Newton Flotman Parish Council Meeting
I hereby give notice of a meeting of Newton Flotman Parish Council and summon members to attend. The meeting will be held at the Village Centre on
Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 7.30pm
for the transaction of business in the following Agenda
___Julie King___22nd March 2017
Clerk to the Parish Council
1) To consider accepting apologies for absence.
2) To approve and confirm minutes of the last council meeting on 31st January 2017.
3) To receive declarations of interest for items on the Agenda and to consider any dispensations.
4) Public Participation – an opportunity for the public to ask questions or to make comment and for any District or County Councillor reports.
5) To review any correspondence received – for information only.
6) Councillor updates (to hear reports from Councillors on any parish activity they’ve undertaken since the last meeting, and which is not on the agenda) – for information only.
7) To report matters arising from minutes not on the Agenda – for information only.
8) Regular Items – to receive any updates and to agree any necessary action in relation to:
a) SAM2 device
b) Community Speed Watch
c) Highway Issues
d) Newton Flotman Village Centre & Alan King Playing Field
e) Church building repairs, including the erection of a flagpole on the church tower, the Community Hub and automated shop
f) The number of registrants on the Parish Council’s website and the number of views to the site.
9) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
a) To hear an update on the Long Stratton Area Action Plan including the Long Stratton Bypass and to agree any necessary action.
b) To consider any action with regard to the Flordon Road/A140 junction.
c) To consider adopting and signing the completed Community Emergency Plan.
d) To hear an update on the feasibility of keeping the electricity supply from the BT kiosk on Short Street.
e) To hear an update on the bus shelter cleaning contract.
f) To hear an update on the sign for Flordon Road indicating the entrance to the village and to consider signing the Parish Partnership agreement.
10) New Items
a) To consider painting the noticeboard at the junction of St Mary’s Road and Flordon Road.
b) To consider the quote from South Norfolk Council for the annual maintenance of the ditch between the Village Centre and Sewells Close.
c) To consider the renewal of the membership of Community Action Norfolk (CAN).
d) To hear a report on the fence between the allotments and Alan Avenue.
e) To consider paying for the Clerk’s attendance at a SLCC VAT course at a cost of £47.50.
11) Periodic Items
a) To agree the arrangements and invitees for the Annual Parish Meeting on 25th April.
b) To review the Risk Assessments to include the Business Continuity Plan.
c) To review the Internal Controls and to appoint an Internal Auditor.
d) To appoint the trustee for the Village Centre.
e) To review the Direct Debit instruction for Anglian Water.
12) Consultations
a) To consider responding to South Norfolk Council’s Community Governance Review.
13) Finance
a) To note receipts and payments made since the last meeting.
b) To consider requests for donations Inc.
i) Norfolk Accident Rescue Service (NARS).
c) To agree invoices for payment.
14) Planning
a) To review planning meeting decisions since the last full Parish Council meeting.
b) To hear a report on plans accepted/refused by South Norfolk Council.
15) To receive items for the next agenda.
16) To agree the date of next meeting – Tuesday 28th March 2017, Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 25th April 2017.
17) To consider excluding the public under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the items to be discussed.
18) To hear a report on the Clerk’s appraisal and to note the new pay rate from 1st April 2017.
Parish Clerk Mrs Julie King
22 Henry Preston Road, Tasburgh, Norwich, NR15 1NU
Parish Council e-mail address:
Telephone: 01508 470759 Website: