February 12, 2008

7:00 P.M.


325 N. Third Street

Fairborn, Ohio


Visitors Welcome

Unfortunately, it is that time of year. Meetings will be canceled if Fairborn schools are closed.

Quilt Blocks and How They Got Their Names

By Lisa Broberg Quintana

The February program will be a slide lecture entitled “What’s in a Name? Historical notes to the derivation of quilt names—or—OH! So that’s where it came from!” This is part one in a series I put together in Connecticut about the historical background of antique quilt block names. Some of you may be familiar with The Lone Eagle, but how about Nelson’s Victory, the W.C.T.U. block and Odd Fellow’s Choice?

So...who am I and why the heck do I think I can speak on this? Well, I’m just one of you now, but I was a museum curator, trained at Colonial Williamsburg and I hold a MA in Colonial American History from the College of William and Mary. I served as director or curator at a number of small institutions in Connecticut, most recently, the New Haven Colony Historical Societyuntil I quit to do free-lance museum work when I had my daughter. I continued to lecture, write articles and exhibition reviews until I moved to Ohio in June 2005. I came home so to speak as I was born and raised in south central Michigan and joined the guild in February or March of 2006.

A Note from the President

Already in the new year we’re looking forward to next Christmas with the opportunity to create ornaments in order to decorate a TWIG tree to benefit Children’s MedicalCenter. Please read Connie Combs’ article explaining the project.

On our web site we’ve listed the projected programs and workshops for the coming year. With three major workshops scheduled, we will challenge our skills and stimulate our enthusiasm.

Which reminds me that dues of $20 are now due. Thank you very much to each of you who has already paid them.

Our most important event this year is our quilt show May 16 and 17. We want everybody to participate in this as we only do it every other year. It’s a unique opportunity to show the public what we’ve accomplished since our last show. And it’s great fun!

February 4th is our first board meeting of the new year. It’s at 6 p.m. at the FairbornSeniorCenter. All are welcome,
especially the executive board and all committee chairpeople.

All this we do for the love of quilting.

Ron Lundquist

President, 294.7844


Regretfully, one of our advertisers and supporters, Unique Stitches, is closing. A message from shop owner and guild member Marian Gebele is included in this Newsletter.

We appreciate her support over the years. – Ed Chamness

Hello from me, the new VP - Shari Brindley

Just a brief hey there. I’m really looking forward to and somewhat anxious about the upcoming year as your program coordinator. Some of you have already assisted me with names and suggested speakers for the future. I am open to all kinds of lecture ideas. Our only restraint is our budget. Some speakers are just too costly to have come to the guild due to travel distance and/or the fees they charge. Not that they are not worth what they charge, but we just can not afford to pay that amount.

If anyone knows of or would like me to research certain speakers please feel free to e-mail me. If you would like to contact me, e-mail is the best way. I respond to you much quicker by computer than by phone. That being said, my address is xbrindley(at)donet.com, and I usually get back to folks that same day or the next unless I am out of town. This is your guild and just like the past VP’s I want to provide the workshops and programs you desire.

Workshops for 2008

I have started a sign up list for all three workshops scheduled for 2008. I will be accepting payments in March for one or all of the workshops. I am letting you know way ahead of time because if we do not fill up the workshops with our guild members, I will be contacting other guilds to see if they would like to participate.

It is very important that we fill these workshops to the fullest.

I will e-mail a supply list and specific details to those who sign up and pay for the workshops as that information becomes available.

The following is a more detailed description of each workshop that Susan Hill has already worked so hard to provide for us.

June 28 (Saturday)

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Vikki Pignatelli

Combination of Improvisational Curves and Manipulations of Quilts

Cost is 45.00

Location of workshop is to be determined.

Maximum number of students requested by Vikki is 16.

July 9 (Wednesday)

9 or 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 or 4:30 p.m. (6 hours)

Cathy Franks

Running Amok with Creativity

Cost is 40.00

Location of workshop is McDonald’s TrainingCenter, 278 E. Main Street, New Lebanon, Ohio

Maximum number of students is 20.

