Radical Road: Radical Faithfulness

3.16-17.13 / MHC / Lk 19:11-27 / Christ will come again, so be faithful to the end / 30 Min

Prayer and Introduction:





Read the whole passage: Luke 19:11-27 on pg ____ (making quick textual points)

-This is taking place right after Zaccheus was given salvation; crowd excited for Jer.

-This is another psg about the kingdom – a dominant theme in LK. We’ll address it.

The Kingdom Of God Revisited: There is comfort in the present kingdom

The Kingdom came, has come and is coming:  RETURN This parable teaches that there will be a time in between his earthly ministry and future reign.

Though the idea of the delayed (in their minds) Kingdom’s coming, The point of the parable was simple: We are to be wise stewards of our lives before his return.

  • Most parables are making a simple point: too often we try to read more into them then we should. He told parables to help them understand kingdom truths.

We live in this time period between Christ’s earthly reign. It doesn’t really matter how you think the end times will come, most agree that we are in between the two reigns right now. Therefore this parable does directly impact us as well.

APP: Christians are God’s chosen resource to establishing his Kingdom on earth. He could do this in other ways, but has chosen to establish it through us. We have a high calling to be wise w/ our lives in order to accomplish his purposes.

Rmbr this sermon on Lk 17:20-37: Live intentionally in light of eternity

v. 11 God’s Timing is perfect, but waiting it still hard

“As they heard these things” refers to the crowd right after the Z. incident.

The people were excited b/c salvation was there TODAY and they thought that by his statements and nearing Jer. that he was about call down angel armies to overthrow Rome and establish his kingdom. He was trying to say, “Not quiet yet…”

Understand their confusion over the crucifixion:they thought that they would be celebrating and instead, weeping. JC knew why they were going, disciple didn’t.

  • Yeah, You’re going to Kill it as king”  – not that you are going to be killed.

APP: The more we love the King, the more we desire His Kingdom. They had fallen in love with this messiah and were ready for the fullness of his reign.

But he wanted them to understand the high calling he was giving them.He tells us exactly why he was telling parable – No Kingdom yet, so be wise w/ your life

The parable answer, “So what do we do with the waiting?”

Don’t waste your life: The wasted life lives for itself. A life well spent is about HIM!

vv. 12-15 He is king Regardless of our preference…

Parallel btwn JC and the Nobleman.He is going to be King but must go first.

“He went to a far country to receive himself a Kingdom”: this was customary. Go to Rome to get appointed. JC going to heaven to sit at right hand of thrown of God and then would be seated on the thrown of David upon His return.

Some say, “We do not want this man to rule over us.” This was certainly true of that day (Pharisees) and is true today. Not all want Christ as Lord.

  • “Sent delegates” was a use of a recent event to show eternal opposition: (Bbl nerdy for a min) Herod had a son, Archelaus, who killed 3k on his first Passover ruling. Jews sent delegate to Ceasar and said, “Pls not him”. Granted request – but not so with This King. Some may not want, but he still rtrn as King
  • Jn 1:11, “He came to his own, and his own people did not receive Him.”

15a – “When he returned, having received the Kingdom” – JC was given totalk rule and dominion (Eph 1:21) and we knew this would happen according to IS 9:6, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”That is the pic of this King, no other!

… He entrusts his servants to be about his business (v. 13 &15)

The servant knows that there is an expectation to behave when he is God, so there is no apology or (if you don’t mind) for it.In light of the K. not coming immediately, there is an expectation of children to be wise stewards while he is gone.

The servants were not slaves: they were given responsibility and authority in his K.

He trust us with the small things…

  • Mina is = to 3-4 months of salary (about $20 today). Each servant receive 1 mina/
  • Until I come… engage in business.” Clear instruction to be wise stewards in the interim between his earthly presence. Didn’t mean ‘sit on your hands’ or ‘just wait’
  • What we are given is meant to be used for a spiritual prophet – EVERYTHING. You’ll be held accountable for what you have been given!

We see two responses to the King’s request to be about His business:

  • Both groups are given the same amount and asked to make good with it. In the same way APP we are given the same amount of time in a day – how will we use it?
  • Give three people the same amount: Used it wise OR didn’t use it. None spent it.

vv. 16-19 – Great Faithfulness

The first servant proved to be most faithful for he had returned the money ten fold. For this he was rewarded with greater responsibility. He was not told, Great job! Go on vacation… rather, he was given a huge responsibility of overseeing 10 cities.

APP: There is a truth in here that should not be missed: God rewards faithfulness by given even more to be faithful with.

