Fri Nov 1 15:37:13 19961

1996 WIT 4: "Where's Gaius?"

Questions by assorted Berkeley students


1.When the Homeland Union and Christian Democrats recaptured a majority
in the 141 seat parliament of this nation in Sept 1996, a former leader
was returned to power to avenge a defeat suffered 4 years prior at the
hands of the former Communists. The so-called Democratic Labor party
proved incompetent in handeling inflation and other woes in what
predominantly Catholic Baltic nation where Vytautas Landsbergis is back in


2.This scientist lost several children to the Nazi regime, and died an
embittered man. In 1900 he formulated a mathematical description of thermal
radiation from a perfect absorber showing that it required a
discontinuous process of emission or absorption involving discrete
quantities of energy. FTP name this scientist, whose name is attached

to a physical constant equal to about 6.6 times ten to the minus thirty-four joule seconds?

Max _Planck_

3.His victory at the battle of Lewes was a complete reversal of affairs
in England. Henry III was captured, and a number of progressive Acts
passed in Parliament. Unfortunately, the next year in 1265, he was
defeated at Evesham by the future Edward I, and Henry III was restored.
FTP, what leader of the barons was this, a man whose father led the
Albigensian Crusade, and who himself effectively supplanted the
incompetent Henry III for all too short a time?

\Simon de MONTFORT\

4.A German agricultural federation and PurdueUniversity have released
a study which shows that cows appreciated this classical musician and
demonstrated their appreciation by producing more milk. The cows
evidently did not like Kiss, and mooed in disaproval. FTP, who was this
classical musician whose works favored by bovines includes _Cosi Fan Tutti_
and _The Magic Flute_?

\Wolfgang Amadeus MOZARTX

5.In the 1960s, his hotly debated theories on Mars' wind storms and Venus'
greenhouse effect became accepted by the scientific community. In 1971,

he wrote Encyclopedia Britannica's 25000 word entry on "Life", and two years later took out a patent on it, or rather, on the production of amino acids from gaseous mixtures. FTP, name this scientist and author of "The Dragons of Eden" and "Cosmos". \Carl SAGAN\

6.In a 40-oar open rowing boat stood a wooden burial
chamber containing silver plates, gold jewelry, coins, weapons,
and domestic equipment. The grave of an Anglo-Saxon king,
believed to be King Redwald of East Anglia, it was discovered
beneath a barrow in England in 1939. For 10 points, name it.


7.Only significant for extremely small masses, it is alternately
expressed in terms of a particle's momentum and position. That's
because any attempt to measure the velocity of a particle disturbs
it so that a simultaneous measure of its position has no validity.
FTP, name the 1927 idea that a particle's position and velocity
cannot be measured exactly at the same time.


8.This novel illustrates, among other things, the dangers of not keeping

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on eye on your employees. Valuable equipment is left rotting in the grass, and a cliff is blasted for no purpose. Some employess sacrifice the interests of the company in order to compete for positions in the company, and the competition becomes deadly. The manager sinks a steamboat, and blocks the delivery of rivets for repair, in order to prevent aid from being brought to his rival upstream at the Inner Station. Deprived of trading goods, the chief of Inner Station obtains ivory by raiding villages, with the help of natives who worship him. FTP name this novel my Joseph Conrad. HEART OF DARKNESS

9.This strait is one of the most strategic in world history. When it
is blocked, as in WWI and WWII, Russia can be blockaded. Lying at the
mouth of the Baltic, it is controlled by Denmark to the south and by
Sweden to the north. What is this naval pass which Germany sealed off
during wartime and which NATO has been careful to secure?

10.This expression originated in China in the late 1930's when Japanese
troops occupied most of the larger cities of China and strangled Chinese

industry. An American, Helen Snow, conceived the Chinese Industrial Corporation - a name shortened to two characters meaning "work together." The term was adopted by Lt. Colonel Evans Carlso as a slogan and in 1943, a war film starring Randolph Scott poularized the expression. FTP what is this expression which now denotes great zeal or enthusiasm? \GUNG-HO\

11.In this novel, a woman recognizes a man approaching, and rushes to the
shed to kill her children and herself, to prevent them from being brought back
to slavery. She only manages to kill one before she is stopped. This child
is the title character, and her ghost haunts her mother's house after her
release from prison. When her mother's lover drives the ghost away, she
returns in the flesh and full grown, and seduces him. She monopolizes her
mother's attention, distracting her from all other concerns. FTP name

this novel by Toni Morrison. \BELOVEDS

12.The lower walkway is lined with jeweler's shops above which
an upper corridor, built by Vasari, links the Pitti palace with
the Uffizi. FTP name this bridge across the Arno river in
Florence, completed in 1345 by Taddeo Galli.


13.At this decisive battle, the fate of Gaul was sealed. Vercingetorix
had been beseiged to nearly the point of starvation, and the relief force
was driven off with heavy casualties. The Romans had successfully dealt
with an enemy within and the enemy from beyond and beaten both. FTP, what
was this battle in south France, fought in 52 BC, in which Gaius Julius
Caesar suppressed the Gauls for a generation?


