Wood Badge SR917—Presentation Schedule (WB21C ver.2008)
What’s in blue is who is working on the handbook; other ideas
Day One—Friday September19, 2008who <backup>
10:00am—Course OverviewCSmithBest, Harris
Done by Chuck—asked, awaiting
10:30am—Listening to LearnTroop Guides <ASM-TG, ASPL?>
4:00pm—Values, Mission, and VisionMcCulla Vernon
Done by Harry Davis SR809—NOT asked, need to do draft
Chris Vernon in SR769
7:00pm—Who-Me GameTroop Guides
8:00pm—Instructional Campfire and Baden-Powell StoryFonseca <Pilgrim>
Nixon and Corcoran in SR769
Day Two—Saturday September 20, 2008
8:30am—Troop Meeting
Front End Alignment & DebriefingPilgrim <MSmith>
10:30am—InclusivenessMSmith <PVictor, Egg>
Asked Scott in SR809, agreed
Bill Eggleston in SR769
11:00am—Stages of Team DevelopmentRichards <Vernon<Hipskind>
Done by Krisin SR809—asked, awaiting. WWoolf in SR769
Idea: the “stages” and “EDGE” presentations are tightly linked
1:30pm—CommunicationTroop Guides <ASM-TG, ASPL?>
2:30pm—Project PlanningHipskind <Good>
Done by Mark Larson in SR809—DONE.
3:30pm—RocketsNewsome,Turner Victor
Ideas: TG
7:00pm—Wood Badge Game ShowRichards & BestJohnson>
8:00pm—Win All You Can GameBodin / Britt<Harris, Johnson>
Day Three—Sunday September 21, 2008
8:30am—Interfaith Worship Service (Instructional)Johnson <Fonseca>
Done by Hutch in SR809—agreed. Best in SR769
11:00am—The Leading EDGE/The Teaching EDGE Vernon <Richards>
Done by Jonathan Shouse in SR809—asked, awaiting. WWoolf in SR769
1:30pm—Conservation Project PlanningPilgrim <Dillon>
Done by Pat Dillon in SR809—asked, awaiting
2:30pm—October SkyVictor <Best>
Done by Ron Alexander in SR769—agreed
Idea: TG possibility
Day Four—Saturday October 18, 2008
9:30am—Outdoor Experience Assembly, Leave No Trace ModelVenture Youths / TGs
Campsite, and Patrol CampSetupFonseca & Pilgrim
10:30am—Leading ChangeLynch <Lynch>
Done by Mike Lynchin SR809—NOT asked, awaiting. Jim Penny in SR769
1:00pm—Valuing People and Leveraging DiversityLynch & Ferrigno Fonseca, Britt>
Done by Catherine Harding in SR809—asked, awaiting. Dunnavant and McCue in SR769
2:15pm—Problem Solving and Decision MakingGood & Jones
Done by Efird and Hutch in SR809—Bob agreed. Hipskind and Pilgrim in SR769
Idea: Bennie and Kenny Jones
2:45pm—Problem Solving Round-Robin (Patrol and Troop Activity)TG leader, Venture Youth
ASM-TG McCulla
4:00pm—Managing ConflictTroop Guides <ASM-TG, ASPL?>
Day Five—Sunday October 19, 2008
8:30am—Coaching and MentoringPMeadows, PVictor
Done by Charlotte in SR809—asked, awaiting (Jerome backup)
11:30am—Self-AssessmentJOleksa, CHendricks<Lynch>
Done by Mike Lynch in SR809—agreed, awaiting. Webb and Wilson in SR769
Day Six—Monday October 20, 2008
1:15pm—Leaving a LegacyBestJohnson, CSmith>
Gary, asked, agreed.
Done by Karren in SR809—Declined. Neshim in SR769
2:45pm—Summary SessionCSmithBest
Asked Chuck. Done by Kris in SR809—NOT asked. Gary in SR769
People to send the final Handbook to:
Mark Larson
SR-917Presentation List0.docRevised 15 March 2008