Questions (Answer Should Be One Two Paragraphs)

Questions (Answer Should Be One Two Paragraphs)

Brinkley Chapter 6

Pgs 158-178

The Constitution and the New Republic

Questions (answer should be one – two paragraphs):

1. “The Declaration of Independence issued a call for a democratic government of equal citizens which was rejected by the writers of the Constitution, who created an aristocratic government that benefited only the wealthy few.” Assess the validity of this statement.

2. By 1796, two clearly defined and conflicting political philosophies emerged in the United States: the Federalists, under the influence of Alexander Hamilton and the Republicans, under the guidance of Thomas Jefferson. Which philosophy best represents the ideals for which the American Revolution was fought?

Key Terms:

  1. Jay-Gardoqui Treaty, 1786
  2. Land Ordinance of 1785
  3. Northwest Ordinance , 1787
  4. Daniel Shays, 1787
  5. Annapolis Convention
  6. Philadelphia Convention
  7. Great Compromise
  8. Three-fifths Compromise
  9. The Constitution of the United States
  10. Federalism
  11. Separation of powers
  12. Checks and balances
  13. Preamble
  14. Impeachment
  15. Filibustering
  16. Elastic clause
  17. Writ of habeas corpus
  18. Ex post facto law
  19. Electoral college
  20. Judicial review
  21. Treason
  1. Federalist Papers
  2. Federalists
  3. Democrat-Republicans
  4. Judiciary Act of 1789
  5. Funding
  6. Assumption
  7. Bank of the United States (BUS)
  8. Whiskey Tax, 1791
  9. "Report on Manufacturers"
  10. James Madison
  11. Neutrality Proclamation, 1793
  12. Citizen Genet
  1. Jay Treaty, 1794
  2. Pinckney Treaty, 1795
  3. John Adams
  4. Farewell Address, 1796
  5. XYZ Affair, 1797
  6. Barbary Pirates
  7. Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798
  8. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798
  9. Aaron Burr
  10. Judiciary Act, 1801

Brinkley Chapter 6

Pgs 158-178

The Constitution and the New Republic

Specifics of Chapter (use this as a reading/note taking guide):

1. Copy the Timeline and use it as a study guide for this chapter

2. The call for centralization came from very prominent members of a newly independent America -- who had problems with the Articles of Confederation, what were those problems and what did they want?

3. Why is the Annapolis Convention important?

4. Outline the Constitutional Convention- include all the pertinent details:

  1. Who was leading?
  2. What plans were proposed and what did they say? (Virginia and New Jersey)
  3. Outline the Great Compromise
  4. How were slavery issues decided? Discuss moratorium and 3/5 compromise
  5. Madison’s role in the convention
  6. How is the separation of powers addressed?

5. Create a T chart reflecting the Federalist and Anti-Federalist arguments

6. What was the role of the Bill of Rights?

7. Judiciary Act, Executive Departments

8. Outline Hamilton’s Federalist program, view and causes of the financial plans= BUS, whiskey tax (this is extensive)

9. Outline the First Party System and the political beliefs of each. (Federalists and Democratic Republicans)

10. Outline the Jeffersonian Vision for America

11. Investigate Washington’s administration and make a chart of the major developments (Domestic and Foreign Policy).

12. What happened in the election of 1796 and why is it noteworthy?

13. Outline Adams Administration- make a chart of the major developments (Domestic and Foreign Policy).

14. Why are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions important?

15. What was the “Revolution of 1800” and why did they use this term?

16. Why is the Judiciary Act of 1801 so controversial?