August 16 (Saturday)

(Times to be determined)

Leigh MacDonald

Based on her new book “Adventures in Circles” which won’t be published until July

Cost is 40.00

Location of workshop is to be determined.

Maximum number of students is 20.

Shari Brindley

Workshop Chairperson

Helping Out the New VP

and the Guild

I would greatly appreciate some help in finding place(s) for our guild’s workshops. We need a space that could accommodate up to 20 students with plenty of room for working on projects that would not cost the guild for the use of the building.

Also, is there anyone who has a spare room in their home (who doesn’t smoke or have pets) who would be willing to accommodate and serve as hostess to any of our overnight speakers? Most of the teachers/speakers prefer to stay in hotels nowadays but if there is a speaker who would be willing to stay with one of our guild members, it would be a wonderful way to show them what an awesome gracious group we are.

Please feel free to e-mail me with ideas/activities that you really like and appreciate about our guild and future programs, and I will try my hardest to incorporate them into the 2009 calendar. It will be hard to fill the shoes of past VP’s who have done such a wonderful job, but I hope to continue in helping our guild to be one of the best around. I encourage all of us to be involved in some way, shape or form in the upcoming year in the Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild. Each one of us has something to offer, from being the chairperson of a committee to sewing a leaf on the raffle quilt. YOU are needed! And more important, YOU are appreciated!

February 3rd Monday Stitch-In

Evening stitch-in held on the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

The 3rd Monday Evening Stitch-in will be held February 18th at Debbie Ginsburg’s home. The address is 701 Debron Road, WestMilton. Her telephone number is 698.4711.

Please call Debbie for directions and to let her know you’ll be coming. Enjoy an evening with friends and get some of your quilting and piecing done!

More involvement…?

are there other groups (hand piecing - hand quilting - talking and eating – etc.) with space for additional participants? If so, why not list your schedule in the Newsletter.

If you are interested in starting a small group to meet in members’ homes or perhaps in a free room at your church or a neighborhood community center, ask for other interested individuals to get with you at Guild meeting and send information to Chris Garcher to put in the Newsletter.

Just a thought…Ed Chamness

Quilted Tree Ornaments

Twig 17 (Terrific Women In Giving), which is an auxiliary group of Dayton Children’s Medical Center, designs Christmas trees for sale at the annual Festival of Trees/Sugarplum, which is held at the Dayton Convention Center in November.

This small group of women has won many designer awards and has designed up to ten trees a year. Many have sold up to $800.

As a member of TWIG 17, I am asking Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild to make quilted Christmas tree ornaments for a designer tree that would be at the 2008 Festival of Trees/Sugarplum in November.

The guild would receive publicity for designing the ornaments on the tree and free entrance tickets to go to the Sugarplum on Saturday. The ornament size should be small, such as postcard size or 4x4x4 for dimensional ornaments, and the color would need be red, green or white or a combination of these.

I would collect ornaments monthly at the meetings and also at the retreat. The last month that I could collect would be in September.

Thank you in advance for your support for the Dayton Children’s Medical Center Festival of Trees/Sugarplum event.

Connie Combs

TWIG 17—20+ year member

Twinning Doll Project

Our church “twins” with a church in South America. As part of that project, we help them support a small school and orphanage. I am proposing a project to our members to be presented at the MVQG Retreat in February. Here’s how it would work:

I will bring plain cloth dolls to the retreat. I would ask that each of you make a small quilt for each doll. If you like, you can also do any one or more of the following:

-- Make a simple slip/dress and/or pantaloons/undies (I will supply patterns and scrap fabric)

-- Make a simple skirt or apron, embellishing it with the colors you used in the quilt

-- Add hair (I will supply simple instructions for French knots, loops, fringed patterns)

-- Add any other embellishment you would like (ribbons, buttons, charms, embroidery, etc.)

