Name ______

Quiz - Setting the Stage for War

  1. The term, “popular sovereignty” describes
  1. Abolitionists
  2. The right of states to vote on laws
  3. The right of the federal government to nullify laws
  4. The nullification of tariffs
  1. What is being described in the box below?
  1. Tariff of 1832
  2. Georgia Platform
  3. Kansas-Nebraska Act
  4. Missouri Compromise
  1. Which statement BEST describes the outcome of the Dred Scott case?
  1. The New York court system changed the laws of Missouri
  2. Missouri granted Scott the right to be free
  3. The U.S. Supreme Court decided against Scott
  4. The U.S. Supreme Court sent the case back to the Missouri Supreme Court
  1. In what way is the Kansas-Nebraska Act similar to both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850?
  1. Each was concerned with tariffs
  2. Each decide the legality of slavery in new states
  3. Each was written to end the Civil War
  4. Each was written by Alexander Stephens
  1. State’s rights can best be described as the belief that states
  1. Could not free their slaves
  2. Could leave the Union at any time
  3. Could ignore national laws if they were harmful to the state
  4. Could force the national government to turn over all national government property to the states
  1. The early 1800s belief of some people that a state could refuse to enforce a federal law was known as
  1. Absolution
  2. Justification
  3. Nullification
  4. Ratification
  1. Which statement best describes the failure of compromise?
  1. Compromise kept a balance between free and slave states
  2. Compromise is only possible among rational people
  3. Compromise did not prevent the Civil War
  4. Compromise is usually short-lived
  1. The “Georgia Platform” was a statement supporting
  1. States’ rights
  2. Popular sovereignty
  3. The Compromise of 1850
  4. Slavery throughout the United States
  1. The purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act was to
  1. Require slaves to have citizenship papers
  2. Prevent slaves from testifying against whites in court
  3. Prevent slaves from have group meetings
  4. Require slave that had run away to go back to their owners
  1. Which situation was the most immediate result of Abraham Lincoln’s election to the presidency in1860?

A. Kansas and Nebraska joined the Union as free states.

B. A constitutional amendment was adopted to end slavery.

C. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.

D. Several Southern States seceded from the Union

Use the graph to answer the following questions.

  1. How much did a slave cost in 1840?
  1. $750
  2. $1,000
  3. $1,250
  4. $1,500
  1. In what year did slaves cost the least?
  1. 1820
  2. 1830
  3. 1840
  4. 1850
  1. In your own words, what events explain why the cost of a slave rose significantly from 1850-1860?
  1. After Abraham Lincoln’s election, which man called for Georgia to remain in the Union?
  1. Joseph Brown
  2. Thomas Cobb
  3. Robert Toombs
  4. Alexander Stephens
  1. What was the main agricultural crop of the south and the source of revenue?
  1. Peanuts
  2. Cotton
  3. Indigo
  4. Silk

Bonus-1 point each for correct definition of Civil War slang!

  1. Sawbones
  2. Sardine box
  3. Arkansas toothpick
  4. Grab a root
  5. Quick step