Quick Reference Guide:Approving a Posting

Instructions: Use the following steps to approve a posting that has been sent for review. Approvals for postings will vary by department/unit, and by the position type within the posting.

1.Ensure that you are logged in to the Applicant Tracking module.

2.Click the Postings tab in the Inbox.

3.Select the Posting you would like to review.

Note: If you are not seeing the posting you would like to review, make sure you are targeting the correct user group.

  1. Review the posting forms and fields. To make edits, click the Editbutton at the top of the page or in the header of the respective posting section. All changes will be logged in the history tab.

Note: To edit the posting, click on the Edit link next to the Section Name in the Summary Section. This will take you directly to the Posting Page to Edit. If a section has an orange icon with an exclamation point, you will need to review this section and make necessarycorrections before moving to the next step in the workflow.

  1. Hover over Take Action On Posting and select the appropriate workflow action.

Note: If you are an Initiator, your action will be to send to Reviewer. A Reviewer can send to the Approver or return to the Initiator for changes. An Approver can submit to HR or return to the Reviewer or Initiator for changes.

Keep working on this posting will allow you to transfer ownership to another user within the same user group, add the item to your watchlist and even add a comment!

Note: In order for the posting request to be finalized, it must be approved by HR and OEOC. After approval, OEOC will post the position.

Submit means you have approved the Position Request. Returnmeans the position request is not approved and needs revising. Be sure to note in the comments box an explanation for your action.

You should see a green bar appear at the top of the page. A green bar means the Posting has successfully been routed for review. The Current status will also change from draftto the appropriate workflow step. If you see a red barthe action you were trying to take was unsuccessful, go back and review the noted sections.

Last updated 4/16/20151