R.B. Hunt Elementary

SAC minutes – December 20, 2016

The members in attendance are as follows: Amanda Garman, Tommy Bledsoe, Becky Welu, Beth Cleary, Sheri Lindsey, Gay Costeira, Peter Morin, Susie Gorick, Nancy Cubbedge, Stephanie Nehemias, and Donna Aunchman.

A meeting of the R.B. Hunt Elementary School Advisory Council was held in the Media Center on December 20, 2016. Becky Welu called the meeting to order at 3:10pm and welcomed everyone. Beth Cleary recorded the minutes for the meeting.

Peter Morin motioned to approve the minutes and Sheri Lindsey second the motion.

Old Business:

Amanda Garman shared with the team that the staff at RB Hunt met to discuss how the school recognition funds from the 2015-2016 school year should be allocated and that it was a unanimous vote to distribute the funds to the staff, both instructional and non-instructional. Peter Morin motioned to approve the distribution of the funds and Gaye Costeira second the motion.

Becky Welu shared that when Beth Sweeney visited last month she recommended that RB Hunt invite our legislators into our school. Becky suggested having them come to our school during Literacy Week to read to the K-2 students. Stephanie Nehemias suggested that they could talk to our 3-5 students about our government and how it works. Becky said that she would email them to find out when they are not in session and would be available to come to our school.

New Business:

Becky Welu shared that our Needs Assessment Survey will be open in February. Therefore, we will need to review the survey in January.

Amanda Garman shared that Mr. Cacchio’s fifth grade class is participating in Southwest Airline’s Adopt a Pilot Program. A pilot from Southwest will be coming four times this school year to work with the students in his class.

There was a discussion on how RB Hunt shows its support to our local police department. Peter Morin said that he has an idea that he would like to share at our next meeting on how we could show our appreciation.

Peter Morin motioned to adjourn the meeting at 3:54pm. Sheri Lindsey second the motion.

Our next SAC meeting will be held at 3:10pm in the RB Hunt Media Center on January 17, 2017.