Present: Kevin Bernhardt, Amanda Trewin, Misty Lemon-Rogers, Mary Rose Williams, Donita Cartmill, Regina Pauly, Qiong Li, Charles Cornett, James Swenson, Amy Nemmetz, Evan Larson, Teresa Burns, Nathanial Forrest, Laura Anderson, Frank King, Jr., Kory Wein, Staci Strobl, Christine Quinn (for Joanne Wilson), Lucas Frey, Lisa Merkes-Kress

Absent: Christopher Baxter, Dennis Shields,

Guests: Angela Udelhofen, Keith Thompson, Todd Carothers, Wayne Weber, Molly Gribb, Patrick Hagen, Melissa Gormley, Andrey Ivanov, Mike Compton, Kalyn Williams, Keith Thompson, Angela Miller, Regina Nelson, Todd Carothers, Patrick Hagen, John-Leonard Berg, Wayne Weber, Travis Nelson, Rosalyn Broussard

I / Opening of the Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. Will LeSuer was accepted as aproxy for Staci Strobl
Minutes of Tuesday, October 10, 2017were approved as circulated.
II / Reports
University Rank, Salary, and Tenure Policy Commission (URSTPC)
Kory Wein, member of the URSTPC, stated the Chancellor Shields, and Interim Provost Christine Quinn were in attendance at the last URSTPC meeting to discuss the 2/2 pay plan and evaluations due to the concerns mentioned at the last Faculty Senate meeting. Quinn informed the members that they reached out to System and determined that there is no need to adjust the review timeline for the 2017 evaluations, meaning that the 2017 evaluations can be used for the 2/2 pay plan.
University Budget Commission (UBC)
Charles Cornett, chair of the UBC, reported that UBC would be revisiting the bylaws to update the role and membership, with the thought of adjusting the terms to five years, due to the amount of work and understanding needed for the new responsibilities of working with the revised budget model. Appointments will be staggered.
3. / Provost’s Office: University Work Plan; Marketing and Branding Contract
Christine Quinn, Interim Provost stated that the University Work Plan (document attached) is a working document. Project leads met last week and will continue to meet monthly. If anyone has questions, Director of Assessment and Strategic Initiatives Victoria Livingston is an excellent contact.
Quinn also informed senators that Vendi has been hired to do branding and marketing for the university.The goal is to have this completed by the spring 2018 recruitment cycle.
III / Unfinished Business
Faculty Salary Review for 2017-19 Pay Plan/ Lapse Funds
Discussion ensued about the URSPTC recommendation in reference to the use of 2016 or 2017 evaluations being used for the 2/2 pay plan and report above in II.1. The following revised recommendation was presented:
URSTPC recommendation on 9/18/17 regarding lapse money:
  1. The college CCC’s should work with the Deans to determine how this money will be used.
URSTPC revised recommendations on 10/16/17 regarding 2018-2019 raise:
  1. Available funds should be distributed to all faculty members who have earned a merit rating or higher, with no distinction made between those with merit and those with high merit ratings.
  2. The 2017 evaluations (determined in Spring 2018) should be used.
  3. No other factors should be considered, only the merit determination.
AMENDMENT: It was moved by Cornett, seconded by Wein, to accept the revised recommendations. Motion carried.
The main motion, which was made and voting postponed at the October 10, 2017 Faculty Senate meeting, is as follows:
MOTION: It was moved by Cornett, seconded by Rogers, to adopt the URSTPC recommendation in full as amended (see above). Motion carried.
Board of Regents: Administrative Hiring Workgroup Report and Revised Regent Policy Document 6-4 “Selection Process for System President, Chancellors, and UW System Senior Leadership Positions”
After brief discussion of the policy (attached)the senate requested that the administration report at a future meeting on the concerns and questions shared.
Board of Regents: Regent Policy Document on Commitment to Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression
Lucas Frey, Student Senate President reported that students are in the process of creating a response/resolution regarding the Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression Policy. Kalyn Williams, Academic Staff Senate Chair and Andersonencouraged Frey to present to the senates for possible support of the resolution. Further discussion postponed until Student Senate completes resolution.
IV / New Business
1. / Merger of UW-Platteville with UW-Baraboo/Sauk County and UW-Richland (Announced 10-11-17)
Interim Provost Quinn stated that the goal of the merger is to keep from closing the two-year campuses. If approved at the next Board of Regents meeting, there will be transition teams and a consulting firm to guide the process. She also informed senators that there are eight Faculty and sixteen instructional staff at UW-Richland, twelve faculty and fifteen instructional staff at UW-Baraboo. It was mentioned that Patrick Hagen was once the Provost at UW-Richland and is a great resource for the history regarding UW-Richland. For more information on the merger, see the following website Some concern that Merger was announced without informing faculty representatives. Faculty reps to meet with Ray Cross on Friday, October 27. Further discussion postponed until next meeting when Chancellor and Provost will be attending.
V / Announcements
  • The next Faculty Senate meeting is not until November 14, which is in three weeks. This is due to having a fifth Tuesday in October.
  • Student Senate President announced that the Student Senate hadpassed a resolution for student senate to be contacted when system needs student representation on system wide committees and commissions.

VI / Close Meeting
1. / Next meeting: Tuesday, November 14, 2017
2. / The meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.

Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary) and Amanda Trewin (Secretary)

Faculty Senate Minutes of October 24, 2017 1 | Page