Questions for Pediatric Otolaryngologists:
- What is your gender?
- Male
- Female
- How many years since you completed training
- <5years
- 5-10 years
- 10-15 years
- 15-20 years
- >20 years
- What type of practice are you in?
- Academic
- Private
- Private with academic affiliation
- In what region of the country do you practice?
- Southeast
- Northeast
- Midwest
- Southwest
- Northwest
- Mountain
- Canada
- Do you care for patients with cystic fibrosis?
- Yes
- No
- How many patients with cystic fibrosis do you care for?
- 0
- <10
- 10-25
- 25-50
- >50
- Is you practice:
- Primarily Pediatric (Age <18)
- Primarily Adult (Age >18)
- How would you rate the following statement: I have a cooperative, open door relationship with my pulmonary colleagues?(1= strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4=Strongly Agree 5= Strongly Agree)
- Do you perform sinus surgery as part of your practice?
- Yes
- No
- What is the youngest age you will perform elective functional endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with CF?
- 0-2 years
- 2-4 years
- 5-10 years
- >10 years only
- Which of the following should be included as part of maximal medical management of CF sinus disease? (1= strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4=Strongly Agree 5= Strongly Agree)
- Oral Antibiotics
- IV antibiotics
- Nasal Saline Irrigations
- Nasal Steroid
- Oral Steroid
- Nebulized/Topical antibiotics
- When do you obtain CT sinus imaging of CF patients?
- Before/After the first encounter
- After treating with what I consider Maximal Medical management
- Only prior to surgical intervention
- I do not routinely obtain imaging on these patients
- How would you rate the following as indicators for operative management of sinus disease?(1=not an indication 2=minor indicator 3=major indicator)
- Quality of life unimproved by medical management
- Sinus symptoms unimproved by medical management
- Increase in pulmonary exacerbations
- CT findings of sinusitis
- Request for surgery by another physician member of the patients team
- How strongly do you believe the statement: Sinuses serve as a reservoir for bacteria and subsequent pulmonary colonization/reinfection? (1= strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4=Strongly Agree 5= Strongly Agree)
- How strongly do you believe the statement: Aggressive management of sinus disease in patients with CF can positively impact pulmonary function?(1= strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4=Strongly Agree 5= Strongly Agree)
- How strongly do you believe the statement: Aggressive management of sinus disease in patients with CF can positively impact quality of life?(1= strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4=Strongly Agree 5= Strongly Agree)
- How strongly do you believe the statement: Aggressive management of sinus disease can positively impact sinus symptoms? (1= strongly disagree 2=disagree 3=neutral 4=Strongly Agree 5= Strongly Agree)