THURSDAY 21stFebruary 2013
Précis of minutes for publication on Airport website & Airport Notice Board
Present -7 Members + Minute Secretary +2 Representatives of GloucestershireAirport(GAL) +
1 Representative of Gloucestershire Police
Apologies - received from 5 Members+ 1 Representative of Gloucestershire Airport (GAL)
Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Secretary took over the Chair for the annual election of the officers –
It was agreed by all present that the current Chairman should continue in her role and the current Vice-chairman was re-elected for a further twelve months.
Minutes of the Meeting held on the 15thNovember 2012-
The minutes were approved by those present and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising –
1. Charity/Future Events:-
The Travel & Leisure Weekend held on the 19th/20th January was successful despite snow and freezing weather conditions with several bookings being taken for the Isle of Man and Jersey
Project Propeller will now be held at RAF Coningsby instead of Gloucester this year, it is anticipated that GAL will host this event in 2014
The Airport Open Day is planned for the 14th July 2013 and will be in the same format as previous years
The Sustainable MotoExpo 2013 event is being considered to be held at the Airport on the 28th & 29th September 2013. The group promote electric and low carbon emission vehicles in the automotive and motor sports industry and it has been suggested that this could be held on the North side of the airfield, similar to when Severn Trent used this area during the 2007 floods. The Airport’s Shareholders have agreed the go-ahead for this event.
A Cycle Racemay be held on the 29th June 2013, although this date is to be confirmed. This is a timed race organised by Eastgate Cycles and will be held after hours from 8pm to midnight and has attracted 500 entries. The Flying Shack will be the Race HQ. Indemnities will be precluded during this period.
Valentines Ballwhich was held in support of Help for Heroes and Aerobility raised in the region £1600
2. War Memorial at the Airport:-
The Chairman asked if there was any update on the War Memorial, the reply being- no further developments but still keen to pursue this idea, possibly Remembrance Day in November, discussions are ongoing. It was also mentioned that a suggestion to write an Airport History will be followed up.
Consultative Committee Matters -
The Chairman reported that both Gloucester City Council and Twigworth Parish Council have nowappointed replacement representatives.
The Chairman requested that all Councillors email their preferred email address for publication on the Airport Website to the Minute Secretary.
The Chairman asked if there was any news on the representative for PAS/BOND - nothing definite yet.
Airport Management Matters –
- Airport Development Plan:
The Managing Director reported that the Runway Safety Project is continuing to progress successfully and is within budget. A few snagging items are outstanding.
The Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) will be completed by the 7th March 2013 when it will be officially published in the Airac cycle
He also mentioned that improved security has been implemented including CCTV on the Airfield.
Tewkesbury Borough Council Planning has given approval for the original road access to be kept available in its current format for emergency use; new gates will be installed in the near future.
ii. Environment Report
A recycling centre is being set up on site to collect material from tenants and extra recycling bins are being placed in a central location to increase capacity. One of the larger Tenants on site is also now collecting the Airport’s waste oil for their use
There is nothing further to report on the campaign to have a bus service routed through Bamfurlong.
Broadband has now been successfully installed on site and is up and running.
Noise Complaints-
It was reported that there had been 86 noise complaints (6 New Complaints, the remainder are from Regular Complainants) during November, December and January made up as follows:
Staverton 2: BamfurlongIndustrial Park 4;
Plus the following from Regular Complainants -
Bamfurlong Lane 36; Badgeworth 7; Cheltenham 36
Plus 1 outside of the ATZ – Painswick 1
Movements for this same period were 13,480
The Down Hatherley representative enquired if the offer of a free flight over the area had been accepted by a local resident from Down Hatherley? Head of Operations replied that there had been communication this week regarding the flight, however, it was emphasised again that the flight is for this gentleman only in order that he may try to understand that Aircraft do not target the Church.
Report of recent Planning Applications.-
Wind Turbines - Strensham, Alney Island & Forest of Dean - All no further updates available.
There is nothing further to report on the application that was submitted to Tewkesbury Borough Council for the airport to be considered within their 2012 Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment (SELAA). A member enquired if this implied developing on the Green Belt, the reply being that this was in the Joint Core Strategy but it would be for Aviation, not mass development.
The Managing Director mentioned that there was nothing further to report on the Airport’s bid to secure an interest free loan with G First.
Airport Security Situation:
The following Airport Crime and Incident Statistics were provided by Gloucestershire Police for the period from the last meeting
GloucestershireAirport -1 reported crime (Concrete mixers and water bowser stolen from compound at Airport.
AnsonBusinessPark - 0 reported crime
BamfurlongIndustrial Park / Staverton Industrial Estate - 0 reported crime
MeteorBusinessPark - 3 reported crime (Mobile phone stolen; Attempted burglary of Industrial premises with window smashed;Purse stolen .
An Aircraft Maintenance had also reported fraudulent activity regarding credit card fraud.
The Managing Director again reiterated that increased security has been installed at the Airport, including CCTV.
Any Other Business
The Brockworth representative requested a meeting with the Head of Operations to discuss some work experience opportunities for local youths from the Brockworth Community.
The Down Hatherley representative mentioned that he had received communications regarding an economic study regarding the Airport and the Parton Farm area. The Managing Director replied this study had been commissioned by Gloucester City Council only and he was not aware that the opinions of the local Parish Councils were being sought. The Down Hatherley representative replied that this was being put forward to the Parish Council on the 6th March 2013
The Churchdown representative stated that Gloucester City Council had objected to ChurchdownPark becoming protected from future development as part of the Jubilee year in order to keep their options open
Head of Operations reported that in December 2012, the Joint Airport Working Group (JAWG) had met to discuss a proposal to vary the Green Policy for greater flexibility in the Airports opening hours. Minor amendments were suggested to permit the Airport to open 30 minutes either side of the official opening hours by prior arrangement only. The JAWG accepted the proposal subject to presenting this to the Consultative Committee. At this stage, there are no plans to formally open during these extra hours. The consensus at the meeting was that between 8am and 8.30am weekdays people are normally up and about but not on weekends. MR asked the views of the Committee. The Brockworth representative replied that the Airport is operating a business and these alterations would improve business within restrictions.
The Chairman suggested that as this was an important decision to make, the document should be circulated to members for their formal view and submitted to her and she would collate the responses, this would then be independent from the Airport.
Head of Operations agreed to issue the document electronically to members but stressed Commercial sensitivity
The AirportMuseum shell is virtually complete but unfortunately they have a now have shortfall in funds. The interior will be fitted out in the next few weeks and it is anticipated to be open by the summer.
The meeting closed at 19.05
Date of next meeting: Thursday 16th May 2013at 6 pm
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