Racquet Club HOA Board Meeting
Minutes – Thursday, 3/10/16, 4:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM; Board members present included Ben Lignugaris Kraft, Sam Moss, Lisa King, and Dane Taylor. Sara Wells was excused. Tanner Blackburn, representing PMA, was present as well.
1. Follow-up items from previous meeting
a. Comcast bid – (Tanner) – A 10-year contract for internet and video with Comcast will cost us $52.45 per unit. A shorter, 5 year contract will cost us $52 for internet alone. The board decided that a 10-year commitment is not in our best interests and the 5 year agreement is not a good deal.
2. Building/Grounds Maintenance
a. Lost large tree at unit 95 – plan for replacement in spring (schedule stumping with plan to replace tree in April) – Eric, from PMA, will meet with Seven Trees. The plan is to replace the tree in April so we can capture the spring rain.
b. Bid for painting phase 2 this summer – The bid is $97,614. The board accepted the painting bid.
3. Financial
a. Finances to date – All finances to date are in line with expectations.
4. Other
a. Garage check schedule is scheduled for the first week of May. Owners must be able to fit a vehicle in their garage.
b. Heat tapes will be turned off April 4
5. NEXT MEETING: Next board meeting is May 12, 2016
Spring Reminders
1. When we plan the road redo we have to attend to area by 179 -180 garages; 82 gutter & sunken sewer grate
2. Plan for Gazebo and build into annual meeting - Residences in the area were emailed and people are generally in favor of removing the concrete and possibly installing some bushes similar to those in Yonex Court
3. Next spring; restructure water schedule so there is more water behind 21-33 and water less in the large grassy area
4. Schedule road engineering for summer 2016; plan for speed bumps similar to those in the Jeremy Ranch area