Meeting Notes

RAC Leadership Teleconference

1:30 – 3:30 Eastern time,May 12, 2011

Participants: Sandra Larson (chair), Rick Collins, Camille Crichton-Sumners, Chris Hedges, David Jared, Chris Jenks, Jim McDonnell, Tommy Nantung, Dale Peabody, Skip Paul, Amy Schutzbach, Jack Jernigan, Sue Sillick, Cameron Kergaye, Ned Parrish, Ron Curb.

Decisions and action items are underscored.

1:30 Role call

A motion (Collins/Nantung) to approve the previous meeting notes was approved.

1:35 Old Business

AASHTO Report: Jim McDonnell

The AASHTO Spring Meeting was held last week in Las Vegas, Nevada. A number of items of interest to RAC were on the agenda of the Standing Committee on Highways. Ken Sweeney from Maine DOT presented recommendations for NCHRP research problem statements asking for funding to update of AASHTO guides and specifications. In line with RAC’s earlier recommendations, SCOH will ask for additional details in all such problem statements, such as the ultimate objective of the research, estimated funding needs over the next 5 years, and estimated life of the updated document.

A resolution for a new committee on workforce development was presented by Pam Hutton of Colorado DOT. The resolution will be discussed by the AASHTO Board of Directors at their fall meeting.

During discussions on reauthorization, the possibility of a scaled-back proposal was raised. A revised position on research needs has already been developed and was circulated by Jim earlier today (see attachment).

NCHRP 20-07 met during the meeting and selected 9 new projects valued at approximately $600,000. A list of the projects selected was also distributed earlier by Jim. If any of the RAC Officers have suggestions for panel members, they should contact Jim.

The Technology Implementation Group TIG also met and discussed their role in disseminating SHRP 2 research results. They did not select any new technologies to promote at this time, but did agree to add three additional from RAC to TIG executive committee. Dave Huft is already a member and TIG will be adding RAC members from regions 1, 2, and 3.

AASHTO’s Technical service programs were discussed by the Board of Directors. A proposal to conduct a three year rotating review of each activity was accepted in principle; AASHTO staff will come back with a proposed process at the fall AASHTO meeting.

SCOH chair Amadeo Saenz is retiring and will be replaced by Paula Hammond of the Washington State DOT.

Sandra Larson – how does TIG intend to solicit new members from RAC? Jim – TIG will probably approach the RAC leadership seeking members who are interested in the TIG objectives and mission. Keith Platte is the TIG staff person and he will contact Sandra to follow up. Sandra will also discuss RAC membership on TIG with Dave Huft.

Sandra Larson – is AASHTO also seeking RAC members for the new workforce development committee? Jim is not sure if the composition of the committee has been established but will pass along more information when available.

Camille Crichton-Sumners – is there a possibility that the FHWA pooled fund mechanism could be used to fund some of the AASHTO technical services programs? This could make it easier for states to contribute funds. Sandra Larson – this questions should be raised with FHWA. Jim – AASHTO had discussions about a year ago with FHWA who made it seem that it would be difficult and involve a lot of administrative barriers. Sandra Larson asked Rick Collins if one of the task forces should work with Jim on this issue. Rick Collins – it may be more appropriate to conduct some initial discussions with FHWA first. It was agreed that Camille follow up with Jim and FHWA and present an update at the next RAC Officers’ call. An appropriate role for a RAC task force may be clarified through this discussion.

Dale Peabody – will NCHRP issue a solicitation for 20-07 panel members? Chris Jenks – no, the procedures for quick response studies are more ad hoc. Panel members will be solicited on a project by project basis.

TRB Report: Chris Jenks

The May 5th webinar on communicating the value of research was well-attended and successful. About 60% of participants were from DOTs, and the overall satisfaction rate exceeded 90%.

The SHRP 2 renewal group is initiating a bridge pilot study in New York state. A strategic planning workshop on SHRP 2 implementation was held earlier this week. In the naturalistic driving study instrumentation is still occurring at a slower rate than hoped but 400 cars now on the road. Chris distributed a map of state DOT participation in SHRP 2 activities (see attachment).

The announcement of the FY2012 NCHRP program has been released along with a request for panel nominations. The total funding level is still uncertain, but FY2008 levels have been assumed for planning purposes, and some funds have been carried over from FY10 and FY11. If the funding cutbacks in draft versions of the highway bill are passed, NCHRP could be scaled back to about $30 million per year.

The FHWA central office has informed their division offices that they can now collect the remaining 7/12 of their state FY2011 NCHRP contributions.

NCHRP will be working with CTC and Pat Casey to develop another four-page brochure highlighting RAC member high-value research projects.

About 9 Requests for Proposals have been issued for the FY2011 Transit Cooperative Research Program.

The Airport Cooperative Research Program is completing contractor selection meetings for FY2011 projects. Long term funding for the airport program has become an issue. ACRP is funding by the Aviation Bill. Reauthorization of the bill is long overdue, and about 18 continuing resolutions have been issued. The Senate’s proposed bill preserves the status quo for ACRP funding, but the House bill lumps ACRP with other FAA research and rolls funding back to FY2008 levels.

First panel meetings for FY2011 projects are being held in the Freight and Hazardous Materials programs.

The new Rail Cooperative Research Program is still waiting for DOT to appoint the governing board. The program will likely not receive FY2011 funding, given the cuts to high-speed rail funding. FRA has indicated they still want to move forward with the RCRP but the future of the program is not clear.

