Worship Him Only

(Questions based on pp. 5-7 of Bible Witness, Volume 12, Issue 1 – WORSHIP)

  1. Satan hates the worship of God. Can you name some ways in which he can distort the worship of God?
  1. Look up the requirements stated in the following verses regarding the worship of God:

a)Deuteronomy 6:13-15 –

b)Deuteronomy 10:12 –

c)Deuteronomy 10:20 –

  1. From Exodus 34:14-16 and Jeremiah 25:6, give as many reasons as possible why the worship of other gods is strongly prohibited.
  1. In many other churches, the worship of angels and saints is practised. What does the Bible say about this? (Revelation 22:8-9; Acts 10:26)
  1. According to the article, who should be involved in the worship services and what should be their focus of worship?
  1. What does a Trinitarian worship entail? (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)
  1. What could possibly be the reason why there is scant mention of the worship of the Holy Spirit in the Bible? (John 16:13-14)
  1. When we only call on either the Father, Son or Holy Spirit, is it anti-Trinitarian? Explain your answer.

Worship: Christians’ Highest Duty

(Questions based on pp. 8-12 of Bible Witness, Volume 12, Issue 1 – WORSHIP)

  1. What is that special purpose of man who was created in God’s own image? (Revelation 4:11; 1 Corinthians 6:20)
  1. What are the different ways mentioned in the following passages by which a Christian’s life ought to be an act of worship? (1 Corinthians 10:31; Romans 11:36; Matthew 5:16)
  1. What happens to a person when he refuses to acknowledge and worship God in his life? (Romans 1:18-25; Psalm 14:1)
  1. For what purpose and function did the apostle Peter refer to the believers as “lively stones”? (1 Peter 2:5)
  1. From Romans 11:33 & 36, name the attributes of God that were the reasons for the apostle Paul’s worship and praises.
  1. The believer’s body is spoken of as a living sacrifice in Romans 12:1. How did the author of the article portray such a sacrifice and in what manner is this to be offered unto God?
  1. Looking at the two sons in Matthew 21:28-30, in what ways are their attitudes similar to that of Christians towards worship today?
  1. Since true obedience is not a slavish keeping of a set of rules, what should be the Christian’s motivation in his efforts to keep the Lord’s commands? (John 14:15; Micah 6:8)
  1. What important precept is to be followed as we offer our members as instruments of service unto Christ? (Romans 6:13, 16) Why? (Matthew 16:27; 1 Corinthians 3:13-14)
  1. Share some of the ways you can apply the teachings of Paul in Ephesians 6:5-9 in your day-to-day life as you serve the Lord.

Worship in the Beauty of Holiness

(Questions based on pp. 13-16 of Bible Witness, Volume 12, Issue 1 –WORSHIP)

  1. Using a Bible concordance, find three other instances where the phrase “beauty of holiness” appears in your Bible. In all these instances, what particular command is always attached to this phrase?
  1. Define worship and name its key elements mentioned in 1 Chronicles 16:29.
  1. How should we approach God in worship that is consistent with His character? (Psalm 96:9; 22:23; Revelation 4:8, 10-11)
  1. Explain why a self-styled, stage-managed, worldly and presumptuous approach in worship should be avoided at all costs. (Leviticus 10:1-3)
  1. Share your reflections on the right attitude in worshipping God that can be gleaned from the following verses:

a)Psalm 24:3-4 –

b)Psalm 15:1-5 –

c)Isaiah 6:5 –

d)Matthew 5:23-24 –

  1. Can you share your own perception of the ‘beauty of holiness’?
  1. In the conclusion of this article, the author mentioned hypocritical and irreverent worship. How can we avoid being in this situation?

Worship Must Be Theocentric

(Questions based on pp. 17-21 of Bible Witness, Volume 12, Issue 1 –WORSHIP)

  1. Who is the object of our worship and in what manner should we come before God?
  1. The writer warns that there is a kind of worship that becomes an abomination to God. Explain how this comes about. (Amos 5:21-23; Isaiah 48:1b; Jeremiah 5:2)
  1. Why must there be utmost sincerity, purity of heart and wholehearted commitment to godliness in our worship of God? (James 4:8; Hebrews 10:22; Psalm 66:18)
  1. What did the writer mean when he said that modern worship today has generally become the celebration of the cult of consumerism? (Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15:7-9) In this kind of worship, who is the one being ultimately glorified?
  1. Why can’t worldly forms of celebrations in some churches be considered as making “a joyful noise” unto the Lord? (Psalm 96:9; Isaiah 26:8; 1 Corinthians 14:40)
  1. Discuss how the present-day worship of God has gone beyond the bounds of the first four of the Ten Commandments.
  1. What was wrong with the worship offering of these people that God had deemed unacceptable?

a)Cain in Genesis 4:3-5; Hebrews 11:4; 1 John 3:12 –

b)Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10:1-2 –

c)Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7 –

  1. Read the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapter 21, paragraph 1 quoted in the article and list down the stipulations regarding the acceptable way of worshipping God.
  1. Read Psalm 29:1-2 and share some thoughts you can glean from this text on the worship of God.

Worshipping in Vain

Questions based on pp. 22-25 of Bible Witness, Volume 12, Issue 1 –WORSHIP)

  1. Corporate worship becomes irreverent when it is no longer compliant with three important areas as outlined in this article. What are these areas?
  1. Why can’t sincerity, even by well-meaning worshippers, be a good test for true worship? What does true worship require according to the writer?
  1. What can nullify our worship and service to God even though it is apparently offered with the correct form and substance? (Isaiah 1:10-15) How can this be rectified? (Isaiah 1:16-18)
  1. When does worship become plain lip service and a mere ritual? (Isaiah 29:13)
  1. What is wrong with self-styled worship? (Matthew 15:7-9)
  1. Why is it that the heart and mind must be in tune with our words and posture in worship? (Ezekiel 33:31; see graphic illustration on this page)
  1. What does the Bible call the person who shows off his religiosity to cover up his carnality? (Matthew 23:27-28; 2 Timothy 3:5)
  1. What grave responsibility do teachers and preachers have with regard to their own worship of God? (Romans 2:20-24)
  1. Applying the principles that we can glean from Malachi 1:7-10, how should we offer and present ourselves before the Lord in worship?

The Coming Worship of the Antichrist

(Questions based on pp. 26-29 of Bible Witness, Volume 12, Issue 1 –WORSHIP)

  1. Unto whom will people render worship at the end of the ages? Why? (2 Thessalonians 2:4)
  1. What are the characteristics of the antichrist? (1 John 2:22; 4:3) Describe the false church that will be associated with antichrist worship (Revelation 17:1-7). Do you have any church in mind that fits the description?
  1. According to the Bible, who are those people who will worship the antichrist? For those who refuse to worship him, what will happen to them? (Revelation 13:8, 15)
  1. By what means will the antichrist succeed in receiving exclusive worship from the people? (Revelation 13:13-18)
  1. Who is behind all the false and idolatrous religions of the world? (1 Corinthians 10:19-20; Deuteronomy 32:16-17) What will he do to God’s temple in Jerusalem? (Daniel 9:26-27)
  1. What consequence awaits those who refuse to love and practise God’s truth? (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11)
  1. Why is Satan bent on luring people into denying the incarnation and humanity of Christ? What is the ultimate implication of such deception? (2 John 7; cf. 2 Corinthians 4:4)
  1. Name the unholy figures that is behind demonic worship in the end times (Revelation 13:1-3; cf. 16:13). What will happen to them when the Lord returns and where will they ultimately end up? (Revelation 19:19-20)

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