Sino Biological Inc.
Biological Solution Specialist
Protein Expression and Purification Service Inquiry Form
This form is aimed to know accurate info about clients and their requirements, so that we can provide faster quotation and better services. Please fill the form and send it to . We will reply to you within 1-2 business days upon receipt of this form. Thanks for your cooperation.
1. Contact Information
Date of RequestClient Name / Email
Organization Name
Shipping Address
2. Protein Information
Protein Name / Accession# / SpeciesProtein Sequence
Sequence info / The protein sequence is a native one.
The protein sequence has been modified. If yes, please specify the modified site.
Sub-cellular Location / Cytoplasmic Nuclear Membrane Secreted
Other (please specify)
Protein Property / Enzyme Protease Toxic Prone to aggregation
Prone to degradation Insoluble Other (please specify)
Molecular Weight (kD)
Expression Level (mg/L) / Please indicate crude or post-purification
Previously Produced/Purified? / If yes, please attach growth and purification protocols
3. Expression and Purification Requirement
Starting Materials / Sequences, gene synthesis is neededYour template DNA/cDNA, sub-cloning is needed (please provide plasmid info, eg. plasmid name, antibiotic resistance, restriction enzymes and fragments, plasmid map if available, etc.)
Plasmid that Sino already has
Stable cell line for protein production (please also provide cell line info, yield and culture conditions)
Expression System / HEK293 transient CHO transient
HKE293 stable CHO stable
Insect-Baculovirus E.coli Yeast
Affinity Tag / HIS GST Fc Flag AVI SUMO
Other (please specify)
Affinity Tag Terminus / N-terminus C-terminus
Affinity Tag Removal after purification / Remove Do not remove
Required Amount (mg)
Required Purity (%) / Detected by SDS-PAGE: (please specify)
Detected by SEC: (please specify)
Required Concentration (mg/ml)
Special Requirement / Endotoxin level (please provide required content EU/mg)
Others (please specify)
Final Formulation / Storage buffer / Standard PBS, pH7.4
Other (please specify)
Delivery Size: (protein quantity per vial)
Date Wanted By
Date Needed By / e.g. date of study initiation
Intended use / Activity study Structural Study Antigen
Drug Screening Cell based experiment
In vivo experiment In vitro experiment
Other (please specify)
Shipping / 2-8℃ -20℃ frozen gel packs -80℃ dry ice
Other Comments / Please specify if there is any. If you need to express several proteins with the same quality, please indicate in this section.
Suite B-209
14 Zhong He Street, BDA Fax. 86-10-5102-9969
Beijing 100176, P.R. China E-mail: