Blue Access for Employers - Security Manager- Help 1
Quick Reference Guide- How Do I….
Action / How to….Add a new user / To add a new user:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page
- Click on the Add Users link
- Fill in the information and click Submit when you are done.
Add multiple users / To add multiple users:
- Go to the Security Manger- Current Users page
- Click on the Add Multiple Users link
- You can then either load user information from a spreadsheet or key in the information:
- Answer ‘Yes’ to the following question: Do you want to import user information from a spreadsheet?
- Browse and select your import file.
- Click the Load File button.
- Review your loaded information. Review any error messages and correct your information if necessary. Click Submit when you have finished.
- The new users are now set up. You can also print a copy of your maintenance and send e-mail notifications to the new users if you like.
- Answer ‘No’ to the following question: Do you want to import user information from a spreadsheet?
- Type in the number of users you are planning to add and click Next.
- Key in the information for the users you wish to set up.
- To add more rows to add more users, click the Add Row button.
- When you are finished click the Submit button.
- The new users are now set up. You can now print a copy of your maintenance and send e-mail notifications to the new users if you like.
Revoke a user’s access / To revoke a user’s access:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page.
- Click on the name of the user you wish to revoke. This will bring up the Maintain User Profile screen.
- Click the Revoke User button.
Revoke multiple users’ access / To revoke access for multiple users:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page.
- Check the boxes next to the users you wish to revoke.
- Click the Revoke button.
Reinstate a user / To reinstate a user:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page.
- Click on the name of the user you wish to reinstate. This will bring up the Maintain User Profile screen.
- Click the Reinstate Accessbutton.
- You may also need to reset the user’s password. See the instructions for Reset a User’s Password in this document.
Change own password / All users of Blue Access for Employers can change their password at any time. We encourage all users to change their passwords on a regular basis.
To change a password:
- From the Home page, click on Account Summary.
- Click on Change Password.
- Key in your current password and your new password (twice).
- Click the Change Password button.
User Has Forgotten Password / If a user has forgotten their password, their password can be reset by their security administrator. A user can also contact the Blue Access Help Desk at 1 (888) 706-0583 to reset their password.
To reset a user’s password:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page.
- Click on the name of the user you wish to revoke. This will bring up the Maintain User Profile screen.
- Type and re-type the temporary password for this user. The user will need to change this as soon as they log on.
- Click the Reset Password button.
Security Administrator Has Forgotten Password / A security administrator cannot reset his or her own password. If you have forgotten your password, you will need to contact the Blue Access Help Desk at 1 (888) 706-0583 to have your password reset.
When you log on again you will be prompted to create a new password.
Change a user’s information/roles / To update a user’s information or roles:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page.
- Click on the name of the user you wish to update. This will bring up the Maintain User Profile screen.
- Key in the new information. To add or remove roles, check or uncheck the boxes next to each role.
- Click the Submit button.
Change your own information/roles / As a Security Manager you cannot update your own security profile. To add or remove roles or to change other information such as email address or name, please contact your Blue Cross Account Executive.
Add or change a backup administrator / To add or change your backup administrator:
- Go to the Security Manager- Current Users page.
- To designate a user as a backup administrator, click in the Alternate Admin column next to the user’s name. The value in this column will change from ‘No’ to ‘Yes.’
- To change a backup administrator, click in the Alternate Admin column next to the new backup’s name. The value in this column will change from ‘No’ to ‘Yes.’ The old backup administrator will be automatically deactivated. You can only have one backup administrator at a time.
Updated September 27, 2005