Cynthia Cristina Boos Lamy

Personal Data:

Passport Number: V- 2.940.821

Place and date of birth:Caracas, 24 de Julio de 1949

Citizenship: Venezuelan

Marital status: Divorced

Permanent Address: Ave. La Trinidad. Res. El Cerrito 21, Cerro Verde. El Cafetal. Caracas, Venezuela.

Telephone:+58-212-987.2367.Cell-phone: +58-414-287.7693.

E-mail: ,

Special Traits and Skills:

Excellent social and communication skills. Group control and teaching experience. Test administration, counseling and assessment for children, parents, teachers and families. Personnel supervision, selection, assessment, training and induction of new staff. Excellent command of both, English and Spanish languages. Creativity and innovating ideas when presenting information. High moral values.


High school:Academia Merici. Caracas. Bachiller en Humanidades. 1966

Higher Education:Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas. BS in Psychology.1966-1971

Other courses:

Masters in Child Development Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas

“Cómo Hacer un Empresario” (Becoming a Manager) Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, 1994

Practical Course in Emotional IntelligenceClínica de Psicología V. Mars. Valencia, Spain (on-line)

Computer Practical Course

Institute: IBM (Corporación Guedez, Barcelona, Edo. Anzoátegui)

Practical Course in Rorschach Technique Dictated by: Dr. C. Lozano. Date: Caracas, 1979


Present Job:

Corporación SoftNI de Venezuela(A software developing company for movie translations, subtitling and dubbing). Position Held: General Coordinator & Human Resources Manager. From January 08th 2004.

Activities performed:Some of my duties are: General supervision and coordination of staff performance in the Departments of Administration, Engineering and Translations. Recruiting, test administration and selection of all new staff. Induction and training of new administrative and translations personnel. Reception of clients’ orders for translation of movies, or other translation jobs required; distribution of these tasks among the different translators, according to their particular strengths, including a follow up and supervision of the performance of the free-lance translators hired. Quality control of finished translations and subtitling orders before returning to clients. Promotion and motivation of a healthy and positive work environment. This includes, norms and regulations, regular meetings with the personnel, follow-up sessions to control tasks compliance, evaluations and promotions.

Previous Jobs:

Instituto Educacional Henry ClayEnglish teacher for 10th grade

Colegio Jefferson, Caracas English teacher. 2nd Grade. Elementary school.From: September, 1997 To: July 2003

Other Activities at Colegio Jefferson: Sunshine Summer camp. General Manager and Supervisor

Corporación Softni de Venezuela Human Resources Manager. Date: From 1995 to: 1997

Taller de Estimulación Arcoiris Mágico (T.E.A.M.)Lecherías, Edo. Anzoátegui. Founder and owner.

San Juan Bosco Preschool. Lechería, Edo. Anzoátegui.Founder and owner.

Centro de Atención y Orientación Integral (C.A.O.I.)Lechería, Edo. Anzoátegui.Founding Partner. Psychologist, Member of an interdisciplinary team.

“Nuestra Señora de la Consolación” School.Barcelona, Edo. Anzoátegui. School Psychologist and Counselor

“Nuestra Señora de la Consolación” School.Caracas. School Psychologist and Counselor

Consejo Venezolano del Niño. Valencia, Edo. Carabobo. Psychologist. Member of Multidisciplinary team


Spanish:Reading: Excellent.Writing: Excellent.Conversation: Excellent.

English: Reading: Excellent.Writing: Excellent.Conversation: Excellent.

Background: Father: U.S. Citizen. Mother: British. I lived in England for three consecutive years. Two of my children were born in England.


Cuaderno Preescolar Arcoiris

Editorial Salesiana. Caracas

Some translation Experiences:

Multiple movies and documentaries. Technical reports for China Petroleum Corporation.

Transcriptions during congresses. Videos for advertisement.

Translation of the novel on Porfirio Rubirosa’s life: “The Playboy”. Written by: Jaime Rollo

Computer Knowledge

Domain of:Windows environment: Word, Excel, Power Point

Outlook, Internet Explorer

Creative programs such as: Print Master, Canon Creative, etc

Creating educational multimedia in-focus presentations for elementary students

Other Areas of Interest

Swimming and water sports

Arts and Crafts



Name: Dra. Cármen Elena Juárez

Telephone: 0414-819.5488

Name: Ing. Leonardo Marcano Báez

Telephone: 0414-808.5730

Name: Dr. Italo Boccalandro

Telephone: 0414-243.1843

Name: Ing. Arnaldo Salazar

Telephone:987.4974 / 0416-628.6900

Confidentiality will be appreciated