Directorate of Device Testing and Clinical Engineering
Reference №(to be completed EMKI)
Quotation Request Questionnaire for the certification
of Quality Management System according to standards EN ISO 9001, ISO 13485
for the Conformity Assessment according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health
4/2009. (III. 17.), (Council Directive 93/42/EEC)
1.) Data of manufacturer’s registered office:
E-mail address
Postal address (if diff.)
Tax identification number
Registration №
Activity (See section 2. for more than one sites)
Contact person (I) / Contact person (II)
when different / Address
E-mail address
Phone / Fax
2.) Authorized representative:
(Authorized by manufacturers OUTSIDE the EU):
E-mail address
Phone number/Fax
Postal address (if diff.)
Contact person (I) / Contact person (II)
when different / Address
Phone /fax
3.) Details of further manufacturing sites:
Cert.¹ / Address / Activity / № of staff¹Please sign with X if the site is requested to be included in the certificate.
4.) Outsourced activities (key subcontractors, critical suppliers):
Name of the contractor / Address / Activity / Type of certification possessed5.) Details of processes / technologies of production (flow chart can be attached):
Process / Applied technology / Name of supplier / manufacturing site (with number of employees) / Number of employees6.) Details of products
Product(family) (Type code) / Versions of product / Denomination (application, where appropriate introduction sheet is to be attached)7.) Previous certification (Please, also indicate certifications expired):
Notified Type(e.g. ISO 9001) / Certification / Notified Body / Certification Scope / Validity period
8.) Details of Requested Certification:
Required deadline of quotationIntended date of certification: (only systems operated at least for 3 months previously can be certified)
Application of external consultant for introducing management system:*
Firm / Name
How did you get any information about certification activity of EMKI:* / □ Internet □ Media □ Business partner
□ Other: ...... …………………………………….
*It is not compulsory to fill in.
9.) System certification according to EN ISO 9001:2008:
Scope of certification:Exclusions: (only from chapter 7. of the standard)
Number of employees under certification scope per shifts: / Shift 1. / Shift 2. / Shift 3.
Number of copies and the languages of required certificates:
10.) System certification according to EN ISO 13485:2012:
Scope of certification:Exclusions: (only from chapter 7. of the standard)
Sections “Not Applied” of the standard
Number of employees under certification scope per shifts: / Shift 1. / Shift 2. / Shift 3.
Number of copies and the languages of required certificates:
11.) CE certification:
Annex 2. / Annex 3.
Type assessment / Annex 4.
Product review / Annex 5.
Production quality assurance / Annex 6.
Product quality assurance
Full quality assurance / Product design assessment according to section 4.
Class I
sterile or measuring function
Class IIa
Class IIb
Class III
Number of employees under certification scope:
Number of copies / language / Language / № of copies
official signature
Name and position of signatory (print, please):
* OGYÉI-EMKI 1372 Budapest P.O.B. 450. ¨1097 Budapest, Albert Flórián út 3/a ((+36) 20268 7595
¨Fax: (+36 1) 886-9460 ¨E-mail:
Internal ID №: EMKI_MIR_M9_MDD_eng_v2.3_20160706