Each Contestant is asked up to 6 questions. For each question the Contestant gets right, a letter of the word “VISION” is allocated. The Contestant can choose whether or not to answer the next question or stick with the letters they have won so far. Like in “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”, each Contestant has the 3 options of “50/50”, “phone a friend” or “ask the audience” and these options can only be used once.

Each table has to quickly elect a Table Captain before we start, so that the “ask the audience” option can be used. The Table Captain will need to decide what the table’s correct answer is and the Contestant can then decide whether or not to go with this answer.

For “phone a friend”, the Contestant can ask anyone in the audience for their help. However, they cannot ask Mike Brace, Lesley-Anne Alexander, Anita Lightstone, Fazilet Hadi or me!

All questions are based on the UK Vision Strategy or materials referred to on a range of website and research findings.


Q 1 - What 2 things can double the probability of sight loss?

A. Owning a greyhound and supporting West Ham

B. Drinking lots of red wine and watching Big Brother

C. Wearing corduroy trousers and having facial hair

D. Smoking and obesity

50/50 Option

C. Wearing corduroy trousers and having facial hair

D. Smoking and obesity


D: Smoking and obesity

Q 2 – When was the WHA Resolution passed, which urged the development and implementation of plans to tackle vision impairment?

A. 1066

B. 1666

C. Last week

D. 2003

50/50 Option

C. Last week

D. 2003


D. 2003

Q 3 – In the Strategy, it says that a “study has found that for each dollar spent on eye care and the prevention of sight loss, there could be a five dollar return to the community”. In which country did the study take place?


B. Canada

C. Australia

D. Jamaica

50/50 Option


C. Australia


C. Australia

Q 4 – According to the Strategy, by 2021, what percentage of the population of the UK will be over 50?

A. 35%

B. 40%

C. 45%

D. 50%

50/50 Option

B. 40%

D. 50%


B. 40%

Q 5 – A significant proportion of sight loss is related to age. According to the Strategy, what proportion of over 75’s have serious sight loss?

A. 1 in 6

B. 1 in 7

C. 1 in 8

D. 1 in 10

50/50 Option

C. 1 in 8

D. 1 in 10


C. 1 in 8

Q 6 – In the Strategy’s Priority Actions, “Public and commercial services should be fully accessible to people with sight loss”. Which paragraph is this in?

A. 3.2

B. 3.4

C. 3.6

D. 3.8

50/50 Option

A. 3.2

D. 3.8


D. 3.8


Q 1 – In the context of the UK Vision Strategy, where would you find an Iris?

A. In the eye

B. In a flower bed

C. In Ireland

D. In a salad

50/50 Option

A. In the eye

B. In a flower bed


A. In the eye

Q 2 – The 2003 report “Health for All Children” recommends screening of newborns for eye abnormalities and for orthoptic led screening of which age group?

A. 4 - 5 year olds

B. All those over 90 years of age

C. Every child who’s first name begins with the letter “A”

D. Only those children whose parents have a job

50/50 Option

A. 4 - 5 year olds

D. Only those children whose parents have a job


A. 4 - 5 year olds

Q 3 – In 2005, what did a report from the RNIB estimate the total costs of sight loss annually in the UK to be?

A. £35

B £3 billion

C. £4.9 billion

D. A hell of a lot!

50/50 Option

B. £3 billion

C. £4.9 billion


C. £4.9 billion

Q 4 – In 2002, a report estimated that the medical cost of falls related to vision impairment in a 12 month period was:

A. More than you would think

B. £128 million

C. £141 million and 85 pence

D. More than David Scott-Ralphs spends on ties in a year

50/50 Option

B. £128 million

C. £141 million and 85 pence


B. £128 million

Q 5 – According to an RNIB report in 2004, what proportion of older people with a vision impairment live in poverty or on its margins?

A. 1 out of 4

B. 2 out of 5

C. 1 out of 6

D. 3 out of 4

50/50 Option

B. 2 out of 5

D. 3 out of 4


D. 3 out of 4

Q 6 – According to the 2006 Network 1000 Report, what percentage of blind or partially sighted people are in employment?