-- Add inking for doll’s face and heart

-- Sign your doll and add a message to the dress, skirt or quilt (I will supply a sample)

If you don’t get your doll finished at retreat you can take it home and work on it. I will collect all dolls at future guild meeting. When I have received all of the dolls, I will present them to our Twinning Team at church for delivery to the school/orphanage at their discretion. If you would like to work individually or as a small group to make your doll quilt that is fine too! ALSO feel free to promote this project with any other guilds or quilt groups you belong to.

Please contact Linda Newcomer at 416.4166 or gary.newcomer(at)sbcglobal.net if you think you would like to participate. Or you can sign up at Retreat.

Welcome New Members

For your information, 61 members and 5 guests attended the January meeting.

Debbie Arrington

2742 Lantz Road

Beavercreek OH 45434



Jean Brittingham

398 Conard Drive




Carrie Gifford

235 Edison Blvd




Nicki Hulsman

1817 Kathy Lane



Donnie Ryan

3059 Windmill Drive

Beavercreek OH 45432.2530



Denise VanHorn

3994 Maplegrove Lane

Beavercreek OH 45440



Please make the following changes to your roster:

Billie Ferguson


Judy Ireton



Beverly Kunkle


Magazine Fundraiser

A new or renewed subscription to Fons and Porter magazine is $20 for 1 year. Please make check out to MVQG. Include mailing label if you can. Our guild will get $5 for each subscription that we get.

This makes a great gift that will last all year long.

Connie Combs

Sunshine News

If you hear of a member who could use our support, please call Lee Peterson at 439.7298.
Iris Adkins, a former member of the guild, has passed away. If you would like to send a sympathy card or note, please send to:

Mrs. Linda Wickman

Little Lick Farm

Barbourville, WV25504

Quilt Shows

February 8th – March 19th

Quilt Show 2008 at LakeMetroparks Farmpark

Show is held at Lake Metroparks Farmpark, 8800 Chardon Rd., Kirtland, OH44094. Admission is $6; seniors 60+ $4. Hours: Tuesday thru Sunday, 9 a.m. –
5 p.m. and closed on Mondays (open Presidents’ Day). One of Ohio’s finest quilt shows, with over 200 quilted works in a judged Quilt Show. For more information, call 800.763.7400 or lfp(at)lakemetroparks.com.

February 28th – March 1st

17th Annual Indiana Heritage Quilt Show

Show held at BloomingtonConvention Center, 3rd St. and College Ave. Admission is $6 per day; $12 for all three days. Hours: Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. –
6 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. There will be over 250 quilts for viewing, classes from top quilting instructors, Merchant’s Mall and enjoy a variety of quilt-related exhibits at area museums. For more information, call 812.334.8900 or

April 22nd – 26th

20th Rotary Antique Quilt Show

Show entitled “Can’t Have Too Many Baskets” is held at the CivicCenter, 2701 Park Ave., Paducah, KY. For quilt collectors, basket quilts provide a wonderful opportunity to search for the most unusual types. In this collection you will see not only a great variety of styles, colors, and interpretations, but you will also see the differences between individual collectors. Admission is $5. Hours: Tuesday thru Friday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information, call 270.442.3418 or office(at)paducahrotary.org.

April 29th – May 4th

32nd Annual Quilt Fair

Fair is presented by SauderVillage which is located at 22611 State Route 2, P.O. Box 235, Archbold, Oh 43502. Each year the Sauder Village Quilt Fair pays tribute to the fine craftsmanship of quilters from across the Midwest. During this 6-day show more than 400 breathtaking quilts will be on full-length display, creating a kaleidoscope of color and pattern in Founder’s Hall. Guests will also enjoy special music, quilting demonstrations and shopping and will have an opportunity to meet and learn from Sharyn Craig - guest teacher, author and quilter from near San Diego, California. Admission is $8.50 - $12.50. Hours are Tuesday thru Saturday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday
11 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information, email

