School Sport SAgirls surf coaching day

Dates and venue

Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 April

Moana Beach

Nominations due: Friday 16 March

Championship details

A day of instruction and practice in the skills of stand up surfing.

The day starts at 9.30am. Please bring bathers, towel, hat, sunscreen, board, wetsuit and consent form.

Surf gear will be raffled on the day, please bring coins for tickets.

A teacher must accompany each school. Only a total of 20 girls per school can be catered for. Limited numbers available each day so get in early.

Entry fee

DECD schools

$5.00aquatic instruction contribution

$3.00board hire (unless you have your own)

$3.00includes donation to Multiple Sclerosis Association

$3.00wetsuit hire (unless you have your own)

Transport costs for your school

All costs are to be paid on the day. Please give a list of the students present with their medical forms and $8 per student to the officials at the venue. Girls to purchase their own tickets for wetsuits and boards individually on arrival at the beach.

Please note: it is better if girls bring cash on the day. If you must bring a cheque, make it out to the SA Schools Surfing Association.

Non-DECD schools: There is an additional cost to independent schools for aquatic instruction under the user pays system. The rate for aquatic instruction is calculated by DECD. Please contact the Port Noarlunga Aquatic Centre on 8382 2455 for further details.

Further information

For more information on the surfing championships, please contact Ian McGregor, Seaford Secondary College on 8327 2222 or 0411 862 514.

School Sport SA girls surf coaching day

Sports Coordinator: / Mobile:

I declare that by completing this form that all students have approval from the Principal to compete at this event under the duty care of the school. Permission has also been granted the School Sport Team to use all students’ name, school, photographs, video and/or audio recordings in printed publications, on the website and on social media accounts. Students without permission must be identified to the event convenor prior to the start of the event.

Conditions of entry

Due to the huge interest traditionally generated for this event, the first schools to reply will be the first to be given a place. There is a ceiling on numbers for each day.


Number of girls participating (maximum of 20):
Number requiring boards:
Number requiring wetsuits:
Any additional information:

Return form to Ian McGregor by Friday 16 March.

Seaford Secondary College, Lynton Terrace Seaford

Fax: 8354 2325

The information collected by Secondary School Sport SA is for the purpose of facilitating the participation of students in its events. The information provided will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose and will be held securely and protected against unauthorised access to the extent that is reasonably within our control. The information provided will only be used by staff on a “needs to know” basis and the privacy of the individuals whose information is provided will be respected and will not knowingly be used for any other purpose. Upon entry, you are giving the School Sport Unit permission to take photographs and use them for School Sport Promotional and Media material, unless a written request is submitted to the School Sport Unit.