A. 34 %

B. 40 %

C. 50 %

D. 75 % – the same as the overall population

50/50 Option

A. 34 %

B. 40 %


A. 34 %


Q 1 – What is a squint? Is it:

A. The name of the ball in “Quidditch”

B. Someone who has no money

C. An abnormal alignment of one or both eyes

D. A baby squirrel

50/50 Option

A. The name of the ball in “Quidditch”

C. An abnormal alignment of one or both eyes


C. An abnormal alignment of one or both eyes
Q 2 – During the UK Vision Strategy consultation period, how many organisations/individuals responded to the consultation?

A. Only 2, but they did it 85 times each

B. More than 650

C. 55 – and we know who you are!

D. The hundreds of people with sight loss who moved to Scotland

50/50 Option

B. More than 650

D. The hundreds of people with sight loss who moved to Scotland


B. More than 650

Q 3 – According to research published in 2007, what percentage of working aged blind or partially sighted people had no qualifications?

A. 15 %

B. 18 %

C. 24 %

D. 30 %

50/50 Option

C. 24 %

D. 30 %


C. 24 %

Q 4 – Since 1990/1, figures for diabetic retinopathy in the over 65’s have what?

A More than trebled

B. More than doubled

C. Risen by over 10 %

D. Increased by 25 %

50/50 Option

A. More than trebled

B. More than doubled


B. More than doubled

Q 5 – The provision of emotional support and counselling services for people with a vision impairment is almost non-existent in many areas. According to the “Question of Independence” report in 2006, what percentage of low vision and rehabilitation providers had links to counsellors?

A. 5 %

B. 10 %

C. 15 %

D. 20 %

50/50 Option

C. 15 %

D. 20 %


D. 20 %

Q 6 – One illustration in the Strategy of the lack of inclusion of people with a vision impairment, is the availability of books in an accessible format. What percentage of books has research shown are available in accessible formats?

A. Less than 5 %

B. Less than 10 %

C. Less than 15 %

D. Less than 20 %

50/50 Option

A. Less than 5 %

B. Less than 10 %


A. Less than 5 %


Q 1 – A number of groups are mentioned in the Strategy who are at greater risk of sight loss. Three of the groups mentioned are:

A. Arsenal, Manchester United and West Ham football supporters

B. People with green, brown or blue eyes

C. People who listen to Kylie Minogue, Status Quo or Amy Winehouse

D. People from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BME), people from low socio-economic groups and people with learning difficulties

50/50 Option

B. People with green, brown or blue eyes

D. People from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BME), people from low socio-economic groups and people with learning difficulties


D. People from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BME), people from low socio-economic groups and people with learning difficulties

Q 2 – A.R.M.D. in the context of the Strategy stands for:

A. A Right Merry Dance

B. Age Related Macular Degeneration

C. Association of Really Mad Doctors

D. A Rare Medical Diagnosis

50/50 Option

B. Age Related Macular Degeneration

D. A Rare Medical Diagnosis


B. Age Related Macular Degeneration

Q 3 – According to the recently published research “Finance and entitlement: Visually impaired people’s take up of Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance”, how many vision impaired people are currently estimated not to be receiving the DLA, but are eligible to apply for it?

A. 50,000

B. 30,000

C. 20,000

D. 10,000

50/50 Option

C. 20,000

D. 10,000


D. 10,000

Q 4 – Similarly, it is estimated that 36 % of vision impaired people eligible to apply for attendance allowance have not done so and this number equates to how many over 65’s?

A. 25,000

B. 62,000

C. 73,000

D. 100,000

50/50 Option

B. 62,000

C. 73,000


C. 73,000

Q 5 – In the Network 1000 Report published in 2006, what percentage of vision impaired people do not know, or are unsure of, the name of the eye condition that is responsible for their vision impairment.

A. 10 %

B. 18 %

C. 23 %

D. 25 %

50/50 Option

C. 23 %

D. 25 %


C. 23 %

Q 6 - By applying the prevalence estimate of 0.2% to Office for National Statistics (ONS) mid-2005 population estimates, how many children are thought to be blind or partially sighted in the UK?

A. 15,000

B. 20,000

C. 25,000

D. 50,000

50/50 Option

B. 20,000

C. 25,000


C. 25,000

TIE BREAKER QUESTION - How many words are there in the document entitled “UK Vision Strategy”?

A. 6,974

B. 10,032

C. 15,712

D. 21,683


B. 10,032