Luke 16:10 ESV, [10]“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”

Though the second servant did not do as well as the first, he is not compared to the first. He is rewarded equally, using the same method that nobleman used for the first man. He is rewarded in proportion to His ability.

Application for the faithful

  1. Good servants understand that all they have been given has been given by God and they are to live open handed and give their lives for the king. Our stuff and accomplishments don’t define us. The good servant sees everything as God’s anyway.

Being rich is not bad. God judges what you do w/ what you’ve been given.

Your Family: God gave you a wife, love her in such a way that she will “become a blossoming vine”; Children – to impart the glory of His name to (this is a mina)

Your singleness: time to spend your life, time and resources for Him w/o resv.

  1. God’s People are about His His Work (and his purposes) Story of the Bikes

Were the disciple’s listening to him or merely hearing him? Did they accept the responsibility that he was giving? Are we listening or just hearing?Be all about HIM.

A Picture of faithfulness here at MHC: Mark Peterson and Mr. Korff

Don’t try to be greatest, no competition here: be faithful daily in small things.

vv. 20-22a – Great Failure

  • We don’t know what happened to the other seven servants – they are not mentioned. However, this 3rd ex. is given as clearly the worst way to proceed w/ God.
  • He as scared that he would take what was not his in the first place. He was not willing to let the king get the “profits” from his investment, so he just did nothing.
  • Those who try to steal God’s glory will do a similar thing – why invest in God’s kingdom when it is all for his glory anyway? Some others will invest in God’s kingdom just to get the glory (false humility).
  • He says that he was scared: Kingdid not agree w/ his statement, but questioning why he didn’t do anything if he “Thought” he would react that way.
  • He either (1) didn’t know the king or (2) was a liar– saying he was scared to cover up his laziness. If you really thought that I was severe there is no way that you would just sit with your handkerchief. If knew Him and not lazy – action!
  • The man tries to justify himself by saying: I kept it safe, I was afraid of you, and pointing the finger saying “You are a severe man”
  • Notice that he brought back the original amount. He did not steal it or spend it recklessly, he simply didn’t invest it and gain more fruit. APP: too often people get saved and sit on their salvation without any giving back to the kingdom, thinking that because they didn’t do anything wrong they were good.
  • Pew potatoes or cushy seat Christians: those who get fat on the knowledge of God and selfishly keep their “good news” a “great secret” and do nothing with it.
  • Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt for a min and assume he was afraid: The servant’s fear of the master literally paralyze him to do nothing. He was afraid that is master expected too much and he would fail anyway, so he did nothing at all.
  • This is why some ppl don’t volunteer in the children’s ministry – scared to mess up their own kids, why would they risk messing up someone else’s? Wrong view: Invest yourself and trust that God will not be disappointed with the results.

Application for the unfaithful

I am not afraid step on your toes, even jump on them because the warning here is clear – there is an expectation for you to serve Christ.

  • Exp: Omission vs. Commission: After we are saved, we are not merely asked to go an sin no more, but we also asked “bear fruit”: outward signs of our inward change.
  • James 4:17 ,”He who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it sins.”
  • MAJOR WARNING: “The wicked or evil Servant” is the woman or man that is connected to Jesus but has no intention to submit to his lordship:
  • For example: was Judas a disciple? Not a trick question: yes, he was. And he had responsibilities to the community of faith but in the end he was just using Jesus to get to another end and not full submit. This is evil! We are new
  • A person faking Christianity to please others, pull a quick one of God or feel better about themselves will be proven unworthy in the end. He wants true flwrs:
  • The Bible warns about the lukewarm person – lackadaisical lacking passion – andthe person to whom he says, “I never knew you.”
  • It is a right you to be afraid by this passage. Don’t just see the gospel as fire insurance. We have to ensure that our lives are about God’s purposes.
  • This church is not about an easy believism – “Pray this, visit the table, keep coming for 70 min a week.” We believe the Bbl calls for an overall life revamp.

vv.22b-26 – He revokes responsibility from the lazy rewards the efficient

There are several reasons for the nobleman’s anger:

  1. He didn’t share the master’s interest to make a profit for his kingdom
  2. He didn’t trust his master’s intentions
  3. His only concern was for himself
  4. He did nothing

Similar to the king in this story, God has give gifts to be used for His kingdom. We have been given salvation and with it is a reasonability to serve our King. We must ask:

  1. Do we want the Kingdom to flourish?
  2. Do we trust the intentions of our King?
  3. Are we concerned about others more than ourselves?
  4. Are we willing to work or are we going to stand still?

