(RFQ REF:2200001341)


This document is the property of Singapore Pools (Private) Limited and the information contained herein is confidential. This document, either in whole or in part, must not be reproduced or disclosed to others or used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied without Singapore Pools' prior written permission, or, if any part hereof is furnished by virtue of a contract with a third party, as expressly authorized under that contract.


  1. Introduction
  2. Instructions to Suppliers
  3. Site Briefing
  4. Submission of Quotation
  5. General Terms and Conditions
  6. Assessment of Bid
  7. Workmanship
  8. Electrical Works
  9. Payment
  10. Completion and Damages
  11. Risk Assessment
  12. RFQ Clarifications

Annex A – Covering Letter

Annex B – Cost Schedule

Annex C – Supplier’s Particulars Form

RFQ Ref: 2200001341Page 1 of 18

Singapore Pools (Private) Limited

  1. Introduction

You are invited by Singapore Pools (Private) Limited (“Singapore Pools”) to respond to our Request for Quotation for Reinstatement Works to Singapore Pools Branch at Blk 147 Silat Avenue #01-24.

  1. Instructions to Suppliers

The Supplier who wishes to participate in this RFQ, on meeting the eligibility requirements, will receive a full set of the RFQ Document by electronic mail.


Participating Suppliers must be BCA registered withCW01 General Building.

2.2Failure by the Supplier to comply with the above obligations shall:

(a)subject the Supplier’s Quotation to disqualification / rejection;

(b)entitle Singapore Pools to debar or restrict the Supplier from future tenders for such period to be decided by SPPL.

  1. Site Briefing

Site briefing (compulsory*) on 21December2015, Monday at 2.00pm at Singapore Pools branch at Blk 147 Silat Avenue #01-24

*Participating Suppliers must attend the above COMPULSORY site briefing to qualify for participation in the submission of quotation.

  1. Submission of Quotation

4.1Participating Suppliers are required to submit the following before the Closing Date & Time, i.e. not later than4 Jan 16, Monday @ 11am.

(a)Covering Letter per Annex A of this RFQ Document;

(b)Cost Scheduleper Annex B of this RFQ Document; and

(c)Supplier's Particulars Form per Annex C this RFQ Document.

(d)Proof of Eligibility of BCA registered withCW01 General Building.

Email the above mentioned documents (in password protected zip file) to ; and

In a separate email, send the password to

  1. General Terms and Conditions

5.1All Prices to be quoted in Singapore Dollars (exclude GST) only.

5.2Singapore Pools shall not be liable to any suppliers for the costs and expenses incurred by the supplier in preparing and submitting their quotation or relating to this RFQ.

5.3Singapore Pools reserves right to:

(a)reject any or all offers and discontinue with this RFQ without obligation or liability to any potential supplier;

(b)accept other than the lowest priced offer;

(c)award the quotation to more than one supplier and/or the quotation in whole or in part;

(d)appoint a supplier (or more than one supplier) on the basis of initial offers received, with further discussions or requests for best and final offer.

5.4Singapore Pools will not enter into correspondence with any suppliers regarding the reasons for non-acceptance of a quotation and reserves the rights not to disclose the details of the selected quotation to the rest of the suppliers.

5.5Notification will not necessarily be sent to unsuccessful suppliers by Singapore Pools.

5.6Successful Supplier shall comply with HDB renovation / A&A works guidelines. The guideline can be obtained from HDB Website.

5.7Successful Supplier shall comply with regulations by the Competent Authorities i.e. BCA, FSSB, HDB etc.

5.8All information / dimensions shown in this document & attached layout plans are to be verified by the successful contractor and subject to further adjustment in relation to existing site condition if deemed necessary.

5.9The Successful Supplier shall comply with all relevant sections of Personal data Protection Act 2012 which may apply to this Contract.

  1. Assessment of Bid

6.1 Participating Suppliers shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

(a)BCA registration in CW01 General Buildingwork head*

(b)Compliance with specifications & requirements (including terms and conditions)*

(c)The companyis not debarred from government projects*

(d)Price quoted should be the most competitive price. Singapore Poolsdoes not bind itself to accept the lowest quoted price.

