/ CEN/TC 242
Project Team for Maintenance of CEN/TC 242 standards

Questions-Answers/Submission of questions


Here are official answers given by the Project Team for Maintenance standards regarding some questions on CEN/TC 242 standards

EN 1907, EN 12929-1, EN 12929-2, EN 12930, EN 12927-1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -7, EN 1908, EN13223, EN 1709, EN 13243, EN 13107, EN 13796-1, -2

EN 1907

pargraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
4.3.4 / French
Geman / Addition of a synonym "rapport de flexion/Biegeverhältnis" / Technical issue

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EN 12929-1

pargraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
4.1.3 / Different presentations for hazard scenarios / Technical issue
4.2.3 / Deletion of exception relative to ski-tows / Technical issue
5.2.2 / Value of the transverse acceleration of funicular railways / TechnicalIssue
5.4.2 / Distance of the leaving of stations for unidirectional aerial ropeway with detachable grips / Technical Issue
6th indent / English
German / Precision on the minimum kinematic space taken into account for determining the space envelope of funicular railways / Corrigendum
6.2.2 / Combined effects of wind and ice / Technical Issue
6.3.1 / Space envelope of ski-tows / Technical Issue
6.3.5 / Rotation of tow-hangers over ropes / Technical Issue
7.1.3 / Distance between 2 clearance envelopes / Technical Issue
7.5 / Safety distances for chairlifts intended for the transport of skiers / Interpretation
7.6.1 / Centreline of the tow-track / Technical Issue
7.6.4 / Adjacent uphill towing ropes for twin ski-tows / Technical Issue
7.6.4 / Distance between the centrelines of one high-level and one low-level ski-tows / Interpretation
8.1.2 / Maximum actual running height above ground / Interpretation
8.2 / Running height above ground for aerial ropeways with closed carriers / Technical Issue
8.2.2 / Running height for aerial ropeways with closed carriers / Technical Issue
8.3.2 / English
German / Running height for aerial ropeways with open carriers / Corrigendum
8.3.2 / Running height for aerial ropeways with open carriers / Technical Issue
9.2.5 / Maximum running speed for unidirectional aerial ropeways with transverse position of the seat / Interpretation
9.2.5 / Maximum running speeds for unidirectional aerial ropeways with closed carriers / Technical Issue
10.3.4 / Stopping distance of ski-tows / Technical Issue
11.1.7 / Platform for funiculars : clearance limits of carriers / Technical Issue
11.1.10 / Chairlifts : distance between the surface of the loading or unloading areas and the seat surface / Interpretation
11.2.10 / Chairlifts : position of the access way, loading area and subsequent areas / Technical Issue
11.2.11 / Information “do not jump off the chair” / Technical Issue
11.3.2 / German / horizontal length of a chairlift unloading area / Corrigendum
11.3.3 / English
German / Change of subclause reference / Corrigendum
11.3.5 / Unloading area of chairlift, with angle of 90° / Technical Issue
11.7.6 / Ski-tow : monitoring device for stopping the installation / Technical Issue
12.6.2 / Height of the towing rope / Technical Issue
12.6.3 / Rotation of the towing rope / Technical Issue
Annex A / English
German / Mistakes in key / Corrigendum
Annex B / English
German / Mistakes in key / Corrigendum
C.4.1 / English
German / Scale for longitudinal profile of ski-tows / Corrigendum

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EN 12929-2

pargraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
6.19 / Haul rope for small aerial rope ways / Interpretation

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EN 12930

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up c) / French / Mistake in formula / Corrigendum
7.1.1 / Accuracy of rope angles at the ends of the rope spans / Technical issue
7.1.1 / Step size for rope calculation / Technical issue
7.1.2 / Tension forces in the rope calculation: / Technical issue
7.1.5 / Tension forces in the rope calculation / Technical issue
7.1.6 / Inclination of the tangents at the ends of the span / Technical issue
a)1)i) / Transverse force factor / Technical issue
a)1)ii) / Transverse force factor for carrying rope with fixed drive / Technical issue
d) / German / Mistake on the unit of upwards wind pressure / Corrigendum
d) / Critical wind pressure / Technical issue
7.6.3 / Proposal of new term "rapport de flexion/Biegeverhältnis" / Technical issue
f) / Bearing forces on carrying-hauling rope / Interpretation
a) / Minimum bearing forces on towing rope / Technical issue
a) / Minimum bearing forces on towing rope / Technical issue
7.10.1 / Envelope of signal rope and other ropes / Technical issue
7.10.3 / Proposal of new term "rapport de flexion/Biegeverhältnis / Technical issue
9.2.1 / Time-tangential force diagram / Technical issue
10.5 / English
German / Change of subclause reference / Corrigendum
10.8.1 / German / Incomplete sentence / Corrigendum
10.8.2 / German / Incomplete sentence / Corrigendum
1st & / French / Inexact translation / Corrigendum
2nd & / Actions to be taken into account in case of the complete deropement on one side of the cableway / Technical issue

