Rail Wheel Plant, Bela
Tender Notice No. 03/RWP/Engg./2017-18/WT/(Open) Date 12.09.2017
Tender No. 04/RWP/Engg./2017-18/WT/(Open) (Item No.1),
Tender No. 05/RWP/Engg./2017-18/WT/(Open) (Item No.2),
The Dy.CE/RWP/Bela for and on behalf of the President of India, invites sealed Open Tenders for the following works. Tender will be dropped in “Administrative Building” of Rail Wheel Plant, Bela up to 11:30 Hrs. and will be opened on same day in Dy.CE/RWP/Bela Office at 12:00 Hrs.
Last date of selling of tender forms: -31.10.2017 up to 14:00 hrs
Date & Time for Submission of tender: -01.11.2017 up to 11:30 hrs
Date & Time for opening of tender: -01.11.2017 at 12:00 hrs
Web site http://www.rwp.indianrailways.gov.in
Notice Board Location & Address – Ground Floor, CAO/RWP/Bela office
Item No. / Description of work / Approx. Basic Cost(In Rs.) / Earnest Money
(In Rs.) / Cost of tender document
(In Rs.) / Completion period of the work
1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6.
1. / Work for “Replacement and fixing of damaged/ broken glasses for lighting with rubber gasket with aluminium fittings in main plant at Rail Wheel Plant, Bela.” / Rs.13,01,381/- / Rs.26,030/- / Rs.2,000/- / 04 months
2. / Work for “Development of surrounding area of PCS, ETP, STP and FWT at Rail Wheel Plant, Bela”. / Rs.14,87,930/- / Rs.29,760/- / Rs.2,000/- / 04 months
The above tender notice is available on web site http://www.rwp.indianrailways.gov.in All tender condition may be seen on web site http://www.rwp.indianrailways.gov.in and on Notice board in CAO/RWP/Bela office.
1. The prescribed tender form will be sold in CAO/RWP Office/Bela on payment of required cash up to 31.10.2017, on all working days between 10:00 hrs up to 14:00 hrs.
2. In case any tenderer wishes to obtain the tender document by post, Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) extra should be sent by demand draft in favour of FA&CAO/RWP, Bela payable at Nayagaon. This should be sent at least 15 days in advance from the date of opening of tenders.
3. Tender (in sealed cover) should be dropped in sealed tender Box placed at 1st floor in office of CAO/Rail Wheel Plant/Bela, Post-Arvind Nagar, Block-Dariapur, District- Saran (Chhapra), Bihar-841221 or may be sent by registered/speed post to ‘Dy.CE/ RWP/Bela, Post-Arvind Nagar, Block-Dariapur, District- Saran (Chhapra), Bihar-841221 so as to reach in office not later than 11.30 hrs on Dropping date of tender. Railway will not be responsible for non-receipt or late receipt of tender forms sent through postal Dak.
4. In case of unusual occurrence, i.e., Strike, Bund, Holiday etc., the dropping of tender papers/documents and opening of tender will be done on the next working day at schedule.
5. The tender notice containing detailed Eligibility Criteria is available on website http://www.rwp.indianrailways.gov.in Tender documents can also be downloaded from the above noted websites. The facility is available free of cost. However, Demand draft for the amount, as mentioned against of the tender towards cost of tender papers and Earnest Money, in favour of F.A. & C.A.O./RWP/Bela, payable at Nayagaon will have to be enclosed with the tender.
In case of tender documents downloaded from Internet website, if tender is not accompanied with valid demand draft towards the cost of tender documents or if any addition/alteration/missing pages found in the tender documents, the tender will be summarily rejected.
6. The detailed scope of the work as well as eligibility criteria has been described in tender documents. However, details (if any), may also be obtained from the office of the undersigned.
7. RIGHT OF RAILWAY TO DEAL WITH TENDER: Railway Administration reserves the right to postpone/modify or to cancel any one or all the tenders without assigning any reasons.
8. The tender notice along with tender documents is available on above-mentioned web site.
Dy. Chief Engineer
Rail Wheel Plant, Bela
For and on behalf of the President of India