(e)Relevant Track Records and Experience in such reinstatement work.

*These are Critical Criteria. Quotations that do not meet these criteria shall be rejected.

  1. Workmanship

7.1The whole of the reinstatementworks shall be carried out by skilled tradesmen in accordance with the best trade practice.

7.2Successful Supplier is responsible to work out and provide the detailed method working statement with timeline for client’s approval to ensure smooth completion of works.

7.3All cutting and jointing shall be carefully and accurately done so as to provide close smooth finishing and not noticeable.

7.4All reinstatement/defects must be rectified prior to completion / handing over date. Otherwise the completion date will be adjusted according and Liquidated Damages will be tabulated if actual completion date is later than the project duration stated in section 10.1.

  1. Electrical Works

8.1 All cables used in new installation, replacement or extension works for electrical installation shall comply with the new cable colour code as per Singapore Standard CP5: 1998 amendment. All cables must be run in metal conduits and steel trunking. All electrical installations carried out are to comply with Energy Market Authority (PUB) regulations.

8.2 All dimension shown in this document & layout plans (if any) are to be verified by the Successful Supplier and subject to further adjustment in relation to existing site condition if deemed necessary.

  1. Payment

9.1The successful Supplier shall submit his claim for payment within two weeks upon the successful completion of the works according to the specification and to the entire satisfaction of Singapore Pools.

9.2Singapore Pools shall verify and certify the sum to which the contractor is entitled under the Contract. Payment shall not be considered as evidence of the quality of the Works to which the payment relate nor shall it relieve the contractor of his responsibilities under the Works.

  1. Completion & Damages

10.1The whole reinstatement works shall be completed within Five(5) working days exclusive of Sundays and Public Holidays from the date of the premises is handed over and approval from HDB.

10.2 The Suppliershall rectify any defect that arises from the workmanships and materials immediately from the date the complaint is lodged by Singapore Pools or Landlord. The Suppliershall not be entitled to any claim for such rectification works.

10.3The Successful Supplier shall with due diligence and in a good and workmanlike manner carry out and complete the works in accordance with the scope of work and specifications. If Successful Supplier fails to complete the works stipulated under scope of work and specifications herein, then the Successful Suppliershall pay to Singapore Pools Liquidated Damages as $ 300/= per day for each day after the expiry of the contract period that the works remain uncompleted.

  1. Risk Assessment

11.1The successful Supplier shall submit Risk Assessment prior to starting of works.

11.2Under the Workplace safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations – The successful Supplier must ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the machinery or equipment erected, installed or modified is safe and without health risks when properly used.

11.3 The successful Supplier shall submit the Activity-Based Risk Assessment form to Singapore Pools before the commencement of work.

11.4The successful Supplier shall ensure that his staff involved in risk assessment must have undergone the necessary training in risk assessment. Alternatively, a qualified safety consultant under Building & Construction Authority (BCA) should be engaged in the conducting of risk assessment.

11.5The activity Based Risk Assessment form shall be diligently filled up by the project officer duly endorsed by the company senior management and submitted to Singapore Pools for discussions to prevent any possible hazards and to reduce all associated risks.

  1. RFQ Clarifications

For any enquiries on any aspect of the RFQ Document, they should write to:

