
Questions Posted on Daily News

QOM2016 - January Search 1
Jan 4, 2016 by Elizabeth Proell
Database: Britannica Library (ELM)
Search #1:A fourth grade student needs country information on Turkey. Can you help her locate background information on Turkey including the country’s flag, map, and national anthem?
To answer the question, click the comment button. Your comment should include: 1) the answer, 2) the list of steps you took to find the answer, and 3) your first & last name.
Additional details & Player Tips are on the Dec 15, 2015 Daily News.

MONTH 1: JANUARY Britannica Library (ELM)

  1. A fourth grade student needs country information on Turkey. Can you help her locate background information on Turkey including the country’s flag, map, and national anthem?
  2. A high school student is looking for the text of the Bill of Rights (1791). Can you help him locate that text?
  3. A community member is searching for multimedia on John F. Kennedy. Can you help him locate images and videos on JFK?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A 4th grader asks how many years Amelia Earhart was a pilot, and then asks how old she is now. How do you help the student without giving away the answer?

MONTH 2: FEBRUARYNoveList (not an ELM database)

  1. Find the tone and writing style of Jeanette Winterson’s “The Gap of Time”
  2. Valentine’s day is upon us! Let’s snuggle up with some recommended reads: Men in Kilts. (3 suggested titles please!)
  3. Everyone knows the book was better. Find us some of the 2015 book to movie adaptations.
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A patron just finished Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series and needs a new author to try. Use NoveList to suggest her next read.

MONTH 3: MARCH KidsInfoBits (ELM)

  1. After watching the movie, Jurassic World, a young student wants to learn more about the Velociraptor. But she needs help in locating full-text, magazine articles that are at the intermediate level of reading. Can you help her?
  2. A fifth grade student is searching for magazine articles, images, and charts/graphs for his state report on Minnesota. Can you help him locate these resources?
  3. A teacher remembers an article in Cobblestone magazine and needs help finding it. She said that it’s about someone remembering their experiences as a child during the Great Depression. Can you help her locate that article?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A student calls the library saying that her teacher says not to use Wikipedia for her project. She can't come to the library she needs something she can use from home. What can you suggest for her project?

MONTH 4: APRIL ProQuest Newsstand Complete (ELM)

  1. Acommunitymemberwouldliketofindfull-text editorials from the Star Tribune about the Black Lives Matter movementfromthelast12months.Canyouhelphimfindthesearticles?
  2. Astudentisresearchingcollegecampusshootingsandneedshelpfindingfull-text, news articles from the last 3 months thatincludestatistics.Canyouhelpherfindthesearticles?
  3. A community member is looking for full-text editorials from the last three months on Hillary Clinton’s2016 presidential campaign. Can you help her find these articles?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A student comes to the desk nervous about their research project. What online resource can you offer to help the student narrow their topic and learn to cite references? (Consider the definition of student & the topic they want to research: what would you recommend if the student is in grade school? High school? Is a 55 year-old going back to college? Also, remember you can use any of the resources/databases GRRL has. Are there some databases that known for specific topics that they cover? (consider that as a follow up question that your student will ask you & tell us how you answer that question too.)

MONTH 5:MAY LearningExpress Library (ELM)

  1. A teacher would like to find some practice tests for his middle school math classes. Can you point him to these practice tests using LearningExpress Library?
  2. A patron is trying to prepare for his occupation exam in the Culinary Arts. Can you show him where to find the Culinary Arts practice exam using LearningExpress Library?
  3. A young woman needs help in locating sample resumes, cover letters, and using job search tools. Can you help her locate these materials and tools using LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A student comes to the desk requesting test preparation materials. Aside from books, what else can you offer?

MONTH 6: JUNE Chiltons(not an ELM database)

  1. You’re replacing the driveshaft in your 2012 Ford Fusion. You’ve just removed the 4 front flange bolts & installed new bolts to the flange. What’s the next step?
  2. What is the first question of the ASE Technician prep test for A3 – Automotive Manual drive Trains and Axels?
  3. How many hours will it take to diagnose the emissions control system on a 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A patron mentions they are studying for their Learners Permit. What online resource could you recommend? (Driving-Tests.org)

MONTH 7: JULY Consumer Health Complete (ELM)

  1. A community member is looking for a video about kidney stones. Can you find that for him?
  2. A patron is in need of current information on diabetes prevention. Can you help her find a fact sheet or pamphlet on that topic?
  3. A teen is searching for some information on tips for smoking cessation. Can you help him locate that information?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A patron wants to find recent articles on the benefits of meditation. Aside from Consumer Health Complete, what other online resource could you suggest? (Alt Health Watch, Medline)

MONTH 8: AUGUST Lynda(not an ELM database)

  1. A patron wants to record their own music in GarageBand. Can you help this person find a tutorial on how to do this?
  2. A patron wants to use Quickbooks for the small business he/she is starting. Can you help this person find a tutorial on how to do this?
  3. A student has to use Prezi for a presentation at school. Can you find a helpful tutorial on how to do this?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A community member comes in looking for books on Linux. Aside from books what else can you offer?

MONTH 9: SEPTEMBERStudent Resources In Context (ELM)

  1. AteacherispreparingforaunitontheGreatDepressionandisinneedofprimarysources.Canyouhelphimfind primarysourcesfortheGreatDepression?
  2. A student needs help finding literary criticisms for the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Can you help her locate some critical essays?
  3. A student is trying to find some background information on life in ancient Greece. Can you help him find some topical overviews?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A 9th grade student is writing a paper on plate tectonics and has to make suggestions about how to make it safer for people living near earthquake zones. The student is visibly confused and mentions Gondwanaland. How do you help her out?


  1. Can you help a patron find examples of 17th century Japanese porcelain objects?
  2. A patron is trying to find an image of The Library by Jacob Lawrence from the Smithsonian American Art Museum collection. Can you help her?
  3. A teacher would like to export two images of Auguste Renoir’s paintings into PowerPoint slides. Can you help her do that for The Letter and A Girl Reading?[Hint: Explore the Favorites feature.]
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A patron comments that the art books are so lovely, but too heavy to bring home. What can you offer that person instead?

MONTH 11: NOVEMBERInformeAcadémico (ELM)

  1. A student is looking for a few full-text academic journal articles written in Spanish regarding ecotourism in Mexico. Can you help him locate these articles?
  2. A community member is searching for full-text academic journal articles on conservation efforts published in the Brazilian Journal of Biology and written in English.
  3. A teacher is looking for the PDF full-text of an article he remembered seeing in the publication Latino Leaders. It was an article about 2015’s most influential Latinos in America. Can you help him locate this article?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A patron asks if we have Rosetta Stone for Spanish. How would you respond?

MONTH 12: DECEMBER Science Reference Center (ELM)

  1. A middle school student is studying tsunamis in her science class, and she needs a couple of full-text, reference articles that would give her more information. Can you help her find these articles?
  2. A science teacher is in need of a couple of science experiments or activities on electricity. Can you help him find these?
  3. A student is interested in learning more about technology that is being used to explore Mars. Can you help her find full-text magazine articles that address this interest?
  4. Level UP Your Customer Service: A student wants to research multiple viewpoints on genetically modified foods to prepare for a debate. What resource would be useful? (Points of View Reference Center)

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