R25 Natural Fools in the court of Henry Eight at Hampton Court Activities PHSE KS2


In 2011 Hampton Court Palace hosted a group of actors, called the Misfits, to investigate the role of the fool or jester at the Tudor court. All the performers playing the fools had learning difficulties. The education team at Hampton Court have put together a series of lessons based on this project to help you teach this little known aspect of Tudor times and to introduce a vehicle for discussion in class about learning difficulties, prejudice, discrimination and prejudice.

Lesson 1

Lesson plan and resources- Developing good relationships and respecting difference between people: http://www.hrp.org.uk/Resources/fools1lessonplanandresources.pdf

The dynasty Portrait was Henry’s favourite made up picture including two fools:


PowerPoint giving facts that have been established about fools at the Tudor Court:


Lesson 2

Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people, deals with disability discrimination and stereotypes:


PowerPoint- What do we mean by disability?


Prejudice, discrimination and stereotypes:


Lesson 3

Recognising and challenging stereotypes:


Lesson 4

Watch Videos http://www.hrp.org.uk/MediaPlayer/ViewPlaylist.aspx?PlaylistId=149&SiteMapId=1776

1. Introduction to All the King’s Fools Project. 4.06 minutes.

2. All the King’s Fools - About Us. 6.02 minutes.

Introduces actors in the Misfits who talk about their lives as people with learning


3. Stereotypes and bullying. 5.44 minutes.

Actors speaking about their lives and independence and other people’s attitudes.

4.’I’m forgotten’ a song by Marsail Edwards (one of the actors). 2.07minutes

Marsail sings a song she wrote and composed and explains the feelings that made her

write it.

5. Poem ‘Treat me with Respect’ by Penny Lepiz (actor). 1.47 minutes

Treat me with Respect

When you have a leaning difficulty

you get called bad names

People just don’t see me

the way I really am

It makes me feel cut off

as if no one wants me around

But deep within me

I know that’s not true

I do have belief in myself

and my own self respect

If people could see who I really am

and treat me as an equal

then they would know the real me

I’m no different anyone else

I just need the respect I deserve

And the future will be OK

So think carefully before you scorn me

with your bigoted ignorant attitudes

I am a person in my own right

as others who have a learning difficulty

We should all be united as one equal

Out with prejudice

Out with ignorance

Respect and tolerance

is what we need

and this is what we are going to get

if we fight for what we want

Those who choose to remain against us

with their scorn and derision

are their own worst enemy.