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EN 12927-1

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
Title / German / Wrong title / Corrigendum
6 / English
German / Wrong terminology / Corrigendum
6 / German / Wrong German term / Corrigendum
6 / German / Wrong German term / Corrigendum
6 / German / Wrong German term / Corrigendum
6 / German / Wrong German term / Corrigendum
6 / English
German / Wrong terminology / Corrigendum
6.1 / EN reference for stranded ropes / Interpretation
6.1 / Missing requirements on tension ropes / Interpretation
6.1 / Missing requirements on Towing rope / Interpretation
6.1 / Missing requirements on Haul rope and carrying-hauling rope / Interpretation
6.1 / Use of fibre rope / Technical issue

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EN 12927-2

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
Title / German / Wrong title / Corrigendum
3.2 / Deletion of definition / Technical issue / Safety factors for track ropes with fixed ends / Technical issue / Tensile safety factors for haul rope of bicable aerial ropeway / Technical issue
5.3 / Proposal of new term "rapport de flexion/Biegeverhältnis / Technical issue
5.3 / German / Wrong title of Table 1 / Corrigendum

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EN 12927-3

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
Title / German / Wrong title / Corrigendum
5.1 / Long splicing requirements / Technical issue
5.2 / English
French / Indication that values are multiples of diameter / Corrigendum
5.3.1 / Measured rope diameter on a new splice / Technical issue
5.3.2 / Splice diameter at tucks / Technical issue

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EN 12927-4

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
Title / German / Wrong title / Corrigendum
9, 1st / Drum : Improvement of the text relative to the free end of the rope / Corrigendum
9, 3rd / Drum : Requirements on the second clamp / Technical issue

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EN 12927-6

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
Title / German / Wrong title / Corrigendum
6.1.4 c) / Local deterioration - measured rope diameter in the splice area / Corrigendum

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EN 12927-7

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
Title / German / Wrong title / Corrigendum
All text / Inconsistency with EN 1709 on visual inspection / Technical issue
6.3 / Inspection of the condition of ropes for extraordinary inspections / Technical issue
6.4 / Change of title / Technical issue
6.5 / EN reference for splice / Technical issue
6.5. / Reference to EN 12385-1 for rope diameter / Technical issue
6.10 / Information to be included in visual inspection and measurements reports / Interpretation
Tables 2 and 3 / Clarification of the content / Technical issue
Table 3 / Intervals for magnetic MRT inspection / Technical issue

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EN 1908

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up / Calculation of rope elongation / Technical issue / French / Improvement of the wording / Corrigendum / Identification of the stops / Technical issue / Anchor drum : Explanation of the second clamp / Technical issue / Turns around the drum / Technical issue
8.1.7 / Improvement of the wording / Corrigendum
8.2.3 a) / Loss from the hydraulic system / Technical issue
8.2.3 a) / Permissible friction value / Technical issue
8.2.4 / Automatic locking devices / Technical issue
11.2.3 / French / Improvement of the wording / Corrigendum

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EN 13223

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
7.3.1 / Monitoring from the control point / Corrigendum
8.2.2 / Setpoint speed values / Technical issue
10.5.2 / French / Operation of the safety brake / Corrigendum
14.2 / Dynamic stresses / Technical issue / Rollers in funicular railways / Technical issue / Precision to EN 12930 clause / Interpretation / Precision to EN 12930 clause / Interpretation
Annex A / Addition of supervision devices / Technical issue
Annex A / Travel direction monitoring / Technical issue
Annex A / Monitoring hydraulic switch valves / Technical issue

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EN 13243

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
11 / Identification of documents / Technical issue

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EN 13107

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up / Compressive stresses / Technical issue

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EN 1709

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
5.3.4 / Operating test / Technical issue
6.5 / Renewal / Technical issue

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EN 13796-1

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
6.2.3 / Effect of wind for covered chairs / Technical issue / English / Wrong value for safety factor / Corrigendum / English
German / Wrong clause reference / Corrigendum / Control of force of the grip springs / Technical issue
11.2 / Window material for the funicular cabin / Technical issue

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EN 13796-2

paragraph / Linguistic version / Subject / Follows-up
9 / Tests requirements / Technical issue

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