(a)MrJames Chen atTel (DID): 6216 8238


(b)Ms Vannterline Chee atTel (DID): 6216 8883


(c)Ms Ferrine Ng atTel (DID): 6216 8815


RFQ Ref: 2200001341Page 1 of 18



To:Singapore Pools (Private) Limited

210 Middle Road, #01-01

Singapore Pools Building

Singapore 188994

Dear Sirs,


  1. In response to your Request for Quotation (RFQ), we, the undersigned hereby offer and on your acceptance of this quotation, undertake to provide the scope of works and services, in accordance with the RFQ Document for the total sum of Singapore Dollars ______(S$ ) referred to in the Cost Schedules (Annex B of the RFQ Document).
  1. We further declare that ______(Company name) and all of its Directors are currently not debarred from participating in quotations or tenders invited by any Government Ministries / Statutory Boards, if applicable.
  1. The Goods and/or Services shall be supplied in accordance with the requirements set out in the RFQ Document.
  1. Our offer is contained in this Covering Letter, which shall include accompanying documents, if any, that we enclose hereto. This offer shall constitute our Quotation.
  1. We agree that as and when requested by Singapore Pools (Private) Limited we shall extend the validity of this offer for one or more periods.
  1. For the duration of the Period, we shall be bound by the prices offered as set out or referred to in the Cost Schedule per Annex B of the RFQ Document.
  1. At your option, you shall be entitled to accept our Quotation in part or as a whole.
  1. We confirm that our Quotation meets with the requirements in the RFQ Document.
  1. At your absolute discretion, you may reject any or all Quotation. You are not bound to accept the lowest or any Quotation. Neither are you required to provide any reason for the rejection of any quotation. You retain absolute discretion in deciding whether to accept any Quotation.
  1. In the event that the Quotation submitted by us shall in any way not be in compliance with your RFQ Document you shall have the discretion to disregard the deviations from the RFQ Document made in the Quotation submitted by us and treat our Quotation as if such deviations/changes were not made. Accordingly, your acceptance of our Quotation shall be construed as disregarding and excluding such deviations/changes.
  1. We annex to this Covering Letter the following:

(a)a list of names and particulars, including, Identification Card Numbers (or passport number for foreigners) of all Partners/ Directors of our firm/company;

(b)a list of the names and addresses of our Bankers; and

(c)a full description of our track record

  1. We also undertake that we shall forthwith furnish you any information, which you may require at any time.

Dated this ______day of ______, 2015.


Authorized Signature and Company Stamp



NOTICE -This Covering Letter duly completed MUST accompany every Quotation. Any change to its wordings may render the Quotation liable to DISQUALIFICATION.

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Quotation and Scope of Worksfor Reinstatement Works to Singapore Pools Branch at Blk 147 Silat Avenue #01-24
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Contact No.:
(Please provide proof of eligibility, refer to section 2.1 of this RFQ Document.)
TOTAL PRICE, S$ (before GST):
Target Completion Date: / 14-Jan-16
Authorized Signature and Company Stamp:
S/N / Scope of works / Qty / Rate (S$) / Amount (S$) / Remarks
1 / Preliminaries
1.1 / Submission and Approval of Reinstatement Works:
a) Prepare and submit application / drawings & fees (if any) for the proposed reinstatement works to the Landlord for endorsement.
b) To obtain the approval of all relevant authorities in respect of the reinstatement works (such approval shall be obtained prior to the commencement of the reinstatement works)
c) To ensure compliance with all the statutory regulations and requirements and proper supervision of the reinstatement works. / 1 lot / Successful Supplier is required to comply with HDB Renovation /A&A guideline.
1.2 / Insurance Policies – Contractor shall at his own cost procure and provide all necessary insurances for his Direct Contract Works including but not limited to the following:
1.2.1Contractor’s All Risk at least $ 1 million.
1.2.2Third Party Liability
1.2.3Work Injury Compensation Act
1.2.4Any other Insurance Policy as may deem necessary.
Copies of the insurance policies and receipts of premium payment must be submitted to pools prior to the commencement of reinstatement works. / 1 lot
1.3 /

Site Safety, Protection, Signage, Cleaning and Handing Over:

a) Contractor shall provide adequate protection covering along the common areas & corridors to prevent damages to the floor finishes when transporting heavy or bulky material or equipment.
b) Sufficient approvedsafety sign informing the public of the impending reinstatement works must be properly displayed.
c) To provide protection & cover up all equipment and items that to be transferred and relocated to other branches.
d) To remove all unwanted items and debris resulting from the reinstatement works daily or at such intervals as directed by the HDB, Town Council or Pools.
e) Successful Supplier shall provide adequate workers to keep his operation areas clean and tidy, including the common area.
f) The completed works and areas to be properly cleaned before hand-over. / 1 lot / Successful Supplier shall comply with all requirements as per HDB Renovation / A&A works Guideline.
2 /

Reinstatement Works- To reinstatement the whole premises including the electrical system to their original state and condition to the satisfaction of the Landlord.

