P (project application)

Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study

Use this form to prepare the information needed to apply for approval for a new project using ROSS

Project name:


Project type:

☐Research proposal

☐Research grant application

☐Student project, project details (PhD, Masters, or Honours project. Please provide supervisor

details): ..

☐Other - please specify project type ..

Special Interest Group:


Approval is requested for:

☐Access to existing data

☐Collection of new data

☐Access to existing biological samples

☐Collection of new biosamples

Expected start date:


Expected completion date:


Lay summary

(Please provide a short lay summary of you research proposal (approximately 200 words))


Background and rationale

(Appr. 100 words)


Research question, aims and objectives

(Appr. 100 words)


Statistical justification for sample size and power

(Appr. 300 words)



(Please select all relevant options)

☐Funding obtained –

Funding body name, Principal grant holder, administering institution: ..

☐Application to funding body –

Funding body name, Grant submission deadline, Principal grant holder, administering institution:..

☐No funding required –


Ethics approval

Researchers are responsible for obtaining approval from the appropriate Human Research Ethics Committee(s) before data will be released by the Raine Study.

Please liaise with Raine Study management in relation to all submissions to Ethics Committees (). A copy of the final application, HREC approval and amendments are to be sent to the raineadmin ().

Specific ethics approval for this project is...

☐already granted –

Please provide details, committee name, reference number, etc.:..

☐to be sought –

Please specify from which committee:..

☐not necessary –

Please provide justification:..


Please list all investigators involved in your project including researchers, students and other collaborators.

All investigators will be contacted via the provided email address to confirm their involvement in this project. You will not be able to submit this application until all investigators have read through and confirmed their involvement in this project.

Type of investigator, email, first name, last name:


Data Part 1.

Please indicate the data from the Raine Study that you intend to use in your project. Please select categories and subcategories.











☐blood pressure

☐blood glucose

☐blood lipids



☐lung structure

☐Immunology & inflammation




















☐tissue sensitivity





☐mental health










☐nutrients including mineral (eg iron) and, vitamins (eg D)

☐infectious disease




☐full blood count

☐skin wrinkles and mole count


☐sleep disorders

☐sleep architecture

☐sleep health



☐physical activity


☐type of activity such as watch TV




☐Risky behavior

☐drug use - alcohol

☐drug use - tobacco

☐drug use - other



☐Perinatal exposures

☐obstetrics factors

☐maternal nutrition

☐maternal exercise

☐maternal drugs (medications, smoking, alcohol, illicit)

☐maternal stress

☐maternal mental health

☐Life-course environment exposures


☐noise exposure

☐sunlight exposure

☐Built and social environment

☐neighbourhood security




☐fast food outlets

☐family relationships

☐peer relationships

☐work colleague relationships

☐Education, work, socio-economics and demographics

☐primary and secondary school achievement

☐post-secondary education


☐work perceptions

☐work productivity


☐Health and development history

☐developmental stages

☐motor development

☐disabilities and limitations






☐care seeking

Data Part 2.














Future follow-ups

All co-investigators will be asked to confirm their involvement in this project, agree with the contents of this form, and agree to abide by the Raine Study Researcher Involvement Principles.

I agree to abide by the Raine Study Researcher Involvement Principles (link to full document), specifically

  1. All researchers must abide by the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research when using Raine Study resources. This includes:
  2. maintaining high standards of intellectual honesty and integrity, and scholarly and scientific rigor;
  3. declaring any potential perceived conflicts of interest;
  4. reporting research responsibly;
  5. respecting research participants; and
  6. respecting the community.
  7. All projects conducted using Raine Study resources must be bona fide research. This requires:
  8. the intention to generate new knowledge using rigorous scientific methods;
  9. the intention to publish findings as thoroughly and quickly as practicable, following peer-review by the scientific community; and
  10. the intention to interpret and translate findings to improve human health and well-being through policy and practice.
  11. All projects conducted using Raine Study resources must be compatible with the purpose of the Raine Study which is “to improve human health and well-being by studying the life-course of a cohort of Western Australians from before birth onwards”.