President Borra-Present
Director Hansberry-Present / Vice-Director Anderson-Present / Director Pearson-Present
Senator Choi- Absent unexcused / Speaker Dean-Present / Senator Garfield-Present / Senator Harp-Present
Senator Henriquez-Present / Senator Lindberg-Here / Senator McEvoy-Present / Senator Mooney-Present
Senator Stensland-Present / Senator T. Vang-Present / Senator Y. Vang-Present

Approval of the Agenda Harp/Garfield-Line item 3 removed, 7 removed Passes by voice

Approval of the Minutes (September 26th)

Approval of the Minutes (October 24th)

Approval of the Minutes (November 7th)McEvoy/Dean Tabled by voice

Approval of the Minutes (November 21st)Stensland/Garfield Minutes passed by voice

Old Business
PR 1111-04 Approval of Vice-President Anderson
  • Dean/Stensland
  • Stensland questions why wants position change. Vice-Director Anderson says passionate to change things but is not in appropriate position, but would be in Vice President position. No candidate to fill current position, but Vice-Director Anderson will keep helping in current position. Speaker Dean questions if it’s constitutionally okay, Ann Miller cited in constitution Pg. 6, C. Vacancies, section c.
  • Vice-director Anderson will resign current position.
  • Motion passes 9-0-0

Open Student Forum
President – Christmas Tree decorating-go look at them. Pres. Borra and Ann Miller arepresenting to faculty what 36.09(5) is. Sent out SOS e-mail and got positive responses. HLC meeting last week. Board of regents is coming and are working towards giving student gov’t more say in it. Regent Tyler is coming Monday of finals week so think of questions to ask him.
SUFAC Director- Established very clear timelines and goals that SUFAC will accomplish what it needs to accomplish. Website will be changed.
Vice-SUFAC Director
Speaker- / Senators- Sen. Stensland: Tech Fee Committee has started to meet. Talked about why reasons why committee is there and is looking at statistics. Concern about current political climate as far as funding is concerned. Tech services is not base funded, only so much they have to work with. Committee is making some financial decisions this year.
Sen. Garfield: Lobbying opportunity-met with Jennifer Schillings.
Chancellor or Designee(s)
Faculty Senate- B.A./B.S. motion failed and never made it to Senate. More language requirements to get a B.A., therefore some language classes are in low enrollment. Tomorrow Faculty senate meeting, discussion to talk about to budget council- Tuesday, 2:30 YU 204.
Academic Staff Senate
New Business
  1. PR 1211-01 Approval of Senator Chaffee
  • Dean/Stensland
  • Chaffee-be a voice for students
  • Sen. McEvoy, what are specific goals-Chaffee, Bringing student body closer together
  • Lives on campus, talks to a lot of students, From Springfield Ohio-took 3 surveys and UWS was listed on 2/3
  • Approved 10-0-0
  1. PR 1211-02 Approval of Vice-Director Kemi
  • Harp/Dean
  • Kemi-Freshman, Elementary Ed Major, enjoys being involved, Mooney approves.
  • Approved 11-0-0
  1. PR 1211-03 30-4 Resolution
  2. PR 1211-04 Student Representative Constitution Resolution
  • Stensland/Dean
  • President/VP would sit and speak with other schools, we need a constitution to say that we are an official body that includes the President/Vice-President
  • Todd Nordgren-Student reps has been working on this for 3 years, weighted on population. Constitution very clear and would allow student reps a procedure to approve things state wide.
  • Ann Miller-Section 1. Questions-Language suggests double representation, VP Anderson is guessing this is an oversight.
  • Would allow all Presidents and Vice Presidents to have a voice.
  • Representation- Basically 2 rounds of voting, each institution has its two votes, then it is a weighted vote. Yes, Madison and Milwaukee hold large percentage, but it is not half.
  • Approved-6-0-5
  1. IE 1211-01 Approval of Student Organizations
  • McEvoy/Dean
  • Approved- 10-0-1
  1. SF 1211-01 SUFAC Budget Guidelines
  • McEvoy/Harp
  • Nordgren says it is a nice write-up. Doesn’t know how it is specifically going to work on our campus, but looks generally like other campuses.
  • Passed unanimously in SUFAC
  • Sen Garfield is concerned that there isn’t a big enough budget for travel.
  • Motion to amend travel-Lindberg/Stensland, Budget shortfalls in travel allocation will be taken as a whole and taken away from travel categories as a rate of: Comp/pre-15%, Internal-30%, External- 55%
  • Line 12 eliminate parentheses, Line 17- “,if requested” Line 30-Costing between $4000.01 and strike up to. Line 31, Trips costing 15,000 or more will not be funded. Line 3 should be money not monies.
  • Amendments- 9-0-2 approved
  • Approved 9-1-1
  1. SF 1211-02 Non-Allocable Budget Sub-Committee
  2. United Council Update from Todd Nordgren
  3. Certificate of Appreciation for Graduating SenatorHenriquez
  4. Paperwork/Pictures/Et cetera


  • Be sure to make campus wide committees aware of class schedules so you are still able to go to the meetings.
  • Regent Tyler is coming!!!!! Questions by Friday
  • Bye Mari-Welcome new people!!!!

Adjournment-Harp/Chaffee Adjourned 9:45