2.1 /

Building / Interior Fixtures & Fittings

2.1.1 To remove all internal partitions, brick walls, doors, windows, sales counters, built-in workstation & cabinets (BM office), marking counters & notice boards (betting hall), store, box-up to windows (in the WC & rear windows), fixtures, fittings, furniture, Sports & Tote folder and installations erected, affixed, installed or placed within the premises and make good any damage or disfigurement caused by such erection, displaying, affixing or removal.

/ 1 Lot

2.1.2 Floor Tiles

a) To hack & remove the floor tiles. (Except WC & Bathroom); removing debris off site and preparing surface to receive new finishing.
b) Cement and sand (1:3) paving trowelled smooth including forming angles, round edges, etc. / 1 Lot

2.1.3 Wall Tiles (Betting hall only)

To hack & remove the wall tiles; removing debris off site and make good surface with new cement and sand (1:4) plaster with approved plasticizer including trowelling smooth. / 1 Lot



To dismantle & remove false ceiling / ceiling boards including the whole aluminium suspension system; removing debris off site and make good areas affected to the original state and condition to the satisfaction of the Landlord. / 1 Lot
Safe (Estimated weight: 500 kg) – 1 no.
To supply labour,toolsand transport to remove the concrete encasing to the safe and shift it to Singapore Pools King George’s Ave branch at Blk 803 King George’s Ave #0-1-200/202 including all necessary protection. / 1 Lot


Brushing down and applying emulsion paint to the walls & ceilings / 1 Lot
2.2 /

Electrical Works


Electrical System – To remove all electrical fittings and equipment installed by Pools including but not limited to the following to the original state and condition and the satisfaction of the Landlord:
a) All electrical incoming & outgoing wiring/cables, trunking, conduit, cable tray etc.
b) Lighting including EXIT & Emergency lights except lighting in the WC & Bathroom.
c) Ceiling fans & exhaust fan in the WC.
d) All Power / Isolator Points including switches / controls and Private Power Meter.
e) All Network & telephone system and cabling installed by Pools.
f) Pools lighted signboard at shop front – To remove and discard away the signboard including properly terminated all wiring and make good affected areas. / 1 Lot
DB Panel, Termination / Reinstatement of DB, Power Points & Lighting
a) To disconnect Pools DB Panel (40Amp Single Phase) including all wiring & trunking and make good areas affected. To deliver the DB panel to our M&E store at Singapore Pools Building and make good all connection and termination.
b) To supply & reinstate the DB panel (Single phase 30A) c/w all required MCBs and RCCB, including all connection and wiring works as per landlord requirements and satisfaction.
c) To reinstate the light fittings (existing 2’ x 2’ lights at sales counter & office) c/w wiring & switches & controls to the satisfaction of the Landlord.
d) To reinstate the power points (2 x 13A Twin) to the satisfaction of the landlord.
e) To check and ensure the electrical load distribution to L1 & L2 are in order. / 1 Lot
3 /


3.1 /

The Contractor is to allow here for any items of work not included elsewhere in the document but which he considers necessary for the full & satisfactory completion of the overall works. (Please give details)

Total (Item 1 to 3)

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Please provide the information stated below and attached a copy of your company’s ACRA[1] or Business Registration. All spaces must be completed and “NA” should be written if not applicable.

  1. Registered Name of Company
  1. Registered Address, Telephone no. and Fax no.
  1. Type of Registration

[ ] Sole Proprietor[ ] Private Company

[ ] Partnership[ ] Public Company

  1. Date of Registration & Incorporation:
  1. Registration No:
  1. GST Registration No (if applicable):
  1. Commercial Details (if applicable):

EPPU (Supply Head, Financial Limit & Expiry Date):

Others (e.g. certificates, licenses, etc.):

  1. Nature of Business & Products/Services Offered
  1. Ownership: Singapore [ %]Foreign [ %]
  1. Names of all Partners/Directors/Shareholders & % of Shareholding for each (use separate sheet).
  1. Principal Officers:

Managing Director