AITS – Decision Support

University Administration

Student Registration Complete Universe

Quick Reference Guide
EDW – STU – Registration Complete

Who should use this Universe?

  • Functional Offices interested in creating student enrollment analysis, registration activity by course/section, and/or general student information reports for a term or list of terms.
  • AcademicColleges and Departments who are interested in creating informal class rosters for specific course/section enrollments, enrollment analysis during registration periods, and/or review of their current student population via general student information.
  • Any other users/units who need to know basic biographic/demographic and the enrollment/registration status of students.

What types of questions can I answer in this universe?

  • What does a population of students “look” like by term?

•Who are the First Time New Freshman in Accountancy by their name, UIN, and Primary Curriculum Admit Term at Urbana in for Fall 2004?

  • How many students were enrolled in my Campus/College/Department by term?

•What was the number of students in Fall 2004 at UIC by their College and Department?

  • How do I create a class roster?

•Who are the students to create an informal class roster by student name, email address, and telephone number currently registered for ENGL101 by section number in Fall 2004?

Universe Description

The Registration Complete universe offers users the ability to report general student information, registration eligibility information, and registration information for each student who has registration activity for a term.

Data Included in this Universe

  • This universe includes: Student Biographic/Demographic, Visa, Prior College, Major and Degree, Prior High School and High School Subject, Admission Standard High School, Test Scores, some Admission Decision Information, Primary and Secondary Curriculum, Attributes, Cohort, Athlete Sport, Course Registrations and Activity, Student Level (cumulative) GPA, Schedule information, Enrollment Withdrawal, Holds, and Student Advisor data.
  • General student information includes: admission term, student level, college, major, attributes, etc.
  • Registration eligibility information includes: student holds, registration groupings, etc.
  • Registration information includes: registration activity such as, course registrations, withdrawals, drops, and attempts. Registration activity can be analyzed by student or by course.
  • This universe contains students who have course registration records for a term. Students with a Banner E-Term record (EDW Student Registration Header record) will be included in the Registration Directory universe.
  • Students who are eligible to register but have not registered will not be included in the Registration Directory universe.

Report Creation Tips:

  • You must always specify a Term in your reports or you will receive erroneous or “extra” data that you may not need in your report.
  • When reporting lists of Students always include the Confidentiality Indicator for FERPA restrictions
  • If you want to exclude DECEASED student, you must include the Death Indicator = Y as a condition in your report.
  • When recreating a list of students who are “currently” registered for a course(CRN)always use the Drop Delete/Registered Indicator as a condition in your report. This will identify students by their course registration status (Registered, Dropped, Withdrawn, Canceled, Audit, etc.). This indicator is the best way to identify students who are registered/not registered for a CRN.
  • Do not combine objects from the Student Registration class with the Student Registration Activity class in this universe. Comparing the current Registration Status to the Activity records is not a viable reporting method, and you will receive erroneous data.
  • If you are reporting from the Student Registration Activity class, always use the Archive Term Code.
  • When reporting student addresses, use the PREDEFINED FIELDS in the Universe to pull one address for your student. If the student does not have a MA, PR or RH Address Type Code then the columns will appear BLANK in your report.

•With the implementation of the Directory Project, the existing Address/Telephone indicators were changed to provide three different options (Mailing Address Indicator, Permanent Address Indicator and Residence Hall Indicator). These indicators provide a hierarchy to allow users to pull one address per person. The address that will be reported using this structure will provide one current address and telephone number per student. If you use the below indicators then you may “loose” students if they do not have a MA, PR or RH address type.

Mailing Address Indicator – This indicator if equal to Y in the report will return the most current MA address but if NO current MA address is available, the most current PR (permanent) address will be returned. If NO MA or PR address is available, the most current RH (residence hall) will be returned. If NO MA, PR or RH address, the data will appear as ‘blank’.

Permanent Address Indicator - This indicator if equal to Y in the report will return the most current PR address but if NO current PR address is available, the most current MA (mailing) address will be returned. If NO PR or MA address is available, the most current RH (residence hall) will be returned. If NO PR, MA or RH address, the data will appear as ‘blank’.

Residence Hall Address Indicator - This indicator if equal to Y in the report will return the most current RH address but if NO current RH address is available, the most current MA (mailing) address will be returned. If NO RH or MA address is available, the most current PR (permanent) will be returned. If NO RH, MA or PR address, the data will appear as ‘blank’.

  • When reporting student addresses, use the PREDEFINED FIELDS in the Universe to pull one address for your student. If the student does not have a MA, PR or RH Address Type Code then the columns will appear BLANK when you use the PREDEFINED FIELDS.
  • Student Advisor class may not be populated by a college/ department in the Banner system, so the information can be incomplete in this universe. This information is only visible in the Registration Complete universe.
  • This universe contains some Recruiting and Admissions data in a class called All Terms Admission Information. This class will allow users to identify all admission application and decision data by student for all terms. This class can be combined with itself and the Student Person Classes only. Any other combinations will provide erroneous information.
  • Additional Recruiting and Admissions data is available in the Student Term Admission Information class. This class will allow users to identify admission application and decision data by term and student if the student has a general student record in T_STUDENT_TERM. This class can be combined with all classes except the All Terms Admission Information Class.
  • Net Id – Since the NETID table contains the id by domain, you may want to limit the domain in your report to ‘’ or ‘’, or ‘’ in order to receive one row per person.
  • Be specific when building a report that includes Student Level (cumulative) GPA.

•LEVEL GPA – The cumulative GPA for a student by student level (i.e. 1U - UIUC Undergrad, 1G – UIUC Grad). The Level GPA is always current, and is associated with the Student Person. No term is associated with the Level GPA. Alwaysinclude the LEVEL GPA INDICATOR as a result object or Condition (valid values = I - Institutional; O - Overall; T - Transfer) when reporting on Level GPA. Always include the LEVEL GPA CODE/DESC as a result object or condition.

  • Academic vs. Administrative College - The ACADEMIC College is the college associated with the student’s department of instruction or the college that the student will receive their degree. The ADMINISTRATIVE College is the college associated with the applicant/student’s admission college.

•For example, Undergraduate students the Academic College is the same as the Administrative College. For Graduate students the Administrative College is the Graduate College (i.e. KS for Urbana, FS for Chicago) but the Academic College is the college that the student will receive their degree.

Data Quality Advisories

  • The NetID object may erroneously return multiple active NetIDs per domain. Only one NetID should be active per domain. The T_NETID table in the Data Warehouse that populates this object is not receiving updates through the AITS EAS system to populate changes to this data properly. Decision Support is working with AITS to address this issue.
  • This universe may contain inaccurate or incomplete non-international race/ethnic information for data between November 2005-January 2006.

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