Additional Light Review

Questions in the book: pg. 127 - #1,3,4,6,9,10 / pg. 128 - #11,#12,#14,#17,#20 / pg. 129 #5

1.  List one object for each material listed below and explain what happens to the light when it hits the material:

-  Translucent - Opaque - Transparent

2.  What are the 3 primary colors of light? What color do they make when mixed together?

3.  What are the 3 primary colors of pigment? What color do they make when mixed together?

4.  Explain what the word convex and concave look like.

5.  What is the difference between a real image and a virtual image? Describe the image that each item below makes:

-  Plane mirror - Convex mirror - Concave mirror

- Convex lens - Concave lens

6.  What is the difference between regular reflection and diffuse reflection?

7.  Describe the function of the following parts of the eye:

-  Iris

-  Pupil

-  Cornea

-  Retina

-  Rods & Cones

8.  List 2 receivers of light and 2 emitters of light

9.  What color do the following colors of light mixed with pigment create? (Refer to page 100)

-  Red Light + Green Pigment - Green Light + Green Pigment - Red Light + Red Pigment

Additional Light Review

Questions in the book: pg. 127 - #1,3,4,6,9,10 / pg. 128 - #11,#12,#14,#17,#20 / pg. 129 #5

1.  List one object for each material listed below and explain what happens to the light when it hits the material:

-  Translucent - Opaque - Transparent

2.  What are the 3 primary colors of light? What color do they make when mixed together?

3.  What are the 3 primary colors of pigment? What color do they make when mixed together?

4.  Explain what the word convex and concave look like.

5.  What is the difference between a real image and a virtual image? Describe the image that each item below makes:

-  Plane mirror - Convex mirror - Concave mirror

- Convex lens - Concave lens

6.  What is the difference between regular reflection and diffuse reflection?

7.  Describe the function of the following parts of the eye:

-  Iris

-  Pupil

-  Cornea

-  Retina

-  Rods & Cones

8.  List 2 receivers of light and 2 emitters of light

9.  What color do the following colors of light mixed with pigment create? (Refer to page 100)

-  Red Light + Green Pigment - Green Light + Green Pigment - Red Light + Red Pigment