May 16-17, 2008

MVQG 2008 Membership Show

The more than 200 members of the MiamiValley Quilters’ Guild present their most recent works in this biennial show which is one of the largest regional shows in Ohio. Our members range from novices to professional quilters, designers, and lecturers. A boutique of member made items provides an opportunity to enhance your décor or add to your collection and a raffle quilt made by members will be awarded at the conclusion of the show on Saturday. State, regional, and local vendors provide a wide variety of quilts and quilt-related items – from fabric and notions to the latest in home sewing machines and professional quality long-arm machines. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. The show is at the MontgomeryCounty Fairgrounds Coliseum, South Main Street, Dayton, Ohio, USA Admission: $5.00

For more information visit:

June 19th – 21st

39th Annual NQA Quilt Show

Show is held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The show will feature exhibits, classes, lectures, an extensive vendor mall and special events. The 400+ competition quilts will be joined by a special theme exhibit of Rose Quilts, selected quilts from Sacred Threads: 2007, a fascinating exhibit of Vintage Kit Quilts from the collection of noted quilt historian Xenia Cord, an exhibit called Contemporary Colorations: The Wow Factor and a sampling of wonderful NQA Chapter Challenge Quilts.

Class information brochures will be available to all current members of NQA in the winter issue of The Quilting Quarterly. Registration information will be posted on their website on or about January 2, 2008. Advance registration is available for all volunteers who worked two shifts during the 38th Annual Show in 2007.

Retreat Information

Jessie Charles will be at the retreat on Friday and Saturday to sharpen your scissors. She does sewing scissors, pinking shears, dog grooming scissors, beauty shears and knives. The cost for her services start at $10.00. She has been kind enough to take off from her regular job to accommodate us, so please take advantage of her services and make it worth her while. Thank you.

Massages will be available for $15 for 15 minutes (same as last year) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You will want to budget time and money for this awesome benefit. You can sign up for your massage time at the registration table on Friday morning and then through out the weekend. Last year the time slots filled up really fast, so be sure to sign up first thing.

Bad and ugly quilts need to be turned into Shari or another committee member at the retreat no later than Saturday morning at 9:30. Voting will be done by retreaters from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the winners being announced during Saturday’s Show and Tell.

If you have questions, e-mail is the best way to reach me, Shari Brindley: xbrindley(at)donet.com

Finally, please keep in mind we will need a Retreat Chairperson and Committee for 2009. It would be great to announce who that will be by the end of this retreat or even the beginning!

2008 Retreat Mystery Quilt

Fabric Requirements:

Light¾ yard

Medium1 ¼ yard(Could be focus/floral fabric)

Dark1 yard

Inner Quilt



Cut (24)-3 ½" squares

Cut (10)-3 7/8" squares

Cut (2)- 4 ¼" squares, then cut in half diagonally twice


Cut (12)- 3 ½" squares

Cut (4)- 3 7/8" squares, then cut in half diagonally

Cut (2)- 4 ¼" squares, then cut in halfdiagonally twice


Cut (9)- 3 ½" squares

Cut (18)- 3 7/8" squares, then cut in half diagonally

Inner Border



Cut four strips 1 ½" x 32"

There are options for the outer border/s that will be given after the top is made at retreat. Bring all leftover fabric with you.

Heidi Young


Unique Stitches Closing North Fairfield Store

The following is a message from Marian Gebele, owner of Unique Stitches and a member of the MiamiValley Quilters’ Guild:

After much thought, I have decided to close the retail part of the quilt shop.As most of you know, the past 2 years have been really rough because of my mom's illness and death, my daughter's Juvenile Diabetes and the recent death of my grandma.It's time for me to spend more of my time at home.

On a positive note, we are in the final stages of adopting our little redhead.He is turning 3 later this month and will be starting preschool.I love being home with him and have found that the quilt shop keeps me from doing that.