14.A man loses his son, and his

marriage falls apart. He meets a quirky veterinarian who brings back some humor and meaning into his life. His wife comes around and wants him back, but the man, a writer of popular travel guides for businessmen,

decides to stay with his new love. FTP, name this novel by Anne Tyler, which was made into a movie starring William Hurt and Geena Davis. The ACCIDENTAL TOURIST

15.Born in St Petersburg, he became a professor of chemistry at the
Medico-SurgicalAcademy in 1864 and later helped found medical courses for
women there. His professional life gave him little time for his hobby,
composing music, and he left two major works unfinished. FTP, name this
Russian nationalist composer of Symphony No.3 in A minor and Prince Igor.
\Aleksandr BORODINX

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16.This disease is contracted

by breathing in bacteria-infected water droplets. Though treatable if diagnosed in time, it can be lethal otherwise. Twenty-four people in Detroit were diagnosed with it this year. It was first observed in Philadelphia in 1976 when it killed 34 mostly elderly convention-goers. FTP, name this disease, which gets its name from the conventioneers. \LEGIONNAIRES Disease\

17.According to this theory, all natural forces have always existed.
Proposed in 1785 by James Hutton as a counter to catastrophism, it
stated that the geologic features of earth were formed over time by a
long series of events. FTP, name this theory.

18.He claimed there exists a power, which he called magnetism,
that could be used to cure diseases. In 1778 he went to Paris
where he created a sensation, but in 1785 a learned commission

reported unfavourably on his work and he retired to obscurity in Switzerland. FTP, name this Austrian physician. Franz Anton MESMER

19.The Aesir tossed this monster into the ocean,

where he grew enormously. One day on a fishing trip, Thor

snagged him on the line and faced the monster which would ultimately slay

him at Ragnorak. Thor's companion cut the line, thus delaying destiny.

FTP, what creature is this, one of the monstrous brood of Loki,

which stretches all the way around the world.


20.His writings include _Book of Interpretation of Hebrew Names_,
_Concerning Seven Beatings_, and _Dialogues Against Pelagius_. In the 4th
century he lived for some time as a hermit, was secretary to Pope Damasus, and
founded a monsastery at Bethlehem. He vowed to give up pagan literature
after a dream in which he was accused of being a Ciceronian rather than a
Christian. As a biblican translator, he renounced the Septuagint and went
back to the original Hebrew version of the Old Testament. FTP name this
Church Father who wrote most of the Vulgate.


21.Oddly enough, the state of Alaska is dealing with a great surplus of
this resource while the lower 48 have too little of it. Plans are in
motion to set up a canning system and distribute some of the extra to food
banks elsewhere, but at the moment a great deal is being lost, as
fishermen are getting lower and lower prices off of the dock for their
catch. FTP, what is this resource which comes in varieties such as

chum, sockeye, coho, and chinook? \SALMON\

22.As chancellor of the exchequer he attempted to reconcile King Charles
the First and Parliament. He went into exile with the king's son, and with
the Restoration he became Lord Chancellor. Although he opposed the Anglo-Dutch
war, upon its failure he was dismissed. Although he favored religious
toleration, his name was aplied to a set of laws designed to destroy the power
of dissenters. He was the grandfather of two rulers of England. FTP, name
this author of _History of the Rebellion_.

A: _Edward Hyde_ or _Earl of Clarendon_

23.In a famous essay, this man criticized the belief that the passage of
time is inherently beneficial. He gave several characterizations of just and
unjust laws: a just law is one that agrees with the law of God, also "Any
law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human
personality is unjust," and a law is just if it is imposed by a majority that
follows the law, but it is unjust if it is imposed on a minority by a majority
that is not subject to it. He wrote that people who break unjust laws must

do it "openly, lovingly, ... and with a willingness to accept the penalty."

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He defended himself against the charge of being an outside agitator, and expressed disappointment with "the white church." He wrote this essay in the form of an open letter, in response to one written by eight Alabama clergymen. FTP, name this Baptist minister.

A: Martin Luther _King_ Jr.


1.The community of Portugese Speaking Countries is a 7 nation
commonwealth formed in summer 1996. For five points each, identify
Portugal's six commonwealth partners:


SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE (do not prompt on Guinea, it is a different country)

2.Three men signed both the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution. For each one you name, you will earn 10 points. If you
need to know the state any of them represented, you will get 5 point
clues if needed.

(5 point clue): PennConn.Penn


3.30/20/10 artist by works
30) Women of Algiers

20) Massacre at Chios10) Liberty Leading the People Eugene DELACROIX

4.Napoleon was not the only shaker and mover in his day. For ten each,
identify these other people who were his associates or relatives.

A)Napoleon called him, "the bravest of the Brave"

Marshal NEY

B)He was sent to Sweden as the new crown-prince and ultimately
turned against Napoleon.


C)He was king of Westphalia for a while.

JEROME Bonaparte

5.Identify the physicist, 30-20-10.

(30) As a student, he was asked to contribute the article on

relativity to the _Encyclopedia of Mathematicla Science_, an essay

of over 200 pages that is still widely read.

