad city. Indian Journal of Community Medicine. Vol. XXIX, No. Jan – Mar, 2006; P-25-26.
6. Sweta Vyas and Maya Choudhry. Prevalence of Anaemia in Tribal School Children. Journal of Human Ecology, 2005; 17(4): 289-291.
7. Siababa A et al. Nutritional status of adolescent girls of urban slums and the impact of IEC of their nutritional knowledge and practices. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2002; 27(4): 10-12.
8. Sabita Basu, Srikata B., Rajita H. and Veena P. Prevalence of Anaemia among school going adolescents of Chandigarh. Indian Pediatrics June, 2005; 42: 593-597.
9. / Signature of Candidate
10. / Remarks of Guide / Prevalence of Anaemia is high in school going children in developing countries. There are no studies done on Anaemia in school children of slums of Gulbarga. This study has been taken to know the prevalence of anaemia and its burden on society.
11. / 11.1 / Name and Designation of the
(In block letters)
Guide / Dr. J.N Patil
Department of Pediatrics
M.R. Medical College, Gulbarga
11.2 / Signature
11.3 / Co-guide (if any)
11.4 / Signature
11.5 / Head of the Department / Dr. Gachinmani n.G.
M.D., D.C.H,
Professor and Head,
Department of pediatrics M.R. Medical College, Gulbarga
11.6 / Signature
12. / 12.1 / Remarks of the
Chairman and Principal
12. 2 / Signature