Register for BiocidesR4BP v3.9.0 Functional Test Report

Register for Biocides
R4BP v3.9.0 Prevalidation Testing Guidelines
v1.0 (Final)–16/03/2016
TRASYS S.A / n.v.Terhulpsesteenweg 6 C. B-1560 HOEILAART. Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2773 71 11. Fax: +32 (0)2773 79 00.

Register for BiocidesR4BP v3.9.0 Functional Test Report

Register for Biocides
R4BP v3.9.0 Functional Test Report
Contract: / SC52-ST5
File location: /
Ref.: / SC52-ST5-03 Release 3.9.0 Prevalidation Testing Guidelines v1.1.doc

Status information

Security classification: / Internal / State : / Final
Current version number: / v1.1 / Date of first issue : / 16/03/2017
Prepared by: / Panagiotis BANTAVANIS / Date: / 24/03/2017
Verified by: / Ioannis TSILIPOUNIDAKIS / Date: / 24/03/2017
Approved by: / Ioannis TSILIPOUNIDAKIS / Date: / 24/03/2017

SC52-ST9-03.04 Release 3.9.0 Functional Test Report v1.0.doc Final - 16/12/20161/1

Register for BiocidesR4BP v3.9.0 Functional Test Report

Circulation / distribution list

Name / Address / I/A / Name / Address / I/A
Nikolaos TSOUKNIDAS / ECHA / I / Ioannis TSILIPOUNIDAKIS / Trasys / A
Timo SAKSHOLM / ECHA / I / TRATOS Biocides Team / Trasys / I

(I = for information, A = for action)

Document change record

Version / Date / Description / Affected sections
1.0 / 16/03/2017 / Initial version / All
1.1 / 24/03/2017 / Updated for ECHA users / 2.2

Table of contents


1.1Prevalidation Testing Environment



2.Users and Credentials

2.1Industry User

2.2Authority Users (ECHA)

2.3Authority Users (MSCA)

2.4COM Users


The objective of this document is to provide guidelines for the prevalidation testing of the RBP v3.9.0 to ECHA and its external users.

The prevalidation testing will be executed in Trasys DEV environment (Details in It is expected that this environment it will not be stable due to normal deployment tasks of the Trasys R4BP project team, but still be adequate for the purposes of the prevalidation testing.

The scope of the prevalidation testing is included in a document under Confluence (see section 1.1 below)

1.1Prevalidation Testing Environment

Trasys DEV environment URLs appear under Confluence:


Table 11: References

Title / Document ID
Prevalidation test scope for R4BP v3.9.0 /


Please have in mind that you should create NEW data in order to avoid malfunctions with Trasys Project Team testing activitiesthat take place under the same DEV environment.

2.Users and Credentials

2.1Industry User

Industry Application User:

Legal Entity : Test-IndustryUser

Role R4BP : Manager

User id : IndustryUser1

Password : admin12345_

UUID : ECHA-9c3caa52-c5c7-4d84-86cb-18022000059c

2.2Authority Users (ECHA)

Password for all users: admin12345_

Authority Application User1:

Authority : ECHA

Role : APP_Agency_R4BP_Biocides_Initiator

User id : echa_opinionI

Authority Application User2:

Authority : ECHA

Role : APP_Agency_R4BP_Biocides_Verifier

User id : echa_opinionV

2.3Authority Users (MSCA)

Password for all users: admin12345_

MSCA (e.g. for MS Cyprus)User1 with role Manager: Cyprus_DNA_1_M_CY

MSCA (e.g. for MS Cyprus)User2 with role Normal: Cyprus_DNA_1_N_CY

MSCA (e.g. for MS Cyprus)User3with role Reader: Cyprus_DNA_1_R_CY

More MSCA Users can be formed by replacing the last 2 letters with the respective MS country code:

AT Austria: Austria_DNA_1_M_AT (user with role Manager for MS Austria)

BE Belgium: Belgium_DNA_1_M_BE (user with role Manager for MS Belgium)

The remaining country codes are:

BG Bulgaria CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic (note: “CzechRep_DNA_1_M_CZ”), DE Germany, DK Denmark, EE Estonia, GR Greece, ES Spain, FI Finland, FR France, HR Croatia, HU Hungary, IE Ireland, IS Iceland, IT Italy, LT Lithuania, LU Luxemburg, LV Latvia, MT Malta, NL Netherlands, NO Norway, PL Poland, PT Portugal, RO Romania, SE Sweden, SI Slovenia, SK Slovakia

Exception: UK United Kingdom (exception to the rule: UK_DNA_1_M_GB)

2.4COM Users

Password for all users: admin12345_

EU Commission User1 with role Manager: com_Manager_EU

EU Commission User2 with role Normal: com_Nanager_EU

EU Commission User3with role Reader: com_Ranager_EU

SC52-ST9-03.04 Release 3.9.0 Functional Test Report v1.0.doc 30/03/20171/5