(20) He developed the concept of spin as a necessary quantum

number to describe the state of an electron.

(10) His discovery that no two fermions could share the same

quantum numbers won him the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Answer : Wolfgang PAULI

6.This bonus tests your knowledge of Shakespeare. Given the name of

a play, name the character that speaks first for 10 points, or 5 points if you need part of the first speech.

1)10 points: A Midsummer Night's Dream

5 points: Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace. A: _Theseus_

2)10 points: As You Like It

5 points: My brother Jaques he keeps at school, and report speaks goldenly of his profit. For my part, he keeps me rustically at home. A: _Orlando_

3)10 points: Othello

5 points: Tush! never tell me! I take it much unkindly that thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this. A: _Roderigo_

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7.Given a city, name the two rivers that meet there for 5 points each.

1)Asuncion A: Paraguay, Pilcomayo

2)Khartoum A: Blue Nile or Al-Bahr al-Azraq,

White Nile or Al-Bahr al-Abyad

3)Cairo (KAY-row) A: Ohio and Mississippi

8.Name the author from works, 30-20-10.

30 20 10

The Demon, Angelo, The Egyptian Nights

To A Poet Friend, Mozart and Salieri, Ruslan and Ludmila

Boris Godunov

A: Aleksandr Sergeyevich _Pushkin_

9.A few giant corporations control a large portion of the
American Media. For 5 points apiece, identify the company that





e.Touchstone A: DISNEY

f.Book-of-the-Month Club A: TIME-WARNER

10.Name the following pop music groups for 5 points each, given the names
of 2 or 3 members.

1) Dennis Elliot, Lou Gramm, Mick Jones


Mike Hogan, Noel Hogan, Feargal Lawler

The _Cranberries_

Jorge Casas, John De Faria, Clay Ostwald

_Miami Sound Machine_

Charlotte Caffey, Kathy Valentine, Jane Wiedlin

The _Go-go's_

Dizzy Reed, Matt Sorum

_Guns 'N Roses_

Stewart Copland, Andy Summers, Gordon Sumner

The _Police_

11.For five points each, with a bonus of 5 for all five, name the tribes
of the Iroquois Confederation.

A: MOHAWK, SENECA, CAYUGA, ONEIDA, ONONDAGA (accept any close pronunciation)

12.Primary lymphoid tissues are the primary site of B and T cell
development in the body. For 10 points apiece, name the two
primary lymphoid organs in the human body.


Secondary lymphoid tissues are where B and T cells aggregate after development in the thymus and bone marrow. For 5 points apiece, name any two secondary lymphoid tissues.


13.30/20/10 name this city.

30) A 15th century king took his symbol, a boar, from the Roman name of

this town. 20) A second city, named after the original, greatly outpaces the

original in population and cultural activity. 10) The second-in-line for the British throne takes his title from this

city. \YORK\

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14.Move over Eurodisney! There is a new park in town. Answer the
following for 10 each:

A)A $150 million themepark

is being planned which hopes to attract more

kiddies than anyone else because its attractions will be based on the world of Greek myth. What will this park be called? MYTHOSPARK

B)Close to what major city will it be built? ATHENS

C)Who is planned as Mickey Mouse's counterpart in the new park? HOMER

15.Identify the following with coast in their name (not necessarily in
English) for 5 or 10 points:

A)This North African coast was the home of an infamous group of
Pirates who went to war with the US in the early 19th century.


B)It was the former name of Ghana, owing to its wealth.


C)A neighbor of Ghana, this French speaking nation still goes by
the old name.


D)A North American nation

COSTA RICA E (worth 10) It is the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. MOSQUITOCOAST

16.Arrange in chronological order the following events from the American
Revolution with a 5 point bonus for getting them in order from first to
last: Battle of Bennington, Winter at Valley Forge, Burgoyne Surrenders,
Battle of King's Mtn, British abandon North Carolina and move North.


17.Identify the nation which owns the following, for ten points each:



18.Given a detective, name the author who created him, FTPE:

a.Auguste DupinEdgar Allen POE

b.Leroy BrownDonold SOBOL

c.Easy RawlinsWalter MOSLEY

19.For 5 points each with a bonus for all 5, identify the major daily
newspaper in each of the following cities. For example, if I said
Nashville, you would say the Tennessean.






20.Some real and fictional figures have done memorable things even
though they lacked a body part. For example, Van Gogh was missing part of
his ear. Fortunately, he wasn't a musician. For 5 pts each + 5, identify
the body part missing from the following individuals:

Tycho BraheNOSE

Peter StyvesantLEG



Peter AbelardGENITALS

21. The election of 1860 was crucial in our nation's history. For the

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stated number of points, identify the following on a 10/5 basis. You may

guess after each clue:

(10) Edward Everett was his running mate.

(5) He and Everett ran on the newly formed Constitutional Union Party.

John BELL (10) Hannibal Hamlin was his running-mate (5) He did better than expected, winning 40% of the popular vote.

Abraham LINCOLN (10) His running mate was Joseph Lane of Oregon. (5) This Kentuckian was sitting Vice President in 1860.