A time of accounting for all Christians will come. In fact, we fight against this often because we think God will just “Love us into heaven.” While we are saved by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, there is still an expectation for us to work.

Christ does not reprimand his servants for risk or failure, but for unfaithfulness.

The nobleman took it away from the irresponsible and gave it to the responsible. – WOW that is humiliating. I don’t know exactly how this will hpn

  • Don’t miss this truth: He gives more to those who are effective: Heb 6:10, “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.”

Those who have been given much will be given more so that they can produce even larger amounts (of impact) for the Kingdom. Those who have nothing and show up empty handed will not be given anymore opportunity and will even loose what they have been given.

(He trust us with the small things and…) He rewards us with the big things

-How does the truth, “To whom much is given much is required” apply here?

-My dad’s line, “if I can trust you with a little I can trust you with a lot.”

-God gives grace to the faithful and trusting, but judgment for those who trusted themselves rather than leaning on God’s grace.

V. 27 – The enemies of God will be cut off

There will be rejection on the day that he returns and The great reckoning will be done by Christ (Luke 5:22, Acts 17:31, Roman 2:16).

  • Reward given for faithfulness and it will proportionate to our faithfulness
  • The reward far transcends any of our labor
  • The reward is not retirement: “…it would be hell for me if I cannot serve Christ.” – Watson

At the end of the day, as it felates to our salvation: The only faithfulness you have for your salvation is the faithfulness of Christ, But your faithfulness to him in return glorifies what He did for you and is apparent in the way that you serve Him.

The Gospel is not what we do, it is what God has done!

Closing Application: He is coming again, so be faithful to the end.

Our works are the outward display of our inward faith(James 2:14-25).

Don’t just build your own kingdom: Like building your own sandcastle on the front lawn on His kingdom

-My grandpa’s old plaque – A … will soon be passed but is done for Christ will last.”

“There’s no such thing as standing still in the Christian life.” (Barclay)


Closing Statements:

-Watch Care

-Serving Cards as You Leave


Cutting Room Floor:

  1. Four questions that will help you get to the bottom of this: If you answer these questions one way, you should be concerned:
  2. Do you habitually commit sin? Re you practicing sin or stumbling in to one. Romans 6:1This may not mean that you are not saved, but it is a red flag that must be dealt with. If you found out that you were going to die tomorrow you would be mortified by that sin that has had a grip on your life
  3. Do you seek to live a holy life knowing tha the will return again 1 john 2:29 “I know the Bibles commands, but I don’t care” – giant red flag
  4. Do you love others? Don’t be a me monster. If you think everyone exists to make your life better for you than you have to fix this
  5. Are you affections on the things of this work – or do you have any affections for the things of God. Not a you

Th camp way but a jonathan Edwards way. Set your mind on the things of God. Do you have any affection for God at all? Do you see him as worthy of worship and worthy of your life. Are you aware of the things of God.

You don’t have to be the nerdy super spirtual guy (Abba – the sweedish rock band?)

If you have no appitite for the things of God, you have a problem.

  • People’s response is ridiculous: If God judges sin rightly then I don’t want to be with him. That is ridiculously b/c he judges rightly.
  • If he judges I will have nothing to do with him. No, you will just be judged.

The result of our work is ultimately in the hands of God. But it is our responsibility to work wisely for God’s glory. While we can’t directly correlate the King’s anger to that of Christ, we can understand the truth behind it: God will judge us for even the smallest things we have been entrusted.

Let’s call this guy “Mr. One Mina” – his problem is that he gave lip service to the initial command that the master gave him, “go and engage in business until I return.” He heard the command, and must have agreed, but he kept the mina in a handkerchief and did not do as he was instructed.

-His cover up for laziness and fear when asked the reason for no return was something like, I played it safe.


We need to understand the kingdom truth here of investing in God’s purposes. Any unused resources or opportunities will disappear.

Cooper on CNN

-I thought that we were saved by faith, not works, how does this passage not preach a works mentality?

This is not a salvation issue. We can know that we are saved, redeemed and forgiven with the promise of eternity, but we will be judged for how we spent our lives for Christ sake. God will reward the faithfulness of His servants

-Gen 29:20

A Call To Serve: The Body does the work of the body.

Be wise with the small things for the glory of our great King.

How I did sermon prep on Friday

A life spent well pays attn to the details and maximizes all he or she has been given by God.

I am wise in the small things in order to serve my great King.

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