Spanish III / Theme: My life
Activity Type: Independent Structure Practice: Integrated Cultural Activity / Topic:Health and fitness
Activity Name:El uso del subjuntivo en “A Dios le pido” de Juanes / Time:20 minutes

Materials:Pen/pencil, student handout, projector, laptop, internet connection (,

whiteboard, markers

Assessed Performance Indicators

  • 3.1 Reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines such as music and science through Spanish.

Essential Structures (New and review)
  • Present subjunctive
  • Present indicative
/ Essential Vocabulary Topics
  • Variety of basic words studied over the past years
  • Any new words in the lyrics that the students might not know

Objectives for the activity:(Instructional focus for this activity which is more specific than the mastery objectives for the unit/chapter:What do you want the students to be able to do at the end of this activity?)

  • To identify and analyze the use of the subjunctive in “A Dios le pido” by Juanes

Directions for the activity:

  1. Begin by asking if any of the students know who Juanes is. If they do, allow them to give the other students a brief introduction to him. If not, give students a quick blurb about him  he’s from Colombia, he’s a very successful and famous musician/singer worldwide, etc.
  2. Explain the context and directions to the students. Tell them you will be watching the music video of one of Juanes’ most popular songs “A Dios le pido.” Tell them that you will play the video through 2x. The first time through, you want them to follow along with the lyrics for general understanding of meaning. The second time through, you want them to fill in the blanks with the missing words. (Video can be found here )
  3. Once you have played the song through 2x, go through the lyrics and have students explain the meaning of each verse. Project the lyrics on the board and fill in the blanks as students give them to you (as they are explaining the meaning).
  4. Then ask the students to look at all of the blanks they filled in and see if there’s a pattern. If so what is it? Answer: All of the verbs they filled in were = subjunctive!
  5. Then instruct the students to turn to a partner and analyze and discuss why the subjunctive is used in each case.
  6. Review answers as a whole class.


College of William & Mary Foreign Language Education
