Art IV Drawing Syllabus

Marilyn Seals

Instructor – Art I, II, IV and AP (254) 215-2437

Course Description

In this fourth level course, you will further develop your skills in two-dimensional techniques such as drawing, design, painting, printmaking, and mixed media with an emphasis on drawing from life and personal experiences. Art history and art criticism will be further analyzed. Careers in art will be investigated. The course is geared toward preparing learners for college level art courses.


Due to your success in Art III, you elected to take this course. Therefore, you are expected to dedicate yourself to the challenges you will face in this class. You are committing yourself to see your artwork through to a finished state. This may require you to finish your work before or after school, or at home. You are expected to participate in the VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event) and the Central Texas Art Competition. The projects done this year will be geared toward these events as well creating pieces for the student’s portfolio.

There is a supply fee of $30 required to cover the costs of consumable supplies needed for class projects. This is to be paid at the beginning of the year. Please send cash, check or money order payable to BHS Art Dept. A receipt will be given when payment is made. Art supply fees are due on or before Sept. 30.

Course Objectives

*demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design

*create original art work with personal expression

*continue development of expertise with a variety of media

*study art history in context and explore art careers

*maintain a portfolio of personal artwork

*keep a sketchbook for ideas and daily assignments

*critique art in verbal and written form

*assess your own work frequently with self-evaluations

*develop and mature your artistic voice and narrative

Course Outline

(In no particular order and subject to change)


-Elements of Art: Line, Value, Shape, Form, Space, Texture, Color

-Principles of Design: Unity, Variety, Emphasis, Proportion, Rhythm, Movement, Balance, Harmony

Drawing (using a variety of media and techniques)

~Practice basic drawing and shading techniques

-Still-Life/Observational Drawing

-Perspective Drawing

-Figure Drawing




-color theory

-watercolor with an emphasis on nature and landscape

-acrylic painting

-technical exploration

-history and styles


-techniques, processes, history

-block printing

Other Explorations

-collage/mixed media/altered art

-scratch board

-metal embossing

Art Exhibition

-Student art will be on display throughout the year in the art rooms and other specified areas at BHS.

-Students will have the opportunity to enter work in the Central Texas Art Competition at Temple College in November. An announcement will be made when that information is available.

-Students may choose to participate in the Visual Art Scholastic Event (VASE), which is held in February. It is similar to a UIL event. If the student chooses to participate in this event, a Drug Testing Consent Form must be filled out at the beginning of the year.

-There will be an end of the year, district wide, art show held at the Administration Building in April. All art students are encouraged to participate in this event.

Classroom Studio Rules

  1. Arrive on time and ready to work.
  2. Always read the board! Objectives for the day are always posted.
  3. Keep backpacks, purses or large notebooks off tables.
  4. Listen and watch carefully as directions and demonstrations are given!
  5. All studio tools and supplies should be handled with care.
  6. Be open-minded, stay positive, participate, and NEVER give up!
  7. Use electronic devices in class appropriately. Phones will be taken up and turned in to your principal if the privilege is abused.
  8. Be productive; work all period…on something!
  9. I will let you know when it is time to clean up. Directions on how to clean up will be given at this time.
  10. You are responsible for storing your projects in the correct place with proper the proper identification. Lost projects are the student’s responsibility.

Failure to follow the rules will be result in a verbal warning, student conference, parent phone call, or referral to principal.

Marilyn Seals 254-215-2437