CRP Publications since the last call:

·  NCHRP Report 675: LRFD Metal Loss and Service-Life Strength Reduction Factors for Metal-Reinforced Systems

·  NCHRP Report 683:Protocols for Collecting and Using Traffic Data in Bridge Design

·  NCHRP Report 684: Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-Use Developments

·  NCHRP Report 685: Strategies to Attract and Retain a Capable Transportation Workforce

·  NCHRP Synthesis 412: Speed Reduction Techniques for Rural High-to-Low Speed Transitions

·  NCHRP Synthesis 414: Effective Delivery of Small-Scale Federal-Aid Projects

·  NCHRP Synthesis 416: Implementing Race-Neutral Measures in State Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs

·  NCHRP Research Results Digest 352: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Converting a Lane for Bus Rapid Transit—Phase II Evaluation and Methodology

·  NCHRP Web-Only Document 175: Evaluation of Bridge Scour Research: Pier Scour Processes and Predictions

·  ACRP Report 19A: Resource Guide to Airport Performance Indicators

·  ACRP Report 45: Optimizing the Use of Aircraft Deicing and Anti-Icing Fluids

·  ACRP Report 48: Impact of Jet Fuel Price Uncertainty on Airport Planning and Development

FHWA Report: Jack Jernigan

The recent passing of Ivy Harris has been a tragic loss and a setback for the pooled fund program. Jack and John Moulden should be the interim contacts until a replacement has been found.

Ivy’s family is setting up a college fund for Ivy’s two daughters. Lisa Williams will provide more information to Sandra, who will pass it along to the RAC officers.

2:00 New Business

2011 RAC Summer meeting – Ned Parrish

Details for each session are coming together; organizers will try to get presentations in advance for posting on the RAC-SCOR website before the meeting. Region 4 is finding that the proposed dinner event in Park City will be considerably more expensive than initially planned. An alternative is to hold the event in the Grand America Hotel, right across the street from the meeting venue. Another conference organizing committee meeting is planned next week.

SCOH Meeting Report

The NCHRP 20-24 panel (research for DOT senior executives) also met at the AASHTO Spring Meeting. Deb Miller is now the chair of the 20-24 panel, replacing Nancy Richardson. Several new projects were selected.

Significant discussion took place at both the SCOH and Board of Directors on truck size and weight regulations. There is a push from the trucking industry to increase maximum size and weight limits.

SCOR Chair John Halikowski delivered a presentation on SCOR activities to SCOH. Crawford Jencks helped to put the presentation together and Chris Jenks agreed to distribute a copy to the RAC members, who may wish to share it with their leadership.

Task Force Updates – Rick Collins

Administration (Skip Paul)

A conference call was held earlier this week, focusing on the update to RAC 101 and the development of one-page summary template for state DOT research units. Skip distributed a draft description of the template with examples earlier today. Jason Bittner has compiled summaries of about half the UTCs. Sue Sillick suggested that CUTC members may want to review the template to see if there is any further information they would like to see about the DOTs. Rick Collins noted the differences between the two examples and asked if we should be trying to achieve greater consistency. Rick - there was no information about the size (funding levels) of the programs in the two examples. Skip – that is true, but it could vary from year to year and would be hard to pinpoint. It would be possible to describe funding sources and typical amounts, as long as the date of the information was included. Sue – it might be helpful to UTCs to know whether states accept research ideas and/or proposals from out-of-state universities; a link can be provided to the funding guidebook as this document will contain this infomration once it is updated. Skip – states can be informed that they can include more or less information depending on their level of comfort. Skip will revise the templates and distribute it to the RAC members.

Transportation Knowledge Networks (TKN) Task Force (Leni Oman) – see Leni’s attached email update.

Coordination and collaboration – Sue Sillick

The Task Force is compiling comments on the RPPM website. A webinar is being planned on collaboration tools to be held in August or September. The research funding guidebook is being updated.

Program Management and Quality (David Jared)

During a conference call on April 29th the Task Force reviewed its core activities, deciding to retain all current activities and adding two more. Michael Bonini will be speaking in Salt Lake City on the PennDOT experience in implementing NCHRP results. PennDOT is planning to streamline the number of reports it distributes in-house. The Task Force plans to continue oversight of the Transportation Pooled Fund program website. David is taking the lead with help from Sue. The accuracy of information on the site has been questioned. The project consultant who is updating the website will contact the task force for input. The Task Force is also reviewing the website for NCHRP 20-63b on research performance measures. Barbara Harder (co-chair of the TRB Conduct of Research Committee) is planning a workshop on intellectual property at the 2012 TRB annual meeting. The workshop may be held jointly with the TRB Library and Information Services in Transportation committee with support from the PP&Q Task Force. Task Force members are also involved with NCHRP Project 20-89, developing an Intellectual Property Management Guide for State Departments of Transportation. When the RPF was first posted only one proposal was received and it was not accepted. The RFP was revised and distributed a second time to a broader audience. Eight proposals were received in response to the second call, and the panel is meeting June 8 to select a contractor. Skip Paul is the panel chair. State DOTs are the primary audience; Barbara Harder has suggested additional efforts are needed going beyond state DOT needs. The Conduct of Research Committee may develop a problem statement; possible with a role for PM&Q. Martin Petrucha is leading an effort on the solicitation of high-value research problem statements and will incorporate ideas from recent peer exchanges (New England and Missouri). FHWA’s David Kuehn, a friend of the task force – is checking with FHWA into the possibility of an SP&R webinar series in which PM&Q would like to participate. The Task Force has one more conference call scheduled before the national meeting and will present their action plan in Salt Lake City.

Value of Research (Dale Peabody)

Pat Casey and CTC will be developing a new four-page brochure on RAC’s top 16 high-value research projects. Each of the 16 will be briefly presented at the summer meeting. Dawn Vanlandingham from FHWA is assembling all the submissions into a single document for distribution. Ann Overton has been has been heavily involved with the task force and participated in the recent Webinar on communicating the value of research. Chris Jenks noted that the full webinar will be posted on the TRB website.